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Inline Editing

Facebook Twitter FresherEditor is a light-weight WYSIWYG rich text editor plugin that uses contentEditable support in modern browsers for in-place HTML editing.

Click on this text to edit right away! Features Supports all text editing features such as bold, italic, font size and font name settings, text alignments, links and picture insertion, and more Builds toolbar automatically. By default, all buttons are built. You can configure which buttons to hide Triggers 'change' event so you can perform action when html content changes Uses Twitter Bootstrap. Using Hallo.js with AngularJS. Recently I needed to create a dynamic list containing a lot of editable contents.

Using Hallo.js with AngularJS

First I was looking into Angular-UIs implementation of TinyMCE. It first looked pretty OK and easy but when I deleted something from my AngularJS model something strange happened: the DOM was modified but TinyMCE stopped working. I didn’t want to debug this further than making sure my code was fine. When thinking about an alternative I remembered the new approach of dealing with Rich Text editing: content editable. Click to Edit with AngularJS. Inline edit - entire section. Edit in place. Inline Edit /Scope. Nested Edit-in-Place Directive - tricky-scope-binding. Inline Edit - example. Inline editing experiment (public)