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Mesh Networking

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AWMN Portal - The Front Page. A Wireless Network for 'Little Lhasa' Kategorie:English – For Freifunk/Google Summer of Code, please check out our Ideas or documentation at GSoC.

Kategorie:English –

Freifunk (German for Free Radio) is an initiative to support the development of tools for free mesh networks. Besides that the initiative supports communities developing know-how to set up their own networks. Netsukuku Community. SMesh. Netsukuku. Basic idea[edit] Netsukuku aims to build a fully distributed network that does not rely on single points of failure as the actual Internet.


The main idea is to build a system that can be built and be maintained autonomously. It is designed to handle a very large number of nodes with minimal CPU and memory resources. OpenWrt. LifeNet: About LifeNet. Introduction In the wake of major disasters, the failure of existing communications infrastructure and the subsequent lack of an effective communication solution results in increased risk, inefficiencies, damage and casualties.

LifeNet: About LifeNet

Current options such as satellite communication are expensive and have limited functionality. Planning a Decentralized Mesh Wi-Fi Network. Project Kleinrock - OmegaSDG Project Wiki. 16+ Projects & Initiatives Building Ad-Hoc Wireless Mesh Networks. Practical Wireless Mesh Networks and Their Applications. DIY Mesh Guide - WirelessAfrica.

Building a Rural Wireless Mesh Network A do-it-yourself guide to planning and building a Freifunk based mesh network About The Guide Building a Rural Wireless Mesh Network Reliable, affordable and easy access to telecommunication services for all has been identified as key to social and economic development in Africa.

DIY Mesh Guide - WirelessAfrica

Self-provisioning and community ownership of low cost, distributed infrastructure is becoming a viable alternative to increase the penetration of telecommunication services in rural Africa. The Information Revolution - mesh networking hardware and software. Mesh Network Hardware Giveaway. Sagrad, Inc. announces a free hardware giveaway in support of mesh network research.

Mesh Network Hardware Giveaway

By eliminating one of the largest costs in testing mesh network performance, Sagrad, Inc. seeks to accelerate development of complex mesh system designs. Testing mesh network software without a large number of sensors limits the ability to take research from theory to practice. Because Sagrad, Inc. specializes in hardware development, a ready made platform will be provided in order to contribute to this exciting new area.

Meraki Cooks Up Wireless Mesh Router: Tech News and Analysis « Open Source Mesh Networking, links to Batman, Robin, OLSR, This is a space for links related to the Open Source Mesh project to be placed.

Open Source Mesh Networking, links to Batman, Robin, OLSR,

Please provide the link followed by a short description * RO.B.IN opensource Mesh Network Forum .... new forum ....join us if you want to talk Robin/Batman or Robin/OLSR. Our own opensourcemesh at google chat is still available for all open source mesh chat if you want to talk more on a 1 to 1 personal level and our skype line is always open if you want to join us as we iron out any day to day hiccups... * Wi-viz Running on a Linksys WRT54G or compatible router powered by the excellent Linux firmware OpenWRT, Wi-viz places the wireless apparatus into a special monitor mode that doesn't interfere with the operation of the router.

Here it sits, calmly examining all wireless packets coming into the interface, extracting valuable information about the surrounding wireless infrastructure. * X-Wrt webif2 is a set of packages and patches to enhance the end user experience of OpenWrt. OpenSourceMesh. Avec Open Mesh les humains sont les routeurs (et sauvent les révolutions) Ayant tiré ses propres conclusions de la révolte tunisienne, l’Égypte décida, le 28 janvier dernier, de couper Internet pour neutraliser les moyens de communication et ainsi contrecarrer les manifestations anti-Moubarak.

Avec Open Mesh les humains sont les routeurs (et sauvent les révolutions)

Et tout d’un coup, ce qui était un extraordinaire avantage devint une formidable faiblesse. Comment faire dès lors pour se prémunir d’une telle décision radicale et continuer à assurer l’un des droits de plus en plus fondamental de ce nouveau millénaire ? Comme pour la Freedom Box, une piste de solution est à rechercher du côté du réseau maillé avec l’originalité de jouer nous-mêmes le rôle de routeurs Internet[1] « L’idée fondatrice d’OpenMesh est que nous puissions utiliser de nouvelles techniques pour créer un réseau Internet secondaire dans les pays comme la Libye, la Syrie, l’Iran, la Corée du Nord et d’autres régimes répressifs dans lesquels les citoyens ne peuvent pas communiquer librement. Open Mesh Project - Don't let governments shut down the Internet. B.A.T.M.A.N. ROBIN OSS mesh network. ROBIN (ROuting Batman Inside) is an Open Source mesh network project, developed on top of OpenWRT kamikaze, running on any Atheros AP51 routers such as Meraki Mini or La Fonera and using the BATMAN routing algorithm.

ROBIN OSS mesh network

View topic - Large scale batman mesh with ubiquiti pico2. Wi-Fi pirate radio. When technology becomes cheap enough to be effectively disposable, interesting things happen.

Wi-Fi pirate radio

Lithium batteries, rare earth magnets and high-intensity LEDs are all pretty young technologies. But all of them are also now cheap enough that people with a few spare bucks can combine all three into cheerful little rainbow-coloured magnetic fireflies - "LED throwies". Throwies still cost around 50 cents each, even when you buy your batteries, LEDs and magnets in bulk. Real-Time Deployment of Mesh Networks. Overview The goal of real-time deployment is the rapid establishment of a wireless mesh network to support communications in hard-to-reach areas.

Real-Time Deployment of Mesh Networks

Intended applications are primarily emergency response communications in areas where traditional wireless solutions are problematic: inside large buildings, underground tunnels and mines, and urban canyons. Beyond two-way communications, ancillary services may include location tracking of emergency responders, environmental sensing, and physiological sensing of responders. Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi - Green Living, Environment. Its surprise ruling – the most damning made by any government on the fast-growing technology – will shake the industry and British ministers, and vindicates the questions that The Independent on Sunday has been raising over the past four months.

And Germany's official radiation protection body also advises its citizens to use landlines instead of mobile phones, and warns of "electrosmog" from a wide range of other everyday products, from baby monitors to electric blankets. The German government's ruling – which contrasts sharply with the unquestioning promotion of the technology by British officials – was made in response to a series of questions by Green members of the Bundestag, Germany's parliament. The Environment Ministry recommended that people should keep their exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi "as low as possible" by choosing "conventional wired connections".

Nicolas Kayser-Bril: #uutisraivaaja: Naapurisop... Wireless mesh network. Diagram showing a possible configuration for a wireless mesh network, connected upstream via a VSAT link (click to enlarge) History[edit] Network structures[edit] Architecture[edit] O.L.S.R. OLSR (FR) OLSR / Généralités Le protocole de routage OLSR (Optimized link state routing protocol), soumis au groupe MANET de l'IETF, est, comme son nom l'indique, un protocole à état de lien optimisé.

C'est un protocole de routage proactif au niveau IP. OLSR offre des routes optimales en termes de nombre de sauts dans le réseau. Z.R.P.


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