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Origami Folding Instructions - Instructions on How to Make Origami. Origami Owl Folding Instructions - How to Make an Origami Owl. These origami owl instructions are fairly simple.

Origami Owl Folding Instructions - How to Make an Origami Owl

You can use multicolored origami paper to make realistic patterned owls. Made this origami? Hexagon from square. Hexagonal flower container :-) Tutorial :-) Beth's hex owl tutorial - folding the grid. Origami-crane-print. Waterbomb1.gif 700×1,021 pixels. Origami - Folding Instructions. Bestellformular_Papierdesign_Juli2012. Gato_roman_diaz. Cat_voyer. Origami Cat Face Folding Instructions - How to Make an Origami Cat Face. This origami cat is one of the simplest animals that you can make out of folded paper.

Origami Cat Face Folding Instructions - How to Make an Origami Cat Face

It is easy to customize the final look of the cat, to make it your very own. Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! Start with a square 6" x 6" (15cm x 15cm) piece of paper. Fold and crease it along the diagonal like so: The fold the left corner on top of the right, and crease the fold: Now unfold the triangle so it lays flat again. Now fold the top corner over towards you: Now flip the cat over. How To Video: Jeremy's Origami Tessellations Tutorial. Wolfgang flower - tutorial 1-b. Origami Tessellations. Falling%20Star%20Tato. Bat. The Whirlwind - An iPhone horn speaker and stand that fits in you wallet! In a deep "fit for infomercial" voice...

The Whirlwind - An iPhone horn speaker and stand that fits in you wallet!

"Have you ever found yourself in the NEED to share a video from your cellphone with other people, but the sound... was.. just to LOW!! The revolutionary WALLET SIZED Whirlwind Speaker and stand will come to the rescue! " He he, sorry I just couldn't help myself :D Joke aside, sometimes I have found myself sharing a video with family and friends, and yes, sometimes the volume is just a bit low. So, I started to think. Well, it turned out that I could. How does it work? And how does it sound? Well, in "get you wife and kids to listen to it" tests, it makes the sound out of my iPhone seem twice as loud and deeper. So, If you use it in a noisy place (like a restaurant) you will be able to hear you video, but without getting the next table to complain. Now, I'm including the "bone white" version of the Whirlwind, so that you can make your own versions (a steampunk version would look wicked)

Origami Yoshizawa Butterfly Folding Instructions. This is really another beautiful origami butterfly by Akira Yoshizawa.

Origami Yoshizawa Butterfly Folding Instructions

This is not his most well-known one but we love it just as much, maybe even more? Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! Origami Yoshizawa Butterfly Step 1: Start with a 6 inch x 6 inch (15cm x 15cm) square origami paper, color side down. Fold paper in half on the horizontal axis. Origami Yoshizawa Butterfly Step 2: Fold the top half to meet the center line. Origami Yoshizawa Butterfly Folding Instructions. This is possibly the most famous origami butterfly.

Origami Yoshizawa Butterfly Folding Instructions

It was created by Akira Yoshizawa who is the master of modern origami. He has many butterfly models but this is his most well-known model. This is the origami butterfly that was featured on Google's Doodle on March 14, 2012 which would have been Master Yoshizawa's 101st birthday. Yoshizawa passed away in 2005 but his legacy lives on through his many amazing models including this one. Origami Fortune Teller Instructions - Make an Origami Fortune Teller. I learned to fold this origami fortune teller as a kid.

Origami Fortune Teller Instructions - Make an Origami Fortune Teller

I remember having lots of fun playing it with my siblings and friends. I had forgotten all about it but there was an ER episode not too long ago where a kid in the show refreshed my memory of this childhood game. It's also used in the opening credits of Community, a tv series. Easy Origami Container Folding Instructions. This easy origami container can be used to store candy or paper clips at your desk.

Easy Origami Container Folding Instructions

Easy origami container is a traditional origami that is generally referred to as an origami sanbow or sanbo which is actually a Japanese offering tray or stand. Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! Easy Origami Container Step 1: Start by folding a blintz base. This is a commonly used base in origami and we've created a separate page for it.

You should have the following to start with. Easy Origami Container Step 2: Flip paper over. Easy Origami Container Step 3: Collapse the paper into a square base. Easy Origami Container Step 4: Starting from this step onwards, whatever you do on one side, you repeat for the other side so it's repetetive but easy. Bring the bottom tip up to meet the top tip. Origami Cup Folding Instructions - How to Make an Origami Cup.

The origami cup is easy to make, and useful too.

Origami Cup Folding Instructions - How to Make an Origami Cup

You could use it to hold coins, candy or yes, even water (though not for very long!). You can make it more water-resistant by making the cup out of foil paper. Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! Origami Cup Step 1: Start with a 6 inch x 6 inch (15cm x 15cm) square origami paper, color side down. Easy Origami Box Folding Instructions. Here is another variation of the origami box.

Easy Origami Box Folding Instructions

This easy origami box is similar to the masu or traditional box. Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! Zauberschachtel. Origami Lily Folding Instructions - How to make Origami Lily - Origami Flowers Folding Instructions. The origami lily is a classic and popular origami flower.

Origami Lily Folding Instructions - How to make Origami Lily - Origami Flowers Folding Instructions

Did you know that the lily family traditionally represented innocence and purity? Lilies can be found in a variety of hybrids and colors including yellow, pink, white, orange, purple, red and many others. Origami Lily with Stem Folding Instructions - How to Make Origami Lily with Stem. The origami lily is a classic origami and while it is beautiful, it doesn't have a stem and is not able to able to stand up. Here we make a simple but non-traditional stem so that you can display your origami lily. Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! We received requests from readers to make a stem for the origami lily so here are the instructions. Origami 8-Petal Flower Folding Instructions. We call this the origami 8-petal flower since there doesn't seem to be an official name for it. The first few steps are the same as folding the frog base.

We have a video to show how to unfold the paper and shape the flower. Sonobe-Primula. Origami Crane Folding Instructions. There is a legend concerning the origami crane. This states that if someone makes one thousand cranes, their wish will be granted. Crane-and-Flapping_Bird. Origami Heron Folding Instructions - How to Make an Origami Heron. The heron is a traditional origami design that will remind you of the crane. In fact they are often confused with cranes, storks and ibises. Herons generally fly with their necks retracted and legs hanging down. Made this origami? Origami Dinosaur Folding Instructions - How to make an origami dinosaur. Kids (and adults too) are going to love this one! But they will need some help to fold this origami dinosaur. This origami dinosaur was designed by Dr Stephen O'Hanlon (thank you!) And you can find his original diagram at Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page!

Origami Dragon Folding Instructions - How to Make Origami Dragon - How to fold Origami Dragon. The origami dragon is challenging but fun to make. It is not for begineers, but if you have made the origami bird base and the origami flapping bird, then you should be able to follow the steps below. Origami Dog Face Folding Instructions - How to Make an Origami Dog Face. The origami dog face is a simple animal that you can make from folded paper. It looks a lot like a dog with floppy ears. It's easy enough for kids to fold as well and they are sure to love it!