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Impact of Inequality Bernstein. 1-23-14 Poverty_Inequality Release. 10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed. Marissa Alexander Now Faces 60 Years in Prison for Firing a Warning Shot in Self Defense. Share Marissa Alexander walks out of the Duval County Courthouse with her lawyers (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Bob Mack)

Marissa Alexander Now Faces 60 Years in Prison for Firing a Warning Shot in Self Defense

Obama’s Treason in Benghazi. What exactly happened at the U.S. consulate and nearby CIA annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012? We now know that dozens of CIA operatives at the CIA Annex who survived the second attack have been shuffled around the country living under assumed names, forbidden to talk to the press; forbidden to talk to Congress, and are given monthly polygraph tests to ensure that they keep their mouths shut. Despite the Obama regime’s gag order on these CIA agents, the truth—or at least part of the truth—has come out. Dozens of the al-Qaeda offshoot Ansar al-Sharia stormed the consulate with AK-47s and RPGs. The so-called consulate security detail, the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, also tied to al-Qaeda, immediately melted away into the night, leaving the consulate defenseless.

The CIA Annex personnel, including former SEAL Tyrone Woods, requested authorization to help the consulate under attack but were given orders to stand down. Special Operations Command Africa commander Lt. Can Venezuela's socialist government survive wave of protests? Demonstrators destroy a bank sign during a protest against the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in Caracas on Sunday, April 20.

Can Venezuela's socialist government survive wave of protests?

For months, protesters unhappy with Venezuela's economy and rising crime have been at odds with security forces. Police officers shield themselves from fireworks thrown by protesters in Caracas on April 20. A man helps an injured demonstrator in Caracas on April 20. A masked protester watches clashes with the Bolivarian National Police in Caracas on Thursday, April 17. A police officer runs from a fire set off by a Molotov cocktail thrown by protesters in Caracas on April 17. A masked anti-government demonstrator throws a tear gas canister back at Bolivarian National Police during clashes in Caracas on Saturday, April 12. A protester shouts for fellow demonstrators to not attack the Bolivarian National Police troops trapped under a highway with protesters during clashes on April 12.

Riot police shoot tear gas during the March 22 protest.

What if all the lights go out?

5 Reasons the Miami Heat Won't Win the 2014 NBA Finals. Opinion: Time to stop child marriage in Yemen. Former child-bride Nujud Mohammed Ali made headlines in 2008 when, at the age of 8, she was granted a divorce after her unemployed father forced her into an arranged marriage with a man twenty years her senior.

Opinion: Time to stop child marriage in Yemen

Campaigners in Yemen want law against child marriage in the countryAround one third of girls married before they are 18, according to the UNNawal Ba Abbad says younger marriage leads to more complications during childbirthSome girls are sent into arranged marriages as young as 9 years old Editor's note: Dr Nawal Ba Abbad is a doctor from Sanaa, Yemen, who in partnership with White Ribbon Alliance Yemen has campaigned tirelessly for a law against child marriage in her country. (CNN) -- Throughout my career as a doctor I have traveled from the mountains of Yemen to its deserts.

I have seen first hand what happens when children give birth to children. I have seen the tombstones of girls who died too young because they married too young. Knowledge.wharton.upenn. The day after former Senator George Mitchell released his damning report on performance-enhancing drugs in Major League Baseball last December, President George Bush, a former baseball-team owner himself, seemed to speak for many disgusted fans when he pronounced, “Steroids have sullied the game.”


The Mitchell Report fingered 89 professional ball players, but many of these allegations were nothing new for baseball watchers. Game of Shadows, a 2006 exposé by a pair of investigative journalists, and Juiced, a 2005 tell-all memoir by player José Canseco, described a world of professional baseball rife with performance-enhancing drug abuse. The ongoing scandal, which first surfaced in the late 1990s, has bubbled on for a decade, leading commentators to label it the “steroids era.” With fans aware of such egregious bad behavior, why has attendance at Major League Baseball games reached record-breaking highs during that same time period?

North Korea, China slam U.N. human rights report. Warning: Graphic.

North Korea, China slam U.N. human rights report

In these chilling drawings released to the United Nations, former North Korean prisoner Kim Kwang-Il details torture methods he witnessed during his time in captivity. In this position, called "pigeon torture," Kim says he was beaten on the chest until he vomited blood. Text: "Scale, airplane, motorcycle. " According to UN reports, Kim says he had to stay in painful stress positions with arms extended until he collapsed out of exhaustion.

The Simple Truth About Gun Control. Why do liberals have so much hate for black conservatives? Have you heard the news?

why do liberals have so much hate for black conservatives?

Condoleezza Rice lacks “moral authority.” She fails to meet the standards of “exemplary citizenship” and she does not have what it takes to “inspire” graduating college seniors. That crazy thinking comes from the New Brunswick Faculty Council of Rutgers University. Ukraine crisis, Putin remind us that Cold War was only on vacation. The Crimea is lost.

Ukraine crisis, Putin remind us that Cold War was only on vacation

The challenge now is to avoid a wider conflict with a Russia bent on absorbing more territory and extending its influence farther into Eastern Europe. To avoid feeding Russia’s appetite for lost empire or a hot war, European and U.S. leaders must embrace expensive and politically tough economic and defense choices. President Obama urges Mahmoud Abbas to keep peace process on course - Jennifer Epstein. President Barack Obama urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to continue working toward a framework for Mideast peace talks as the two met at the White House on Monday.

President Obama urges Mahmoud Abbas to keep peace process on course - Jennifer Epstein

“Now is the time for not just the leaders of both sides but the peoples” to come together and “move forward in a new spirit of cooperation and compromise,” Obama said in the Oval Office at the start of their meeting, which comes ahead of a late-April deadline to develop a framework for peace talks. Continue Reading. Quoting bill.