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COVID-19 : L'ÉTAT DONNE 20 MILLIARDS AUX POLLUEURS. Obama delayed regulations until after the election, but that’s just a symptom of the problem. Did the Obama administration delay the process of issuing public health and safety regulations until after the president was reelected?

Obama delayed regulations until after the election, but that’s just a symptom of the problem

That’s the attention-grabbing accusation reported Sunday in The Washington Post and in a new report from the Administrative Conference of the United States, a federal agency that advises on regulatory issues. Both the ACUS report and the Post article are based on anonymous interviews with current and former administration officials. The allegations, if true, suggest that the Obama administration meddled in the bureaucratic rule-making process and allowed the public to be left in danger from unsafe pollutants out of fear that political blowback would damage Obama’s chances in 2012. On the record, environmentalists and even industry opponents of regulation say rule-making notably slowed down in 2012. The Post reports: And so expediting the rule-making process will require rebalancing the whole system, putting the emphasis back on protection of the public.

Censure - Quand les multinationales utilisent le droit pour faire taire leurs critiques. Dimanche 15 décembre 2013 7 15 /12 /Déc /2013 14:26 Censure - Quand les multinationales utilisent le droit pour faire taire leurs critiques L'attaque n'est-elle pas la meilleure des défenses ?

Censure - Quand les multinationales utilisent le droit pour faire taire leurs critiques

Face aux voix critiques qui mettent en lumière les atteintes aux droits occasionnées par leurs activités, de plus en plus d'entreprises répondent en leur intentant des procès. Dans son bilan annuel sur la responsabilité juridique des multinationales, le Centre de ressources sur les entreprises et les droits humains attire l'attention sur le phénomène des « procès stratégiques » initiés par les grandes entreprises pour faire pression sur les militants ou les syndicalistes qui dénoncent leurs agissements.

Une pratique qui concerne aussi certains groupes français. © Liana Lopez/FlickrSiège de Chevron à Houston Poursuites (ou menaces de poursuites) contre des militants syndicaux, des lanceurs d'alerte, des activistes locaux, des journalistes ou des auteurs d'ouvrages... About Us. Born out of an audacious idea that halting the deadly marketing practices of the world’s largest food corporation, Nestlé, could save the lives of millions of newborns, we were then – and are still – at the forefront of the movement to challenge corporate abuse.

About Us

For 35 years, we have been waging and winning bold campaigns that safeguard public health, human rights, and the environment from corporate abuse. Corporate Accountability International is Powered by tens of thousands of members, volunteers, activists and allied organizations invested in a vision for a better worldHighly regarded as a force for change among national decision makers and global governing bodies such as the United NationsAn expert resource for mediaA recognized leader in the corporate accountability movement "Corporations may have enormous political and economic clout and fleets of high-paid lobbyists at their disposal, but they're up against a much more powerful force: the people.

" Mission: Stop corporate abuse. St. Louis continues to say NO to Veolia. Breaking update: Victory!

St. Louis continues to say NO to Veolia

On Tuesday, October 30, Mayor Slay's office announced Veolia is withdrawing from its contract. Congratulations to Corporate Accountability International members, Dump Veolia coalition partners and St. Louis residents for the quick mobilization and success in keeping St. Louis water under public control. In its attempt to expand across the U.S., global water corporation Veolia is lobbying and making backroom deals to secure consulting contracts that give the corporation a foot in the door in cities’ public water systems. In July, Dump Veolia turned out hundreds of residents in packed public hearings. But we knew Veolia would not just give up on the contract -- and now, St. Last week’s breaking news exposes the depth of Veolia’s political interference and shows how determined St. Wednesday, Oct. 16: The St. Take action!

If you live in or near St. Taking on Veolia in Boston. Le «devoir de vigilance» des multinationales risque d'être enterré - Page 2.