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Using The Mighty Ames Lettering Guide. Oh, bedeviling Ames Guide!

Using The Mighty Ames Lettering Guide

How curious your strange shape, your myriad holes filled with murk and mystery. What–what?? –are you for?? This is the oft-heard complaint of people trying to figure out the wild wooly trapezoid that is the Ames Lettering Guide. Myself included! BUT the real find was a number of years ago, when my dad gave me the ginormous drafting table I use today, which he’d rescued from an architect friend who was looking to get rid of it. Comica. Alison Bechdel - Creating "Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic" About. Spider Monkey #1 $5, 36 pages, color cover with black and white interiors.

Seeing Eye Fraternity Brother. Top 50 comics. The Copacetic Comics Company. Koyama Press.

Graphic Artists' Blogs

Comic/Graphic Blogs. Autobiographical comics. Women in Comics: Kapow! No Women at Cons. In 2011 and in its debut year, Mark Millar's Kapow!

Women in Comics: Kapow! No Women at Cons

Comic Con was referred to as the Sausage-Fest Con due to the entire guest line-up being male. After fans started complaining noisily online, two women guests were subsequently added to the event. This year it seems history is doomed to repeat itself, with 40 comic industry guests now announced, and no women to be seen. Unlike the larger London MCM Expo the following week, Kapow! Heads Up: Image Comics Previews – April 2012. 2011: The Year It Was Slash Interns Are Awesome. Comix Recipes. Drawing Words Writing Pictures. DHARBLR.

6Qs: Alex de Campi, Comics Innovator and Provocateur. “We are not anywhere near the digital future yet with comics.

6Qs: Alex de Campi, Comics Innovator and Provocateur

There is so much exciting ground to be staked out!” Alex de Campi For someone known for pushing boundaries, Alex de Campi‘s bio is rather understated, simply noting that she has “written creator-owned graphic novels for IDW, Tokyopop, and Humanoïdes (in France), plus stories for Dark Horse and an issue of Batman that DC has yet to publish. The Scariest Comic Books of All-Time Archive. Email Based on YOUR suggestions, here are some of the scariest comic books of all-time!

The Scariest Comic Books of All-Time Archive

If you want to make a suggestion, e-mail me at (don't post your suggestions in the comment section). Click on the following comic titles for links to the pieces about each comic. Mark Alan Stamaty. The Art of Comics No. 1, R. Crumb. Robert Crumb asked me to say that he lives in Albania, to discourage would-be pilgrims from beating a path to his doorstep.

The Art of Comics No. 1, R. Crumb

He doesn’t, but his medieval hamlet is so far from the United States in every sense that it takes some perseverance to find, and upon locating it, I discovered that the streets of his walled village are too narrow to penetrate with even the tiniest French rental car. Art Spiegelman On The Future of the Book. In an era for publishing so utterly defined by the race toward digital, Art Spiegelman’s fixation with the book as an object has never once wavered—if anything, the years have seen his demands on publishers grow more complex, as evidenced by the 2009 release of Be a Nose, a collection of his sketchbooks published by McSweeney’s, all reproduced in their original size, and bound loosely together by a cloth band.

Art Spiegelman On The Future of the Book

This month Pantheon marks the release of MetaMaus, a Spiegelman-penned analysis of his Pulitzer Prize-winning, medium-defining 1992 classic, Maus, which finds the author once again reveling in the possibilities offered up by the format. This fact is immediately evident on the front cover, with a hole bore smack in the center, standing in for the eye of a drawing of Spiegelman himself as a cigarette smoking mouse. Mini Documentary: WOMEN in COMICS -ArtSync. Comica. Laydeez do Comics. Laydeezdocomics. ComicsCareer.Com — Essential Resources for Comic Book Creators. How to script a comic : The Webcomic Builder. The Comic Book Script Archive » The Scripts - The Largest Collection of Pro Comic Book Scripts on the web!

FULL SCRIPT: Chew #1 by John Layman. Debuting this week from Image Comics, "Chew" focuses on the stomach-turning adventures of Tony Chu, a federal agent who uses his powers as a Cibopath – one who gets psychic impressions from what he eats (i.e. murder victims) – to solve crimes in a possible future where massive Avian Flu deaths have made the Food and Drug Administration a more powerful government agency than the Department of Homeland Security.

FULL SCRIPT: Chew #1 by John Layman

I knew “Chew” was going to be a different sort of book, so when I started it, I knew I wanted to do a few different things. For one, I asked Image if we could solicit showing all five covers of the first story arc. Just Flinging Two. MegaCity Comics. Orbital Comics. Alternative Energy Revolution. The Invisible Hair Suit - One two tree. Thwipster: Daily Deals for your Inner Geek. Comic Book Review: ‘Batman Beyond’ #5 - Science Fiction, Sci-Fi and Fantasy. The Top 10 Greatest Batman Graphic Novels. 'Hush' artist Jim Lee's Batman Here we go, Batman graphic novels.

The Top 10 Greatest Batman Graphic Novels