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Robert Wechsler's Stunning Geometric Sculptures Created By Linking Coins - Beautiful. These incredible coin sculptures were created by artist Robert Wechsler, who was commissioned by The New Yorker to create this work for their October 14th “Money” themed issued.

Robert Wechsler's Stunning Geometric Sculptures Created By Linking Coins - Beautiful

Wechsler’s coin designs are crafted with money from varying countries of origin into geometric, fractal-like shapes. These shapes were created using a jeweler’s saw to cut out notches in the metal and then linked together with other coins. Wechsler has used coins for some of his past work, and most of his sculptures are created with objects from life’s seeming mundanity, like fingerprints, schooldesks, snails, a toaster, and an iron. Wechsler writes, “Comfortably accustomed to everyday objects and spaces, we are blind to their unseen beauty and elegance. Giant Keyboard Sculpture by Anatoly Vyatkin. Russian artist Anatoly Vyatkin has constructed a giant replica sculpture of a Cryllic QWERTY keyboard. in Yekaterinburg, Russia.

Giant Keyboard Sculpture by Anatoly Vyatkin

The keyboard is made from 86 stone blocks each weighing up to 1,000 pounds. (via 1designperday) Metal spider by *Estruda on deviantART. Metal tornado by ~new-dezign on deviantART. Soldering wolf by ~GrayWolfShadow on deviantART. Toilet Paper Roll Art by Anastassia Elias. While Paris-based artist Anastassia Elias normally paints, she has also discovered a way to fashion very neat toilet paper roll dioramas.

Toilet Paper Roll Art by Anastassia Elias

The process takes hours an involves some intriciate tweezer skills. Jennifer Maestre's Pencil Sculptures. Massachusetts-based artist Jennifer Maestre has taken the pencil as material to a whle new level.

Jennifer Maestre's Pencil Sculptures

Whether it be sea urchins, or just original constructions, Maestre has proven that all you need is a few hundred pencils... The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta. When we posted Patricia Pacinini's giant "Skywhale" hot air balloon we got to thinking about possible custom balloons and wondered why someone hadn't made an "Up" balloon yet.

The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta

It turns out, someone has! The Bristol International Balloon Fiesta is in its 35th year and over four days more than 150 hot air balloons floated across the city. via lostateminor. "Mobile Mirrors" by Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen. Thought your disco ball was cool?

"Mobile Mirrors" by Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

Artist Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen created a series of four mannequins decked out in shards of mirror for her exhibition Mobile Mirrors at Christian Larsen gallery in Stockholm, Sweden. "The mirror surfaces of the mannequins turn our gaze back onto ourselves, forcing us to become aware of our own bodies and consumption habits... " Organic and ethereal Bloom Table Lamp. The timeless flower symbol has been turned by MGX and designer Patrick Jouin into a sharply modern light appliance – the Bloom Table Lamp.

Organic and ethereal Bloom Table Lamp

The polyamide lamp shade can expand and contract, giving this mundane and contemporary object an ethereal bud or blossom shape casting a subtle glow or a bright office light. With a beautifully sensitive, simple and organic design, this artwork seems more appropriate for a carefully landscaped garden corner than a work desk. Chandelier Casts Shadow of a Forest of Trees.

Collaboration between the artists Thyra Hilden and Pio Diaz has produced this wonderful light sculpture that likens a ball of tree branches.

Chandelier Casts Shadow of a Forest of Trees

The light source in the center illuminates the ball and casts a forest of trees onto the floor, walls, and ceiling! Hilden & Diaz describe the piece, "The shadows engulf the room and transforms the walls into unruly shadows of branches, bushes, and gnarled trees. Mirrorings are thrown out upon the walls and ceilings provide weak Roschach-like hints of faces, life and flow of consciousness. " (via) The Art of Chess. Industrial Chess by ~aequinox on deviantART. Red Scare Chess Set 01 by ~CCrumpler on deviantART. Modern Chess Design by ~Peet-B on deviantART. Steampunk Chess by ~Purplearchy on deviantART. The Singing Ringing Tree, A Landmark Musical Sculpture in England. Ran Hwang. Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculptures. To most people, making a paper plane could be one of the simplest thing to do.

Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculptures

It’s the simplest and easiest form of paper art, for this case a flying art. However, there’s a special minority who takes thing to the next level. They can turn the basic form of origami – which is folding a paper in half – together with a little cutting, folding, bending, shaping, and more paper folding, into an utmost creative artwork you have ever seen. Credit: Sculpture by Simon Schubert In this post, we will attempt to show how these minority, creative minded folks turn a very thin slice of wood – paper – into wonders, and bringing paper art to the next level.

Norbert Attard. The Bizarre, Flexible Paper Sculptures of Li Hongbo. What at first look like delicate works of carved porcelain are actually thousands of layers of soft white paper, carved into busts, skulls, and human forms by Beijing artist Li Hongbo.

The Bizarre, Flexible Paper Sculptures of Li Hongbo

A book editor and designer, the artist became fascinated by traditional Chinese toys and festive decorations known as paper gourds made from glued layers of thin paper which can be stored flat but then opened to reveal a flower or other shape. He applied the same honeycomb-like paper structure to much larger human forms resulting in these highly flexible sculptures. Hongbo recently had a solo show at Dominik Mersch Gallery in Australia who made the videos above, and you can see much more of his work on their website.

Dalton Ghetti. 20 Sculptures Cut from a Single Piece of Paper. Nov 5, 2012 Denmark-born artist Peter Callesen creates incredible works of art from a single sheet of A4 paper. Through an amazing combination of cutting and folding, Callesen creates incredible scenes from the simplest of materials. In his own words: “By taking away all the information and starting from scratch using the blank white A4 paper sheet for my creations, I feel I have found a material that we are all able to relate to, and at the same time the A4 paper sheet is neutral and open to fill with different meaning. The thin white paper gives the paper sculptures a frailty that underlines the tragic and romantic theme of my works.

The Inspiring Book Sculptures of Jodi Brown. Paper sculpture. International Sculpture Center - Publisher of Sculpture Magazine. Infomation Symmetry Cool Stuffs Blog » Sculpture. Beautiful Landscape Sculptures by British artist Kyle Kirkpatrick. “My practice is primarily concerned with the notion of the imagined landscape. Interactive sculpture and public art. Metalmorphoses's deviantART gallery. Home. The Works of Jessica Drenk. Jessica Drenk was raised in Montana, where she developed an appreciation for the natural world that remains an important inspiration to her artwork today. Tactile and textural, her sculptures highlight the chaos and beauty that can be found in simple materials. Drenk's work is also influenced by systems of information and the impulse to develop an encyclopedic understanding of the world.

In 2009, Drenk received an Artist Project Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts, funding the installation of Archaeologica at the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona. In 2006, Drenk was awarded the International Sculpture Center's Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award. 9 Mind-Blowing Pieces of Art Made With Ridiculous Materials. Let's face it -- we've all tried to build a house of cards or make a sand castle at some point in our lives, but most of us get bored within a few minutes and give up. For others it may take an hour, or maybe even a few days... and there are those who devote their lives to making hugely pointless yet amazing things out of small, ridiculous materials. Such as ... A Fully Livable LEGO House It's no surprise that people can build some amazing things out of Legos.

We're pretty sure all those replicas of important buildings they have in their theme parks will come in pretty handy when evolution inevitably turns us all into smurfs. The Information Leak by Richard Evans. STUDIO OSMAN AKAN. A City Of Staples. Peter Root took around 40 hours and over 100,000 staples to creates a Staple City (can you imagine Gob Bluth saying this... "Need to get some papers connected, no worries, you're living in Staple City.

" Anyone? Digression.) Staedtler pencil sculptures by Lionel Bawden. Lionel Bawden constructs elaborate and fluid sculptures strictly with Staedtler pencils. As it is noted on the Australian artist's site, "Bawden’s core practice exploits hexagonal coloured pencils as a sculptural material, reconfigured and carved into amorphous shapes, mining the material’s rich qualities of colour, geometry and metaphor. "