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Low Complexity

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THEORY OF BEAUTY - FACIAL ATTRACTIVENESS - LOW-COMPLEXITY ART. GENERALIZED KOLMOGOROV COMPLEXITY. Visy's home. Majestic twelve (Multiplatform) MKULTRA (Javascript / WebGL) (watch online) Counter Intelligence Program (Windows / OSX) Stalker (iOS) Doctor (Atari 2600) TOM/JONES (Atari 2600) Saigon (Atari 2600) Sigils of Summoning (Windows / OSX / Linux) Tai Bao Capsule (OSX) bravo india tango sierra charlie lima uniform bravo (Windows / OSX) (core) (Atari 2600) Lasertime (Atari 2600) Self-affirmation (Commodore 64) 'Kojiki' - The Alternative Party 2007 invitation (NES) Tricade (Atari 2600) Gehirn (Atari 2600) The Faggot Demo of Happiness (Windows / OSX) Destination Within (Windows / OSX) Reunaviiva - The Outline'09 Invitation (Atari 2600) Quantum Disco Brothers (NES) Bror Holger Bertil Svedlin - Tribute to Ior Bock (1942 - 2010) (Windows / OSX)

visy's home

PELULAMU.NET! Viznut. Countercomplex It's already closer to an essay collection than a "blog", I think. From "Viznut's amazing discoveries" (My older online journal that was far more random and chaotic) 2007-12-30: I'm quitting.2007-11-01: New absurdist animation from Cyriak! Viznut. Viznut's amazing discoveries According to Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, we live in "the best of possible worlds". That is, our world is based on a minimal set of rules producing a maximal amount of "richness".

In computational terms, it could be described as a very short computer program that outputs highly complex patterns. The basic premise of a cosmological hypothesis called Digital Physics is that the whole universe is indeed digital and computable, perhaps something like a cellular automaton. The legendary computing pioneer, Konrad Zuse, was also a pioneer of this idea. One of my favorite scientists, Jürgen Schmidhuber, goes on to point out that, considering that our universe is computable, the shortest program that computes it is actually the one that computes every possible computable universe (with every possible set of physical constants and laws). One of the philosophical aspects I like the most is the relationship of "profoundness" with information-theoretical complexity. Wei Dai's Home Page. Digital Philosophy. IBNIZ. Ideally Bare Numeric Impression giZmo IBNIZ is a virtual machine designed for extremely compact low-level audiovisual programs.


The leading design goal is usefulness as a platform for demoscene productions, glitch art and similar projects. Mainsteam software engineering aspects are considered totally irrelevant. IBNIZ stands for Ideally Bare Numeric Impression giZmo. The name also refers to Gottfried Leibniz, the 17th-century polymath who, among all, invented binary arithmetic, built the first four-operation calculating machine, and believed that the world was designed with the principle that a minimal set of rules should yield a maximal diversity. Community: #countercomplex @ IRCnet See also a related blog post. Version 1.1800 (released 2012-01-04) Source code for Unix-like systems and whatever has SDL Windows executable Documentation Contributions Git repository (use latest git version for code contributions)

Countercomplex. Ville-Matias Heikkilä. Upload Subscription preferences Loading...

Ville-Matias Heikkilä

Working... Ville-Matias Heikkilä Uploads Play Related channels on YouTube EEVblog Iñigo Quilez Matt Sarnoff 256byteram lemmingiFIGation Летающие Роботы Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to. 13th root:13th root of a 200-digit number. LOW-COMPLEXITY ART. Leonardo, Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology, vol. 30:2, p. 97-103, MIT Press, 1997.


Note: this version's layout is quite different from Leonardo's original layout. Download gzipped postscript with better image quality. Print on high-resolution (600 dpi) printer, preferrably double paged on A4 paper (172 K, uncompresses to 1.1 M). Many artists when representing an object try to convey its ``essence. " In an attempt to formalize certain aspects of depicting the essence of objects, the author proposes an art form called low-complexity art.