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Voices of History - Old Time Radio Shows - OTR. 6 Things You Never Knew About 'Ghostbusters' By Kase Wickman 06/05/14 Beloved comedy “Ghostbusters” celebrates its 30th anniversary of its release on June 8, and Vanity Fair has marked the occasion with a big, behind the scenes feature that every die-hard fan has jumped on.

6 Things You Never Knew About 'Ghostbusters'

The filmmakers and actors dished on the secret scoop of the cult favorite. No matter how many times you’ve seen the infinitely quotable movie, however, there’s always something new to learn. Ahead, the six most surprising things we learned about “Ghostbusters.” The Slimer Is Based On John Belushi Dan Aykroyd was originally writing the film for himself and “Saturday Night Live” buddy John Belushi to star in, but midway through the writing process, Belushi died of a heroin overdose. He does make an appearance in the final film — kinda. Sigourney Weaver’s Character Was Model Material Love interest Dana, played by Sigourney Weaver, was originally written as a model, but became a musician at Weaver’s suggestion. Bill Murray Will Turn Your World Upside-Down…Literally. The Wall. The Wall is the eleventh album by the English progressive rock group Pink Floyd.

The Wall

Released as a double album on 30 November 1979, it was subsequently performed live with elaborate theatrical effects, and adapted into a feature film, Pink Floyd – The Wall. As with Pink Floyd's previous three LPs, The Wall is a concept album and deals largely with themes of abandonment and personal isolation. It was first conceived during their 1977 In the Flesh Tour, when bassist and lyricist Roger Waters's frustration with the perceived boorishness of the spectators became so acute that he imagined building a wall between the performers and audience. The album is a rock opera that centres on Pink, a character Waters modelled after himself, with some aspects based on the band's original leader, Syd Barrett.

Background[edit] In July 1978 the band reconvened at Britannia Row Studios, where Waters presented two new ideas for concept albums. Concept and storyline[edit] Recording[edit] Instrumentation[edit] Most underrated songs by the most overrated artists. Songs for when you’re stuck in the friend zone… Requested by Big Teddy Bear · Compiled by BFFE Man, do I know the feeling. 01.

Most underrated songs by the most overrated artists.

The Magnetic Fields - “I’m Sorry I Love You” (69 Love Songs) 02. Badly Drawn Boy - “Disillusion” (The Hour Of The Bewilderbeast) 03. Music to find yourself and start all over again to. The Most Complete Pink Floyd Page. Everyone Arnold Schwarzenegger has ever Killed - Jokes. Top Ten List, Classic Rock, page 3. Keno's Classic Rock n Roll Web Site MORE TOP TEN LISTS(Page 3) * I feel I should mention Desmond Dekker's "TheIsraelites", since I forgot to list it in the poll when voting took place.

Top Ten List, Classic Rock, page 3

Now That's Nifty: 100 + Best American Sitcoms of All Time. I love TV.

Now That's Nifty: 100 + Best American Sitcoms of All Time

I'm not very creative , and I'm all sorts of lazy , so TV is a natural fit for me. Life is just easier when other people do the thinking for you. Some of the best TV are Sitcoms, or situational comedies. Sitcoms are a cornerstone of television . Gawker. Yes, or you can view it as he keeps his kids from having smartphones in lieu of actually taking an interest in how his kids interact with other kids...not looking over their shoulders 24/7, but just seeing how they treat others and teaching them to not bully other kids.


You can give your kid a smartphone and still be a good parent. I think he's chosen to manage one aspect over another. I suppose he could manage and observe his kid's use of a phone and hover all their social interactions but has decided not to. Lyrics, Song Lyrics – Monty Python and the knights of the Holy Grail[1975]

70's Television. 70's television 70's TV felt like a "proving ground" of sorts where cultures were being redefined and family-socio standards put on a waitng list.

70's Television

The 60's had paved the way for America to branch out, stretch, and push her creative notions to near limitless boundaries. Yet the experiments yielded dynamic results, and in the end, some of the finest television shows of all time were born. Sex in Film - Cinematic History. Sex in Film - An Illustrated Cinematic History: In the following illustrated compilation are some of the most significant, memorable, and influential films in the display of sex and eroticism on the screen throughout cinematic history.

Sex in Film - Cinematic History

The influential film milestones and their memorable sexual/erotic scenes are thoroughly described. Including portrayals of sex and/or nudity, these films were often considered quite erotic, groundbreaking, unique and/or controversial at the time and remain so today. Classic sex/erotic films and/or scenes throughout film history can be found in erotic dramas, erotic thrillers, sex comedies, coming-of-age films, romantic dramas, and many other film genres and sub-genres.