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Brazil revelations are tip of iceberg on Canada’s foreign spying: U.S. journalist. More disclosures about Canada’s aggressive foreign spying activities are coming, suggests Glenn Greenwald, the American journalist revealing the top-secret documents acquired by Edward Snowden, the former U.S.

Brazil revelations are tip of iceberg on Canada’s foreign spying: U.S. journalist

National Security Agency employee and security contractor. “There is a huge amount of stuff about Canada in these archives because Canada works so closely with the NSA,” Mr. Facebook Preferences Predict Personality Traits. Every day, millions of people click on Facebook "Like" buttons, boldly declaring their preferences for a variety of things, such as books, movies, and cat videos.

Facebook Preferences Predict Personality Traits

But those "likes" may reveal more than they intend, such as sexual orientation, drug use, and religious affiliation, according to a study that analyzed the online behavior of thousands of volunteers. Your preferences define you. Researchers have known for decades that people's personal attributes—gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and personality type—correlate with their choice of products, concepts, and activities. Just consider the different populations at an opera and a NASCAR race. This is why companies are so eager to gather personal information about their consumers: Advertising is far more effective when it is targeted to groups of people who are more likely to be interested in a product. The Likes data are public information. The researchers used data from 58,000 U.S.

Indoor Location Technology Uses Wi-Fi to Track Shoppers. You’ve just tossed a jar of peanut butter in your grocery cart when your smartphone buzzes.

Indoor Location Technology Uses Wi-Fi to Track Shoppers

You glance down at the screen to see a message that seems downright clairvoyant: Buy some jelly. Get $1 off. Convenient? Certainly. Why The NSA's Secret Online Surveillance Should Scare You. The reaction to the National Security Agency (NSA)’s secret online spying program, PRISM, has been polarized between seething outrage and some variant on “what did you expect?”

Why The NSA's Secret Online Surveillance Should Scare You

Some have gone so far as to say this program helps open the door to fascism, while others have downplayed it as in line with the way that we already let corporations get ahold of our personal data. That second reaction illustrates precisely why this program is so troubling. The more we accept perpetual government and corporate surveillance as the norm, the more we change our actions and behavior to fit that expectation — subtly but inexorably corrupting the liberal ideal that each person should be free to live life as they choose without fear of anyone else interfering with it.

Put differently, George Orwell isn’t who you should be reading to understand the dangers inherent to the NSA’s dragnet. 2011 Stanley Cup Game 7 Canucks Fan Zone. The Government Is Spying On Us Through Our Computers, Phones, Cars, Buses, Streetlights, At Airports And On The Street, Via Mobile Scanners And Drones, Through Our Smart Meters, And In Many Other Ways. Take a Peek at How Widespread Spying Has Become Even now – after all of the revelations by Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers – spying apologists say that the reports are “exaggerated” or “overblown”, and that the government only spies on potential bad guys.

The Government Is Spying On Us Through Our Computers, Phones, Cars, Buses, Streetlights, At Airports And On The Street, Via Mobile Scanners And Drones, Through Our Smart Meters, And In Many Other Ways

In reality, the government is spying on everyone’s digital and old-fashioned communications. For example, the government is photographing the outside information on every piece of snail mail. The government is spying on you through your phone … and may even remotely turn on your camera and microphone when your phone is off.

Warrantless Tracking & Hacking

Saudi Arabia implements electronic tracking system for women. By Agence France-PresseThursday, November 22, 2012 10:54 EDT RIYADH — Denied the right to travel without consent from their male guardians and banned from driving, women in Saudi Arabia are now monitored by an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements.

Saudi Arabia implements electronic tracking system for women

Since last week, Saudi women’s male guardians began receiving text messages on their phones informing them when women under their custody leave the country, even if they are travelling together. Chris Smith again proposes legislation to block sales of surveillance, censorship gear to dictators. Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images Authoritarian regimes are willing to pay big bucks for the latest surveillance and censorship tools.

Chris Smith again proposes legislation to block sales of surveillance, censorship gear to dictators.

But a congressman from New Jersey is on a crusade to make sure tyrants can’t get their hands on American spy gear—no matter how high the price. Both sides in Syria use low-tech trackers - Middle East. Chinese Hacks Of Google Database Of Surveillance Targets Highlight How Dumb Technology Backdoors Are. We've argued for quite some time that law enforcement's desire to require backdoors for wiretapping in all electronic communications is really dumb, because it won't just be law enforcement using it (and, when they use it, it won't just be for legitimate purposes).

Chinese Hacks Of Google Database Of Surveillance Targets Highlight How Dumb Technology Backdoors Are

As soon as you have that backdoor in place, you've pretty much guaranteed that it becomes something of a target. And the news that broke earlier this week about how Chinese hackers who broke into Google servers a few years ago were targeting their database of which accounts had been flagged for national security surveillance makes this point that much clearer. The people doing this kind of hacking aren't dumb: they know that there are weaknesses where they can probe.

A few weeks back, a Microsoft exec had actually revealed that their own analysis of similar attacks on Microsoft's servers from China showed the same basic target and discussed the serious implications . GPS jamming: Out of sight.