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6 Steps to Make Your Strategic Plan Really Strategic. The Secret to Building Resilience. The ability to bounce back from setbacks is often described as the difference between successful and unsuccessful people.

The Secret to Building Resilience

Resilience has been shown to positively influence work satisfaction and engagement, as well as overall well-being, and... An anesthesiologist we’ll call Jacob used to describe his job as “90% boredom, 10% horror.” With a few exceptions of challenging surgeries and managing a department of several hundred physicians and nurses, most of the time, Jacob’s role was routine. But that was before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since anesthesiology is not a specialty that can resort to remote “telemedicine,” Jacob and his team entered an overwhelmed hospital day after day. But Jacob didn’t break. The ability to bounce back from setbacks is often described as the difference between successful and unsuccessful people. But that’s not necessarily true. Jacob was also lucky in that his home was a critical refuge for him through this time. 7 Rules for Job Interview Questions That Result in Great Hires. It’s time to throw out the old list of interview questions that you’ve been using for years.

7 Rules for Job Interview Questions That Result in Great Hires

Websites like give candidates access to the questions that most large companies ask, and the answers that interviewers expect. Hiring the wrong candidate is... Some of the long-held ideas about how to conduct interviews are no longer accurate. For example, there’s no such thing as a surprise interview question anymore. With sites like, candidates can identify each of your likely interview questions and expected answers ahead of time. It’s not just surprise questions that are a thing of the past. So it’s time to rethink your interview questions with a focus on work-related questions that are harder to prepare for and to fake an answer to. Avoid easy-to-practice questions. Be wary of historical questions. Assess their ability to solve a problem. Identify problems on the job.

Evaluate whether they’re forward-looking. What Super Productive People Do Differently. Being productive is not about doing more, but about doing things in an efficient manner.

What Super Productive People Do Differently

To understand how some people manage to get a lot more out of their day than the average person, Amantha Imber interviewed them... In 2018, I came across a meme that was going viral on the Internet. It read, “You have the same number of hours in the day as Beyoncé.” I doubt that anyone became more productive or achieved greater heights as a result of these words, but it made me wonder: Do high achievers approach their days and their work differently than most people?

How do they become so efficient and productive? To explore this question, I set out to interview a number of rock star authors, musicians, entertainers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders for my podcast, How I Work. Four tips especially stood out. 1) Batch your meetings. Batch checking emails has become a common productivity tip.

Batching meetings, calls, or virtual events can be equally effective. Think about it. Ask an Expert: What Should I Do If My Boss Is Gaslighting Me? It’s nearly impossible to thrive with a boss who actively undermines your accomplishments, diminishes your self-esteem, and blocks your opportunities.

Ask an Expert: What Should I Do If My Boss Is Gaslighting Me?

In a perfect world, you could pack up and go. But in this economically challenged world, you... Dear Ascend, How do you navigate working for a toxic leader when you can see the direct impact of their behavior on your career? For example, if you work under a leader who is going out of their way to make sure you don’t develop the skills or experience you need to apply for a more senior role; a leader who takes credit for your ideas and hides information; or a leader who is an expert manipulator, uses reverse psychology to make you feel small and is unapologetic (unless they are in public)?

In other words, how do you work for a manipulative boss who is constantly gaslighting you? Sincerely, A Dear A, Nobody should suffer at the hands of a toxic boss. Gaslighting is a particularly nefarious form of toxicity due to its subtle and insidious nature.