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Tutorial. Angular + Firebase is RAD. I believe that when developing an application feedback from the product owner is king.

Angular + Firebase is RAD

I try to optimize this feedback by delivering working features quickly and with as little ceremony as possible. Especially early on. This is one reason I have been so excited about rich client javascript frameworks such as Angular and Ember. They allow me to deliver near complete features with out ever touching the server. We can go from wireframes to delivering html with rich behavior added in by a framework like Angular fast.

For the most part I have been happy with this approach to rapid prototyping. This is why when I heard about Firebase I immediately had to investigate it. Firebase already has supported adapters for both Angular and Backbone. Getting Started Getting started is as simple as I can imagine. Building an App Not only does Firebase allow me to defer focusing on my backend. iPhone App Prototyping Made Easy. An iPhone App Wireframing Kit. Quick way to build prototypes for user testing. 22 Good Prototype and Wireframe Tools for Mobile and Web Design. Toolkits Wireframe and prototype resources are very helpful for designers when they need to create a mockup to show to their client in order to give them an idea of how their web or mobile design will look once it is designed completely.

22 Good Prototype and Wireframe Tools for Mobile and Web Design

With the help of UI design kits, wireframe tools or prototype tools, designers can quickly create mockups of their designs and can communicate with their clients more effectively. By creating wireframes and prototypes either for mobile or web design, designers can discuss in deeper detail with their clients about the different versions of their projects without investing hours. 22 Good Prototype and Wireframe Tools for Mobile and Web Design. Wirify – The web as wireframes. Wireframing, mockups and prototyping for websites and applications. With iPlotz you can create clickable, navigable wireframes to create the experience of a real website or software application.

wireframing, mockups and prototyping for websites and applications

You can also invite others to comment on the designs, and once ready, you can then manage the tasks for developers and designers to build the project. Works on windows, mac or linux with flash enabled browsers. Add, delete, rename multiple pages for your sitemap.Drag and drop components onto a resizeable page, link them or add hotspot links to other pages or external web pages.Upload, drag and drop your own images onto a page.Export pages as png, jpg or pdf. Invite others to comment on pages.Share editing rights with others on projects, so that they can modify wireframes too. Minimal wireframing tool - for free. Click and drag to draw Creating elements of your wireframe couldn't be easier.

minimal wireframing tool - for free

All you have to do is draw a rectangle on the canvas and select the stencil type that will be inserted there. You can do that by dragging your mouse across canvas and selecting an option from a pop-up menu. If you need to edit anything just double-click it. Super-minimal interface Instead of countless toolbars and icons that we all know from other tools and apps offers a clutter-free environment. Annotate with ease If you want to be sure that your message gets through you can always comment on your wireframe. Limited palette If you want your wireframes to be crisp and clear you should keep them simple. Smart suggestions is trying to guess what you intend to draw. The same goes for editing - you are presented only with options that are applicable for a given element. Wireframe websites and mobile apps You can choose from two templates: a browser window and a mobile phone. Useful tips. Episode 0.5.2 - Serve, RadiantCMS, Prototyping, and Design with John Long.

Rapid Prototyping. Webflow CSS Playground. Are Rapid Prototyping, Lean UX, and Agile Development Good for User Experience? By Janet M.

Are Rapid Prototyping, Lean UX, and Agile Development Good for User Experience?

Six Published: March 18, 2013 Send your questions to Ask UXmatters and get answers from some of the top professionals in UX. In this edition of Ask UXmatters, our experts discuss whether techniques such as rapid prototyping, lean UX, and agile development are making user experience better or worse. Each month in Ask UXmatters, our panel of UX experts answers our readers’ questions about a variety of user experience matters.

The following experts have contributed answers in this edition of Ask UXmatters: Q: Are techniques such as rapid prototyping, lean UX, and agile development making user experience better or worse? “There is both good and evil in each of these approaches.” “There is both good and evil in each of these approaches,” answers Michael. “As with any process or tool, appropriate use yields superior results.” “As with any process or tool, appropriate use yields superior results,” responds Robert. “These techniques are making user experience better,” replies Leo. Risks.