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Margaret Morris: The new sharing of emotions. Laura Carstensen: Older people are happier. Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology. Stefan Sagmeister: 7 rules for making more happiness. Daniele Quercia: Happy maps. Don Norman: 3 ways good design makes you happy. Eve Ensler: Happiness in body and soul. Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling. Graham Hill: Less stuff, more happiness. Matthieu Ricard: The habits of happiness. Laura Trice: Remember to say thank you. David Steindl-Rast: Want to be happy? Be grateful. Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice. Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce. Nancy Etcoff: Happiness and its surprises. Michael Norton: How to buy happiness. Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness. Matt Killingsworth: Want to be happier? Stay in the moment. Stefan Sagmeister: Happiness by design. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness.

Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index. Daniele Quercia: Happy maps.