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Simple Membership Plugin - Membership Plugin. Booking System PRO (WordPress Plugin) Turn your WordPress website into a Booking website This Plugin will help you to easily create a booking/reservation system into your WordPress website or blog.

Booking System PRO (WordPress Plugin)

The Booking System will display calendars for users to see availability and book dates and hours. Booking System PRO is great for booking, make appointments or schedule Apartments, Bars, Babysitters, Boats, Cabins, Cars, Cars, Chefs, Cinemas, Clubs, Dance Instructors, Dentists, Doctors, Estheticians, Hairdresser, Health Clubs, Lawyers, Make-up Specialists, Massage Therapists, Music Bands, Nail Salons, Personal Trainers, Pet Care, Photographers, Pilates Instructors, Restaurants, Spas, Sport Coaches, Taxi Companies, Theaters, Villas … Extend Booking System PRO functionalities with WooCommerce Since version 1.9 WooCommerce compatibility has been added.

Admin Demo Admin demo User: demo Pass: demo Note: View Documentation & Help sections for instructions. Note This is intended to book anything anywhere anytime. Complete list of Features. WordPress Inventory Manager Plugin 0.4.0 Archives - WP Inventory Manager. WordPress Live Chat Plugin. Features Open Source One-time fee Install on your own WordPress and start to use it Very clean code Cute skin (fully customizable) Create your own operators Chat logs, of course More than one operators can reply the same user’s question Visitors can fill out contact form when all operators are offline Email notifications when visitor logs in chat (added in 1.4)Unlimited websitesTested with WordPress 4.1 Chat Plugin in Wild Anunter (Uses Classified theme) Reviews “After the one off payment for the plugin there are no other costs such as monthly fees or other pricing plans making it a great choice for those who just want an online chat solution with no additional costs.” – WP Lift Review In WordPress Themes Legenda (Responsive MultiPurpose) $55Sirens (Multi-Purpose Stylish Business Theme) $45Robust (Responsive Multi-Purpose) $45 Limitations.

WordPress Live Chat Plugin

Support » Weight/Country Shipping for WooCommerce. - Module de Paiement PayBox Wordpress Plugin Woocommerce - Module de paiement pour Plugin Woocommerce interfacé avec PayBox <big><b>en téléchargement</b></big> A qui s'adresse ce module? - Module de Paiement PayBox Wordpress Plugin Woocommerce - Module de paiement pour Plugin Woocommerce interfacé avec PayBox <big><b>en téléchargement</b></big>

Ce module s’adresse à tous les commerçants ayant souscrit la solution PAYBOX SYSTEM et s’appuyant sur la plateforme Wordpress avec le Plugin Woocomerce pour le développement de leur boutique e-commerce. Ce module est compatible avec toutes les banques en France, via un contrat commerçant VAD - Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC) - Les Banques Populaires - La Caisse d'Epargne - Crédit lyonnais (LCL) - Crédit Mutuel - Crédit Coopératif - Société générale - Crédit Mutuel - Crédit agricole - BNP Paribas - La poste - HSBC Liste non exhaustive, même si votre banque n'est dans la liste, Paybox système, pourra vous connecter à votre banque. * Si votre banque vous indique un autre système de Paiement, vous pouvez nous contacter en cliquant.

Passerelle de paiement Paybox pour WooCommerce - ABSOLUTE Web. Vous utilisez l’extension e-commerce WooCommerce pour WordPress et vous souhaitez proposer un paiement en ligne avec la solution Paybox ?

Passerelle de paiement Paybox pour WooCommerce - ABSOLUTE Web

Cette extension est faite pour vous ! Elle permettra à vos clients de régler sur votre boutique en paiement immédiat. Compatibilité WooCommerce : la passerelle est compatible avec les versions des branches 2.0 (2.0 à 2.0.20), 2.1. (2.1 à 2.1.12) et 2.2 (2.2 à 2.2.x). Nous sommes informés des versions majeures plusieurs semaines avant leur sortie et mettons à jour nos extensions en conséquence. Nous veillons bien évidement à la continuité du business de nos clients. Compatible WooCommerce 2.0, 2.1 et 2.2,Installation facile : notre passerelle Paybox pour WooCommerce est la première à ne plus utiliser de module CGI.

Banques compatibles avec cette passerelle : Crédit Agricole et sa solution e-Transactions (version Paybox),Toutes les banques compatibles avec Paybox. Paiements pris en charge par cette passerelle : immédiats, avec ou sans 3D Secure. WordPress Forms - Gravity Forms Contact Form Builder and Lead Data Management Plugin For WordPress. AI Responsive Gallery Album. Booking System PRO (WordPress Plugin) Turn your WordPress website into a Booking website This Plugin will help you to easily create a booking/reservation system into your WordPress website or blog.

Booking System PRO (WordPress Plugin)

The Booking System will display calendars for users to see availability and book dates and hours. Booking System PRO is great for booking, make appointments or schedule Apartments, Bars, Babysitters, Boats, Cabins, Cars, Cars, Chefs, Cinemas, Clubs, Dance Instructors, Dentists, Doctors, Estheticians, Hairdresser, Health Clubs, Lawyers, Make-up Specialists, Massage Therapists, Music Bands, Nail Salons, Personal Trainers, Pet Care, Photographers, Pilates Instructors, Restaurants, Spas, Sport Coaches, Taxi Companies, Theaters, Villas … Extend Booking System PRO functionalities with WooCommerce Since version 1.9 WooCommerce compatibility has been added.

Admin Demo Admin demo User: demo Pass: demo Note: View Documentation & Help sections for instructions. 2.0 beta changelog You can view the progress on 2.0 here. Complete list of Features. Responsive WordPress Slider. VIDEO GALLERY. Contus' Best WordPress Video Gallery Plugin has a whole set of utile features and options that make the product a versatile one.


In addition to the quickly visible options such as recent Videos, popular Videos and featured Videos, the plugin also has the ability to control the number and order of these videos from back end. Video Gallery Demo - Video Gallery Home Page -