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Insect farming patents

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Patente CN101507423A - Superworm factory scale cultivation method - Google Patentes. 大麦虫工厂化规模养殖方法 Barley insects industrial scale farming methods 技术领域 Technology 本发明涉及一种昆虫的养殖方法,具体的说是大麦虫工厂化规模养殖方法。

Patente CN101507423A - Superworm factory scale cultivation method - Google Patentes

The present invention relates to an insect farming methods, specifically barley insects industrial scale farming methods. 背景技术 BACKGROUND 大麦虫在昆虫分类学上隶属于鞘翅目,拟步行甲科,粉甲属。 养成份高居各类活体动物蛋白饲料之首,被誉为"蛋白质词料宝库", 国内外著名动物园都用其作为繁育名贵珍禽和水生动物的肉食词料之 Develop all kinds of live animals were highest protein feed in the first, known as the "word of protein material treasure", famous zoos are used as breeding rare and precious material of aquatic carnivorous word 一。 满足不断扩大的市场需求。 本发明的目的是提供大麦虫工厂化规模养殖方法,该方法能大规模的提高大麦虫的产量,本发明解决其技术问题所采用的技术方案是这样实现的:实现大麦虫的工厂化规模生产,必须解决以下几个方面的问题:(1)良种选育与培育;(2)饲料;(3)饲养器具;(4)环境条件控制;(5)防疫;(6)养殖流程及其参数的确定。 L.良种选育与培育:在任何养殖业或种植业中,品种对生产的效应都是巨大的。 质量与蛹化数量,正常情况下把筛选出的种幼虫统一喂养在一个饲养盒中, Quality and quantity pupate under normal circumstances, to filter out the kind of unity feeding larvae feeding in a box, 化成的蛹的体格也会较大对以后的交配、产卵都有着积极的作用。

好坏直接关系到大麦虫成虫的产卵质量与数量。 的周期问题。 厂化生产的关键所在。 2. 的。 围。 Patente WO2013005882A1 - Indoor artificial breeding method of termite - Google Patentes. [Invention Title] INDOOR ARTIFICIAL BREEDING METHOD OF TERMITE [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a method of rearing termites indoors, and more particularly, to a method of efficiently rearing termites indoors by using a culturing container under predetermined conditions.

Patente WO2013005882A1 - Indoor artificial breeding method of termite - Google Patentes

[Background Art] Cultural assets around us may be classified according to materials into metallic, stone, wood, paper, fiber cultural assets, etc. Such cultural assets may be variously damaged with time according to the material properties and preservation conditions of the cultural assets. In the case where cultural assets are damaged by biological attacks, particularly, insects, materials of the cultural assets are eaten. Insects harmful to wood, paper, and fiber cultural assets include: isoptera, coleoptera, thysanura, blattaria, hymenoptera, and psocoptera. Termites (e.g., Reticulitermes speratus) are social insects living in colonies and having social classes starting from queen.

Patente US2539633 - Device for breeding insects - Google Patentes. Jan. 30, 1951 A. w.

Patente US2539633 - Device for breeding insects - Google Patentes

MORRILL DEVICE FOR BREEDING INSECTS Filed Sept. 11. 1946 ATTORNEK Patented Jan. 30, 1951 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DEVICE FOR BREEDING INSECTS Austin W. Morrill, Glendale, Calif. Application September 11, 1946, Serial No. 696,226 6 Claims. This invention relates generally to the breeding of insects and more particularly to a breeding device which is adapted to accommodate a large number of insects in a relatively small space. While insects are often considered one of mans enemies, there are many species which are quite useful in controlling other species. It is therefore the major object of this invention to provide an insect breeding device intended to be used in the breeding of relatively small quantities of a particular species of insect in a manner that is economical and in the case of moths, free from the dust hazard. Figure 1 isa perspective view of the improved insect breeding device; Figure 2 is a vertical sectional view taken at 22 in Figure 1; I claim: 1. 2. Patente CN203181813U - Fecula and humidity reducing support of insect breeding tank - Google Patentes.

养虫缸降虫粪降湿度支架 Frass rearing tank drop down bracket humidity 技术领域 Technical field [0001] 本实用新型涉及养虫器具,特别是涉及一种养虫缸降虫粪降湿度支架。

Patente CN203181813U - Fecula and humidity reducing support of insect breeding tank - Google Patentes

[0001] The invention relates to insect rearing appliances, in particular to a rearing tank frass drop down humidity bracket. 背景技术 BACKGROUND [0002]目前:在实际饲养试虫的工作中,经常会因为养虫设备的不理想,造成食物发霉,饲养试虫生病或死亡,进而影响科研工作的顺利进行。 [0003] 随着绿色农业、有机农业理念的逐步推广,采用经济、高效、无毒、无残留,非常环保的方法来做饲养试虫工作,越来越受到人们的重视。 实用新型内容 Utility Model Content [0004]为解决上述技术问题,本实用新型提供一种结构简单、使用方便的养虫缸降虫粪降湿度支架。 Patente US20140020630 - Method and apparatus for breeding flying insects - Google Patentes.

The invention relates to a method and apparatus for breeding flying insects, more particularly flies, and still more particularly black soldier flies.

Patente US20140020630 - Method and apparatus for breeding flying insects - Google Patentes

The insects can be used as animal feed or used to breed larvae and pupae that are useful as an animal feed. Alternatively, the insects are used in an insect-based process for converting cereal byproducts such as dried distiller grain with solubles (DDGS), modified wet cake, and spent brewers grains to a high value feeds and natural oils for use in aquaculture diets and other agriculture feed products.

The invention provides a method and an apparatus that is useful in breeding flying insects. It has been found that the black soldier fly ((Hermetic illucens) larvae is able to convert low brewery and distillery byproducts into aquaculture feeds. The black soldier fly is an insect native to North America. In accordance with one embodiment, an apparatus for the production and collection of flying insect eggs is provided which comprises: Patente WO2009067089A1 - Automated insect breeding system - Google Patentes.

Automated Insect Breeding System Description Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an method and apparatus to breed insects used for controlling insects using sterile insect technique.

Patente WO2009067089A1 - Automated insect breeding system - Google Patentes

Background of the Invention The release of sterile male insects requires a huge number of sterile males to be produced in a controlled environment within a short period of time with reproducable results. Insect breeding - Buscar con Google.