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Beautifully Mashed-Up Photos Show The Glory And Wreckage Of Detroit. Several years after the original Cass Tech High School in downtown Detroit was abandoned, a local photographer sifting through the ruins found decades of the school’s storied history in the chaos of what had been the yearbook room on the fourth floor.

Beautifully Mashed-Up Photos Show The Glory And Wreckage Of Detroit

In a cabinet that had largely shielded the trove from water damage, he found boxes and boxes of loose photos and developed film taken throughout the school’s life. Al--and this is not his real name--smuggled the images out over three or four trips and digitized them before turning over the originals to the school’s alumni association.

The images show students, in black-and-white, seated in the library, or, more recently, mugging for the camera in full color in front of their lockers. Al later returned to the school with dozens of these photos and an “elderly” Canon camera in hand, trying to produce images like this: 30 Satirical images created by Pawel Kuczynski. 10 Shocking Photos That Will Change How You See Consumption And Waste. As individual and anonymous consumers, it's seemingly impossible to even estimate the physical ramifications of our daily consumption and waste.

10 Shocking Photos That Will Change How You See Consumption And Waste

While our personal imprints may not seem in themselves worthy of alarm, the combined effect of human's habits and rituals is hard to look away from. Cell phones #2, Atlanta 2005 Photographer Chris Jordan works with the debris we as a society leave behind, photographing massive dumps of cell phones, crushed cars and circuit boards. Squished together in dizzying quantities, the discarded goods resemble hypnotic puzzles, abstracted color fields and hallucinatory fractals. Variaciones del Velo. La fotógrafa yemení Boushra Almutawakel explora, en su serie de fotos sobre el hijab, las diversas formas en que se ve y como afecta a la identidad y a lo que presuponemos sobre las mujeres que lo llevan.

Variaciones del Velo

" Comencé la serie sobre el hijab/velo mientras cursaba estudios en la escuela de fotografía, donde asistí a una lectura de la escritora feminista egipcia Nawal Elsadawi. En esa conferencia, dijo que creía que para las mujeres usar el hiyab/velo o nigab era lo mismo que usar maquillaje, en el sentido de que todas ellas ocultan su verdadera identidad. Pensé que era una fascinante perspectiva y decidí interpretarla fotográficamente". - Boushra Almutawakel. Completely Surreal Photos Of America's Abandoned Malls. Einstein’s Camera  — Matter. Magyar has lived in Berlin since January 2008, yet has had few gallery exhibitions there and doesn’t mingle with local artists.

Einstein’s Camera  — Matter

“The galleries are a bit punk, and my stuff is an engineer kind of thing,” he told me, brewing espresso in the kitchen, while his girlfriend, Zazi Porcsalmy, a Hungarian translator whom he has known since high school, served Christmas cookies in the living room. Although he has lived in Berlin for six years, Magyar barely speaks German, a reflection of both his immersion in other disciplines—“I spent the time here learning two computer languages, I didn’t have time for anything else,” he explains—and the detached-observer quality that permeates his work.

Portraits génétiques. Portraits of Doppelgangers With No Relation. Dec 17, 2012.

Portraits of Doppelgangers With No Relation

Femme Fatales: 35 Vintage Female Mug Shots. Following up from the Sifter’s original vintage mug shots post, this time the women get the ‘spotlight’ as these femme fatales pose for public records.

Femme Fatales: 35 Vintage Female Mug Shots

All of these intriguing shots were taken at the turn of the 20th century in New South Wales, Australia. These women were photographed right after their respective charges were levied on them, their crimes can be found underneath each mug shot. For example, Alice Adeline Cooke (pictured above) was convicted of bigamy and theft. By the age of 24 she had amassed an impressive number of aliases and at least two husbands. She was described by police as ‘rather good looking’. 2. Convicted of selling liquor without a licence. 3. Amy Lee was described in court as a ‘good looking girl until she fell victim to the foul practice’ of snorting cocaine. 4. Charged with stealing a fur coat. 5. Doris Poole appeared before the Newtown Police Court charged with stealing jewellery and clothing. 6. Convicted of murder. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 25 Vintage Police Record Photographs. The Historic Houses Trust in Australia has a forensic photography archive at the Justice & Police Museum which contains an estimated 130,000 images created by the New South Wales Police between 1910 and 1960.

25 Vintage Police Record Photographs

The Sifter has already featured a vintage collection of mugshots from this archive of both male and female criminals. Below we shift focus to vintage forensic photography which is used to provide an accurate reproduction of a crime scene or accident. Forensic photography is an integral part of evidence collecting. It provides investigators with photos of victims, places and items involved in the crime. Vintage Mugshots from the 1920s. The Sifter recently stumbled upon an incredible collection of vintage mugshots housed by the Historic Houses Trust.

Vintage Mugshots from the 1920s

Many of these intriguing photographs are also accompanied by a description of the person and the crime(s) they have committed. For example, the image above of Mr. William Stanley Moore was taken May 1st, 1925.