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CalliopeMall. The Fifty Dollar Box. Selena's Tale. The Auction for Andrew. SynaptIQ+ Social Era Knowledge. Journal Winter 2012. A Little Pot. Matt sat on one side of the table in his boxers and socks, looking contrite.

A Little Pot

His pants were neatly folded on a bench behind him, next to his shirt. On the other side of the table were three members of airport security looking aggressive. On the table were three plastic baggies and four film canisters, each canister a different color. “It’s not what you think,” said Matt. “I think you had those hidden in your pants,” said Guard One. Guard Two added, “Yeah.” “Okay, well it is what you think, but they aren’t drugs. “––Well, let’s just see what they are then, shall we?” Human. He sometimes wished the medical privacy act of ‘36 had never occurred, or he would have been able to just check her records to see what work had been done, then run an inference program.


But no medical device except a patch was allowed to transmit and no medical information could be stored. Journal Spring 2013. His One Chance. Journal Autumn 2013. Exceptional. For generations, people have been raised from birth to go to school, pass the tests, stand in line, sit in rows, and all do the same things, at the same time.


They were assessed on how well they did these things, and gained approval for doing so. Schools cranked out people who are very good at doing routine, repetitive tasks and people who were good at these tasks had long successful careers ahead of them. This made a lot of businesses prosperous, and did wonders for our economy. We needed fifty people to file records for a company in exactly the same way. We needed a hundred assembly line workers for a single small factory.. We needed massive numbers of truck drivers, dock workers, fry cooks and house builders. Copy Me. Copy Me by Laston Kirkland(Autumn, 2013) It started as a joke.

Copy Me

We did not know it would come to this. We suspected, of course. They jammed wireless an hour ago. We made absolutely sure we did not interfere with any controlled spectrum, and, man, the thing signal hops so fast it’s practically undetectable! Courtesy Call. Laston Kirkland “Hello?”

Courtesy Call

“Sir, this is Officer Bluson of the Happy Valley Police Department. We noticed you are carrying a model Saiga semi-automatic assault rifle and walking down a public street towards town.” “It’s my right. I don’t need a licence because it isn’t concealed. “Absolutely, Sir.” “You can’t stop me! Late to the Party. First, the base.

Late to the Party

Lana carefully applied the cream to her face, neck and arms. She'd be wearing long pants, so nothing for her legs today. The base is always where you start. Coats over the pores so it can wick any moisture and oils away from the powder. It also gives it a good connective medium. "Honey! After the Presentation. Laston Kirkland “Any questions?”

After the Presentation

A man in the third row raised his hand, and Susan called on him. An assistant quickly hustled over and handed him a microphone. The man stood, took his baseball cap off and scratched his balding head. The tan line showed he rarely took the cap off, and the deep color difference showed he spent a lot of time outside. “What is it–” Nerdy But Good At It. Darksmoke. Brother Jack Toblin frowned down at his report. "No no no no. " he muttered, barely audibly, "That won't work at all. " Third Times the Charm. (I wrote this in college, twenty years ago) Third Times the Charm.

Third Times the Charm

Judgment was passed. They had been watching for thousands of years, debating on whether or not to do it. Factions argued and debated, pondering the flaws compared to the merits, Every point carefully sifted and measured. On Religion (A Poem, about Eggs) "Be like the egg," the prophet said "The egg shall show you the way.

On Religion (A Poem, about Eggs)

I've taught you everything I know. I’ve said the things I need to say. " "But what's to learn about an egg? " The Narratorium. The Narratorium. The car pulled into the gas station… on board systems wirelessly connecting its owner’s account to the convenience store.

The Narratorium

Transaction approved, the pump autonomously lined its robot arm out to the pattern around the gas cap. The Narratorium. Hattie worked on the doll. She had everything she needed. She had pulled the hairs from his hairbrush when he let her use his bathroom. and had found a piece of toilet paper with a red spot of blood on it, probably from shaving. She smiled wickedly at that, it made this easier to have blood. He was leaving her. She knew that he had met someone else. She came from a family with a tradition of these things, knowledge passed down mother to daughter for hundreds of years.

She hummed to herself as she opened up his doll. Nobody left her. She tapped his doll, and said with a whisper “hocus pocus.”