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Silent Streams? Escalating Endangerment for North American Freshwater Fish: Nearly 40 Percent Now At-Risk (9/9/2008 1:46:24 PM) Editors: Additional information is available at Nearly 40 percent of fish species in North American streams, rivers and lakes are now in jeopardy, according to the most detailed evaluation of the conservation status of freshwater fishes in the last 20 years.

Silent Streams? Escalating Endangerment for North American Freshwater Fish: Nearly 40 Percent Now At-Risk (9/9/2008 1:46:24 PM)

The 700 fishes now listed represent a staggering 92 percent increase over the 364 listed as "imperiled" in the previous 1989 study published by the American Fisheries Society. Researchers classified each of the 700 fishes listed as either vulnerable (230), threatened (190), or endangered (280). In addition, 61 fishes are presumed extinct. Animals that live in FreshWater ecosystems. Freshwater Animals. Beavers. Beaver Printout. The beaver is a large, semi-aquatic rodent with a large, flattened tail.

Beaver Printout

It is a strong swimmer and can swim up to 5 miles per hour (8 kph). The beaver can swim underwater for up to 15 minutes. Young beavers are called kits. Beavers live in forests in North America and in parts of Europe and Asia. Freshwater Animal & Plant Adaptations. Animal Adaptations Many plants and animals have adapted to the freshwater biome and could not survive in water having a higher salt concentration.

Freshwater Animal & Plant Adaptations

As this ecosystem covers a vast portion of the world, the animal life found can vary considerably.