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The Cover Letter - Universität Ulm. Nora szüts cv. Magyar Építész Kamara - BME - Alkotóhét - 2010. A BME Építészmérnöki Kara március 29 és április 2 között tartotta 2010-es tavaszi alkotóhetét, amelynek keretében az Urbanisztika Tanszék a harmadéves építészhallgatóknak a „Fedezd fel a várost!”

Magyar Építész Kamara - BME - Alkotóhét - 2010

Programot hirdette meg. A közel 200 diák a budapesti belváros utcáit járta és gyűjtötte a tapasztalatokat 10 különböző tematika mentén (Pl: A város a kollektív emlékezetben, A város felfedezése az energiáin, a fényein keresztül, A város felfedezése a magasból, stb.). Az egyhetes program bevezető előadásokkal kezdődött, amit vetélkedő követett. Ki talál több és jellegzetesebb tervezési és kivitelezési hibákat az egyetem környéki közterületeken? Százéves házak Budapesten - Alkotóhét by A BME 2011-es alkotóhete a Budapest100-zal együttműködésben valósult meg.

Százéves házak Budapesten - Alkotóhét by

Egy hétig hatvanöt építészhallgató dolgozott tizenegy száz éves házban. A hallgatói tablók letölthetőek a linkekre kattintva. Baross u. 74. 2. alkotócsoport: Bagdy Eszter, Bohonyi Imola, Gerzsó Szilárd, Krammer Aliz, Polyák Dóra, Szabó Tímea történeti tabló - építészeti ötlet Damjanich u. 58. 6. alkotócsoport: Farkas István, Gorzás Adrienn, Koválcsik Ágnes, Nemecz Regina, Ober Márton, Sófalvi Örs Ákos Déri Miksa u. 18. 1. alkotócsoport: Annus Zsuzsa, Hutter Mária, Kövi Zsófia, Mercz Mária, Németh Zsófia, Vass Éva. Corpus - A new sans serif type by ~akkasone on deviantART. CV inspiration. ↓ Skip to Main Content Svenska Resources Link: User profile on Pinterest CV templates On this page I offer free templates.

CV inspiration

Share: CV templates Templates Recent Posts. Adding your Work to an InDesign portfolio. Community Translation Your transcript request has been submitted.

Adding your Work to an InDesign portfolio

Adobe TV does its best to accommodate transcript requests. It can take a few weeks for the transcript to become available in the Community Translation Project, so keep checking back. Join the Community Translation Project Thanks for your interest in translating this episode! Please Confirm Your Interest Thanks for your interest in adding translations to this episode!

An error occurred while processing your request. Another translator has already started to translate this episode. Thanks for Participating! This episode has been assigned to you and you can expect an e-mail shortly containing all the information you need to get started. About This Episode Learn how to start adding your work to your InDesign CS6 portfolio and work with graphics, images, and text. 40 Most Creative Resume Design Ever Seen. Been a while since you dusted off your resume, added in your most recent work and gave it a facelift?

40 Most Creative Resume Design Ever Seen

Before you do that, check out these examples for inspiration. A well-crafted resume is a great way to stand out as a candidate, and it’s not the easiest task to balance form and function with the opportunity to show off your design chops. Have a look at what other designers are doing before you head back to the drawing board, and remember: a resume’s most important function is give a potential employer a good idea of your experience as quickly as possible. Design acrobatics are secondary to that. 1. View Resume Source 2. Creative Resume Example. Just so you don't think we're all talk, I thought I would share the resume I made (a while back) that is the impetus for much of my creative resume thinking.

Creative Resume Example

The Story Although not quite as bad as the current job market, In early 2003 I was on the job hunt in the midst of a post 9/11 market slowdown. To make myself stand out, I completely rethought what a resume could be. Borrowing Ideas The idea behind my resume came to me in the form of a small Ikea booklet that came in Dwell magazine.

Writing your resume - what not to do. It’s that time of year again and the resumes from graduating college seniors are starting to crash our office door.

Writing your resume - what not to do

What better time than now to have a little chat about them? What this post isn’t going to be a list of how to write a resume – according to Google, the search “resume+books” returned 81,500,000 hits so you newbies should start there. What I want to talk about is the “what not to do’s” and the other nuances within resumes – the information you can plant between the lines to tell the reader something extra about you. These are the categories that seem to show up in most resumes: Contact informationEducationObjectiveProfessional ExperienceSkillsHonors/ AwardsPersonal Interests At first blush, they all seem like reasonable areas of focus for one’s resume.

This is an important area on your resume – you want the job and people need to be able to contact you. Keep it simple and straight forward but include the dates of attendance please. See? Marc Anton Dahmen Architecture.