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Meny - CSS 3D fold-in menu concept

Meny - CSS 3D fold-in menu concept

Building The Next SoundCloud - SoundCloud Backstage SoundCloud Backstage This article is also available in Serbo-Croatian: Pravljenje novog SoundCloud. The front-end team at SoundCloud has been building upon our experiences with the HTML5 widget to make the recently-released Next SoundCloud beta as solid as possible. Part of any learning also includes sharing your experiences, so here we outline the front-end architecture of the new site. Building a single-page application One of the core features of Next SoundCloud is continuous playback, which allows users to start listening to a sound and continue exploring without ever breaking the experience. Since this really encourages lots of navigation around the site, we also wanted to make that as fast and smooth as possible. As a basis for this style of application, we have used the massively popular Backbone.js. For rendering the views on the front end, we use the Handlebars templating system. Modular code During local development, we convert to AMD modules on-the-fly and use RequireJS to load them individually.

10 Social Networks for Developers Though the stereotipical developer might be a socially awkward geek, developers are among the most active users of social networks. They usually prefer sites that are community-driven and focus on quality content. Social networks are a great place for developers to learn from colleages, contact clients, find solution to problems and resources, and improve their own skills.In this post we compiled 10 of the most used and useful social networks for developers. There are other lots of other great ones out there, so feel free to share your favorites in the comment section. HTML5 Rocks HTML5 Rocks is an open source project from Google. Bettercodes is an open source community for developers to share their ideas and turn them into code that works.
