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Barki. Analyzer Results. The real you: Say goodbye to online anonymity - science-in-society - 03 November 2011. Read full article Continue reading page |1|2|3 Online anonymity may be a luxury we can no longer afford – and it's disappearing fast anyway.

The real you: Say goodbye to online anonymity - science-in-society - 03 November 2011

Are we ready to bare all on the internet? IN JULY last year, Orlando Figes, one of the UK's most eminent historians, admitted posting savage critiques of rivals' books on the Amazon website under the pseudonym "Historian" - alongside praise of his own. Gone Forever: What Does It Take to Really Disappear?  préserver son anonymat sur Internet. Fake Name Generator. Handbook for anonymous - Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau. South Korea to abandon “real name” internet policy. How to stop DNS leakage while using a VPN. The DNS leakage problem explained Whenever you type a domain name, your Internet browser contacts a DNS server and makes a DNS Query.

How to stop DNS leakage while using a VPN

Most Virtual Private Network providers fail to mention that while your connexion is encrypted using a VPN there is a high chance that a DNS leak will occur and your ISP will still be able to see what you are doing over the internet. The problem occurs primarily when routers and computers are set to use automatic DHCP, this can force name lookups to bypass the name server supplied by the active VPN connection and instead use the one supplied by your ISP which allows them to see the websites you visit.

Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere. Tor Metrics Portal: Users. Direct users by country: Download graph as PDF or SVG.

Tor Metrics Portal: Users

WASTE again: Downloads. Zuckers! Facebook Has Secretly Been Giving User Info to Cops - Technology. We've told you before that Facebook treats its users like products.

Zuckers! Facebook Has Secretly Been Giving User Info to Cops - Technology

That companies now exist to search for your Facebook account and tell your bosses your secrets. That people are quitting Facebook en masse. Now, there's yet another reason you might want to make the switch to Google+: Facebook has gotten into the habit of allowing police to scour users' profiles without their consent. According to a new report from Reuters and Westlaw, federal judges have granted at least 24 search warrants since 2008 allowing law enforcement officials to snoop around people's Facebook accounts.

Some of the warrants sought things as innocuous as status updates, but others gave access to friend requests, photos, event calendars and personal messages. Neither Facebook nor law enforcement is obligated to tell people when their accounts have been legally compromised. Even one case like this would be appalling, but records show dozens, and things are getting worse as more people join Facebook. The Freenet Project - /index. FiSH - Encryption for mIRC, irssi and xchat. Stunnel - multiplatform SSL tunneling proxy. SwissVPN - Surf the safer way!


Hard Drive Disk Wipe and Data Clearing. Anonymat – Acte 1 : VPN et HADOPI… et vous vous pensez anonymes ? Ce billet est le premier d’une petite série sur le thème de l’anonymat, des VPNs, et par extension, des attaques possibles.

Anonymat – Acte 1 : VPN et HADOPI… et vous vous pensez anonymes ?

Pour un plus grand confort de lecture, ce qui ne devait faire qu’un seul billet va du coup en faire plusieurs, ils auront un caractère plus ou moins technique. Le premier est une (longue) introduction aux bases de l’anonymisation IP… bonne lecture. /Greetz wizasys /-) Fallait pas me chercher… VPN par ci, VPN, par là, je commence à être blasé d’entendre ce mot utilisé n’importe comment et à toutes les sauces, et surtout d’entendre tellement de contre-vérités sur leurs vertus « anonymisantes ». Anonymat – Acte 2 : Les solutions d’anonymat tiennent-elles réellement leurs promesses ? Anonymat sur le Net L’anonymat sur le Net est quelque chose de bien trop sérieux pour laisser une place au hasard.

Anonymat – Acte 2 : Les solutions d’anonymat tiennent-elles réellement leurs promesses ?

Dans certain pays, il est le garant de la liberté de certaines personnes (journalistes, opposants politiques…), pour certaines personnes, une erreur et leur vie peut être mise en danger. Dans le premier billet de cette petite série, nous avons fait la différence entre la protection du contenu et du contexte. Nous avons vu que la protection des contenus passait par le chiffrement des données et que la protection du contexte, bien plus complexe, nécessitait un ensemble de mesures adaptées à des problématiques variées et qu’il existait une forte interdépendance entre ces mesures. Ce que l’on souhaite quand on parle d’anonymat, c’est bien évidemment une solution capable de protéger tant le contenu que le contexte.

Utiliser le wifi du voisin : sachez dans un premier temps que ceci est parfaitement illégal, à moins que vous n’ayez expressément été invité à le faire. DE(E)SU - Liberté Linux. Summary Liberté Linux is a secure, reliable, lightweight and easy to use Gentoo-based LiveUSB/SD/CD Linux distribution with the primary purpose of enabling anyone to communicate safely and covertly in hostile environments.

DE(E)SU - Liberté Linux

Whether you are a privacy advocate, a dissident, or a sleeper agent, you are equally likely to find Liberté Linux useful as a mission-critical communication aid. Download Liberté Linux 2012.3, released on 2012‑09‑01 (pick binary image for full functionality): Phantom - System for generic, decentralized, unstoppable internet anonymity. The Phantom protocol is a system for decentralized anonymization of generic network traffic.

Phantom - System for generic, decentralized, unstoppable internet anonymity

It has been designed with the following main goals in mind: 1. Completely decentralized. - No critical or weak points to attack or put (il)legal pressure on. 2. . - Direct technical destructive attacks will practically be the only possible way to even attempt to stop it. 3. Phantom, a system for generic, decentralized, unstoppable internet anonymity. : technology. System for generic, decentralized, unstoppable Internet anonymity. Alternatively, the people who wax lyrical for 60 or so pages don't understand much either, and are compelled to pad out their document.

System for generic, decentralized, unstoppable Internet anonymity

I remember seeing this a while ago, but I didn't pay much attention to it then, because punishing those who understand the problems with a lengthy verbose soliloquy isn't a good strategy for disseminating information. The other problem is that something 60 pages long without any references or citations beyond an occasional casual link to wikipedia, smacks of reinventing the wheel. This would be why he can go for 60 pages without mentioning known terms like "Cybil Attack", or "Onion Routing". This white paper smells more of bikeshedding - there was no code and right at the bottom of the document, you can see the caveat & apology "This white paper is in no way a complete protocol specification, far from it actually.

Generic, Decentralized, Unstoppable Anonymity: The Phantom Protocol - Powered by Google Docs. Phantom DEFCON presentation. Free Proxies: hosts the best cgi proxy servers on the web, for free. Fast, free, anonymous web browsing with Welcome to the Possibilium.

Tor Project: Anonymity Online. I2P Anonymous Network. I work for the US Government as a contractor. Anytime I visit something WikiLeaks\Anonymous related, I get this. : WikiLeaks. Denmark Police Wants to Ban Anonymous Internet Use. Should using the internet Anonymously be a thing of the past?

Denmark Police Wants to Ban Anonymous Internet Use

That’s what police in Denmark are hoping. They are currently recommending that identities be verified before someone is able to log on to the internet. But is it one thing to hope that internet anonymity be abolished and quite another to make it happen? There’s some interesting developments being pointed out by the Huffington Post. An article (Google translated, original) is suggesting that police in Denmark are hoping that internet anonymity be a thing of the past. How people should make themselves known to the as yet open, anonymous connections are still unclear.Working with the Ministry of Justice mentions various possibilities such as Social Security numbers, electronic signature or SMS solutions.The requirement will, however, according to Politiken be that a network user “will not have access to the Internet before the information about the person’s identity is registered and verified.”