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How To Grow Your Own Tea. We have been hearing about the health benefits of tea for years now.

How To Grow Your Own Tea

Whether, black, green, or white, tea is a powerhouse of nutrients, antioxidants, and other compounds. And it tastes delicious and provides a little boost of caffeine and the comfort that only a warm beverage can bring. Numerous medical studies have found that tea contains compounds that exhibit anti-cancer properties. This does not mean that drinking tea will prevent anyone from getting cancer, but it certainly can’t hurt. Other potential benefits include supporting and maintaining weight loss, reducing the risk of heart disease, preventing diabetes, and lowering cholesterol. Before modern science could tell us how wonderful tea is, people already seemed to know. With the popularity of tea these days, it is not difficult to find it at any grocery store, nearly anywhere in the world.

茶壶源文件_茶包装_包装设计_广告设计模板_源文件库_昵图网 茗陶轩*宜兴紫砂茶壶现代紫砂壶*多年一款*冰片龙龟壶(非活动)-陶瓷-搜艺搜. 金品茗茶金品茶集-001-烟酒饮料图-中国品牌年鉴2004图库-茶壶 喝茶 娱乐 怡情. A Guide to Local Tea Shopping in Kunming. Tea seeds. George Orwell's 11 Golden Rules for Making the Perfect Cup of Tea. In 1946 English novelist and journalist George Orwell published an essay in the Evening Standard entitled "A Nice Cup of Tea.

George Orwell's 11 Golden Rules for Making the Perfect Cup of Tea

" For everyone who's ever believed there's an art to making a good cup of tea, you'll definitely enjoy Mr. Orwell's 11 "golden" rules for the perfect cup. Read the full essay below: Originally published January 12, 1946 in the Evening Standard. If you look up ‘tea’ in the first cookery book that comes to hand you will probably find that it is unmentioned; or at most you will find a few lines of sketchy instructions which give no ruling on several of the most important points.

This is curious, not only because tea is one of the main stays of civilization in this country, as well as in Eire, Australia and New Zealand, but because the best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes. When I look through my own recipe for the perfect cup of tea, I find no fewer than eleven outstanding points. English Tea: A List Of Dos And Don'ts Of The Perfect English Tea. Some might think that inviting a friend or two over for a tea might require less effort than a dinner invitation, but in Great Britain this isn’t always the case.

English Tea: A List Of Dos And Don'ts Of The Perfect English Tea

There are a series of ironclad rules that surround this ritual, which many consider to be more social than culinary in nature. It seems that it all began with the Duchess of Bedford, who first started the custom of having an afternoon snack brought to her room, along with a steaming pot of tea, in order to break up the long wait between noontime lunch and evening’s dinner. Which brings us to the matter of timing: only when served between the hours of 3:30pm and 5pm is tea a proper “afternoon tea”. Otherwise, it’s called “high tea” and resembles more of a real meal, with warm dishes served alongside the beverage. Let’s take a look at the rules. How to make a 'proper' cup of tea! Pu-erh Tea gives full of Health Benefits to Tea Lovers. Pu-erh tea has been touted for many years as a great weight loss tea because of its ability to help us burn fat and shed pounds.

Pu-erh Tea gives full of Health Benefits to Tea Lovers.

It loses your weight safety and can product your stomach. The best way to weight loss is to brew and drink pu-erh tea every day. China's Famous Teas. China's Famous Teas (中国名茶) or the Ten Great Chinese Teas (中国十大名茶) is a list of the ten most notable Chinese teas.

China's Famous Teas

The list varies considerably depending on the area where it is compiled and the current trend of tea consumption.[1] Compilation of top ten list[edit] Different sources cite different teas, but the following table compiles ten different such lists and ranks the teas upon recurrence.[2] Compilation of twenty lists[edit] The following table compiles twenty different such lists and ranks the teas upon recurrence.[3]

Chinese porcelains, History and Attributes of Chinese Porcelains. An important invention of the people of the ancient Chinese empires was porcelain.

Chinese porcelains, History and Attributes of Chinese Porcelains

It isn't one of their most famous inventions. Gunpowder and printing probably were, but porcelain was one of their main exports. It was prized for its beauty and durability. This article is about the history of porcelain and about where to travel to learn about porcelain and buy some art or souvenir pieces. Chinese porcelain was highly prized in the West and in the Islamic World even after Europeans found out how to make it themselves in the 1700s. Porcelain can be made so durable that Han Dynasty porcelain pieces that were made about 2,000 years ago still have the bright colors and translucency that they must have had then.

Nowadays, you can visit the ancient centers of porcelain making and buy some souvenirs or prized collectables to take home with you. DIY Milk Tea. So easy! How to Brew Tea. Thursday, Apr 19, 2007.

How to Brew Tea

How to Make Tea: 8 Steps. How to Brew Kung Fu Tea: 14 Steps. Gong Fu Cha - The Complete Guide To Making Chinese Tea by Daniel Lui. Download this guide by Daniel Lui as a PDF file here.

Gong Fu Cha - The Complete Guide To Making Chinese Tea by Daniel Lui

This guide will introduce you to the Chinese method of tea-making, called "Gong Fu Cha" - "Tea With Great Skill". Unlike wine drinkers who learn about vines and vintages, the tea-maker must make what they drink, which requires not just knowledge but skill in selecting and using their tools. With the information presented in this guide, one can progress quickly to an advanced stage of tea-making in this traditional and ancient art. When I first moved to North America from Hong Kong, local friends would invite me to their homes for tea. I would watch them bring out their large big teapot, throw in some tea leaves, add boiling water and let the leaves steep until the brew was very strong.

Gongfu Tea Brewing Method. 10 Reasons to Drink Tea. Popular in Food & Drink I start most mornings with a cup of coffee, but at heart, I am a tea-drinking gal.

10 Reasons to Drink Tea

Green, black, herbal — I love it all, and I usually drink a couple mugs of the stuff a day.