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Build back better

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A new world order with a shared future - China envisions a world order that is fair, equitable and just, built upon the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, mutual respect, and love for Mother Earth.

A new world order with a shared future -

As President Xi Jinping said in his address to the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda on Jan 25: "The problems facing the world are intricate and complex. The way out of them is through upholding multilateralism and building a community with a shared future for mankind. " As the world struggles to emerge from the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Xi's speech is a timely reminder that the world must stand united against the novel coronavirus, as it is humankind's common enemy.

Xi put forth the concept of "a community with a shared future" in his speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 2013. China envisions a world order that is fair, equitable and just, built upon the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, mutual respect, and love for Mother Earth. Build Back Better: The UK Coronavirus Recovery Campaign. BUILDING BACK BETTER - Build back better. To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism. The pandemic has brought into focus many of the vulnerabilities in our systems and institutions.

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism

But it also offers us a chance to shape a more resilient and sustainable world. Here's how businesses and policy-makers can start building the green and inclusive future we need. Thanks to the ongoing pandemic, the world is off-balance – and it will remain so for years to come. Far from settling into a 'new normal', we should expect a COVID-19 domino effect, triggering further disruptions – positive as well as negative ­– over the decade ahead. The wave of civil unrest that spread across America and beyond recently may be one example; it seems likely that the pandemic contributed to the context in which anger and despair boiled over into outrage and unrest following the death of George Floyd. The virus has highlighted many vulnerabilities – within businesses, supply chains, economies, health systems and political institutions – that will need to be addressed in the post-crisis world.

Melinda Gates: ‘Life will change forever… we will build back in a better way’ Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) launched three innovations around emerging technologies at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting earlier this week.

Melinda Gates: ‘Life will change forever… we will build back in a better way’

These include integrating tradition and technology for fermented foods for maternal nutrition, new approaches to integrating molecular surveillance into malaria control, and smart farming for small-scale crop and livestock producers. Melinda Gates, the co-chair of BMGF, spoke to Sanchita Sharma about innovation, livelihoods, and how coronavirus disease (Covid-19) will change the world. Excerpts from the interview: Four women won the Nobel Prize this year; three for their work in physics and chemistry.

Do you think women’s leadership in science is finally getting global recognition? I sure hope so, and I think the reason that is so important is little girls can only be what they can see. How else can science be made more exciting for girls so they choose careers in research, engineering and technology? Exactly. We need a vaccine. Bill Gates: How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Podcast Luisteren (PodNL): Wat is Build Back Better? - De Jensen Show #255. Building back better: A sustainable, resilient recovery after COVID-19.


Building back better: A sustainable, resilient recovery after COVID-19

Governments’ first priorities in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic have been to overcome the health emergency and to implement rapid economic rescue measures, the latter mostly aimed at providing essential liquidity and protecting livelihoods in the face of abrupt losses of income. As the health crisis gradually abates in some countries, attention is now turning to preparing stimulus measures for triggering economic recovery. This policy brief examines how these stimulus packages can create a recovery that “builds back better”, i.e. not only getting economies and livelihoods back on their feet quickly, but also safeguarding prosperity for the longer term. This means triggering investments and societal changes that will both reduce the likelihood of future shocks and improve our resilience to those shocks when they do occur, whether from disease or environmental degradation. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Policy Slogan “Build Back Better” Has an Interesting Backstory. : Ideas worth spreading. Build Back Better - Agrifood Supply Chain Advocacy Coalitie - IDH - the susta... Build Back Better: What Is It, and What Should It Be?