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S Hairstyle Trend – The 2012 Indie Cut. Laid Back Hair For The Renaissance Man One trend in men’s hair that has been quietly plotting a mini revolution for a while now is what some would call Brit Rock or Indie Hair.

s Hairstyle Trend – The 2012 Indie Cut

These easy to wear cuts are suitable for most hair types, capturing a broad range of both length and style. This is hair with shed loads of character and charisma, with few restrictions and doable on any texture hair – from super fine to thick, straight or wavy – so no one need feel left out. Which Finger Should You Wear a Ring On.


S Fashion Hats Guide. SS10 is full of hat-worthy trends which is why I am going to turn you all into a hat-wearing cult bigger than the old-birds at Ascot!

s Fashion Hats Guide

Hats, to the lesser fashion-literate, are an excuse not to be effed’ to do your hair. Booooo to you sir! “A man should look as if he bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care, then forgot about them.” - Hardy Amies Now that I have shamed you into my hat-wearing society it is time to cover the basics of ‘el arte de uso de sombrero’. – Just because I used a crappy translator which somehow conjured up the word sombrero, if I find any of you wearing one of those Mexican fancies you will be punishable by my hat-wearing court!

Literally translated it means ‘the art of hat wearing’.

Casual guide

Footwear. The Peacoat Guide: History, Sizing & Where To Buy. S Winter Fashion Hats. Winter is the perfect time to get away with wearing a hat – being as it is actually cold here in the UK and sometimes necessary in order to stop your head from freezing!

s Winter Fashion Hats

S Hats: The Driving Cap. Introduction Inspired by a recent reader request, today’s article is the first in a short series dedicated to men’s hats. As mentioned in our guide to dressing in your thirties, the hat can easily become a trademark of your personal style. However, many men still shy away from utilising ‘real’ hats on a regular basis – no, your trusty beanie doesn’t count – meaning that is can be just the accessory you need in order to make you stand out from the crowd. With this in mind, we will be going into great detail on the history, construction and styling of individual hat types – with the hope that by the end, almost every reader will have found his perfect topper.

Guide To Hats: Trilbys & Fedoras. The Return of the Fedora?

Guide To Hats: Trilbys & Fedoras

Playing its part in the resurgence of the pocket square and sartorial approach to dress, Mad Men and its protagonist, the ever dapper Don Draper, may well receive part of the accolade should the fedora make a return. S Fashion Tip: Beating the Rain In Style. Introduction Rain never fails to dampen the mood (as well everything else) and with it often comes a lack of creativity and spark, which can seriously dent both the level of consistency and effort you put into how you dress.

s Fashion Tip: Beating the Rain In Style

S Fashion Tip – The Importance of Planning. Introduction Preparation is the key to success.

s Fashion Tip – The Importance of Planning

We hear this all the time, in fact, I tell you at least once an article, but that’s because it’s true. Preparation really IS the key to success and it applies to almost every aspect of your life. For example, I have signed up to a mentoring program in which I will be the sole organiser of repeated, hour long sessions with fifteen first year students. I am, quite frankly, bricking it. Despite the difference in context, this principle applies just as much to our wardrobes, outfits and style as it does to my managing to keep fifteen first year students entertained and engaged for an hour. Good preparation can not only mean the difference between looking like a berk and looking mighty fine, but also whether you are too hot or cold, whether you stay dry or get soaked through or whether you have everything you will need for the day (planning your outfit doesn’t just mean your clothes). Getting Your Clothes Right. 5 Common Winter Fashion Mistakes.

Introduction Some of you might remember a couple of articles Alex Woodhall penned last year identifying a series of mistakes men made with their summer wardrobes.

5 Common Winter Fashion Mistakes

Needless to say, there were a few. But that was last year and during a completely different season. S Transitional Jackets: A Pocket Guide. Introduction As it gets colder, we dust off the cable knits and hoodies in a half-arsed attempt to keep warm, but the gloves, peacoat and scarves remain out of sight.

s Transitional Jackets: A Pocket Guide

This transitional autumnal period makes it incredibly difficult for us gents to secure a look that is both stylish and practical – the evenings are certainly sharper, but we don’t want to look as if we’re preparing for an alpine adventure. This, my friends, is where the humble jacket comes into play. However, with such a wide variety of pieces available, which one do we go for? The secret here is finding a jacket that suits your everyday needs, with enough versatility to make those precious pounds go all the way. Men’s Transitional Jackets The Denim Jacket This 90s staple has seen a resurgence in the last few years, and the denim jacket has never been stronger. Pros: Relatively affordable, casual, lots of varieties. The Leather Jacket.