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Creative Ceramic Sculptures By Johnson Tsang. Hong Kong based artist and sculptor Johnson Tsang specializing in stainless steel sculpture, ceramics and public art works.

Creative Ceramic Sculptures By Johnson Tsang

His sculptures are unbelievably realistic which seem to be caught like photographs. His beautiful sculpture lies in range between abstract and figurative art. Tsang mixes both objects and human characters together by using special techniques through streams intersect, liquids spill from mugs and crash to the ground. Tsang’s works have been exhibited in various countries including Spain, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong and Switzerland.

Miniature Sculptures Of Artists In Their Studios by Joe Fig. New York based painter and sculptor Joe Fig has created this incredible series of miniature sculptures of famous artists in their studios… Jackson Pollock Henri Matisse Willem de Kooning Matthew Ritchie Chuck Close Ross Bleckner Inka Essenhigh Malcolm Morley Brancusi Jasper Johns Andy Warhol Jim Rosenquist.

Miniature Sculptures Of Artists In Their Studios by Joe Fig

Bizarre, cute painted porcelain sculptures of dragons, bugs, rodents, and more [31 pics] Creative Pencils Sculptures. 19 phantasmagorical animals by Ellen Jewett. The wood-chip sculptures of Sergei Bobkov. We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature. We’ve lost our connection to ourselves. We often forget that we are nature.

We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature. We’ve lost our connection to ourselves

Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves. External Stimuli : Andy Goldsworthy’s Digital Catalogue. Remarkable Collection of Steampunk Sculptures. Continuing the theme of Steampunk – Unique Steampunk Insects – we want you to show the remarkable collection of Steampunk characters, engines and vehicles created by Belgian artist Stephane Halleux. For a long time Stephane worked as an illustrator and drew cartoons in his spare time.

In recent years he became interested in steampunk style and the creation of unusual sculptures. About his work, he says: “I like crazy mixtures, unlikely associations, advanced technology mixed with mechanisms of long ago. I’ve always been fascinated by robotics, its advantages and contradictions.” While creating these beautiful sculptures Stephen used leather, metal, wood pulp and recycled materials. Little flying civil servant. Hyper-Realistic Rubber: Tire Sculpture by Yong Ho Ji. Whenever I take road trips, I often notice the hulking shreds of stripped semi tires laying around, and I’ve always thought two things: one, they look almost organic- like they’re actually the carcasses of some prehistoric animal that blundered its way onto the highway, and two- that that animal must have been damn ugly.

Hyper-Realistic Rubber: Tire Sculpture by Yong Ho Ji

But when I saw a tire sculpture by Yong Ho Ji the other day, I realized I was pretty wrong about the hideous part. Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама. Stone Sculptures by Hirotoshi Itoh. Browse Gallery 01/20 After graduating from the Tokyo National Fine Arts University in 1982 Hirotoshi Itoh dove right into his family business as a stonemason, after initially working with metal for a few years he decided to turn all of his attention to stones. Utilizing stones found in a river bank near his home, Itoh creates sculptures that juxtapose the original shape and hardness of the material with surprising humor and texture.

Browse Gallery 02/20. My Little Pony By Mari Kasurinen. Finnish artist Mari Kasurinen takes something that many of us would never have shown interest in, My Little Pony in this case, and completely transforms the way we see it.

My Little Pony By Mari Kasurinen

Find more at Mari’s website or Flickr. Find this post useful? Check out these: Skateboard Sculptures. Gigantic Flower Sculpture Festival in Netherlands. A4 Papercuts. Ogni scultura cartacea realizzata dall’artista Peter Callesen ha un unico punto di partenza: un candido e standardizzato foglio formato A4.

A4 Papercuts

Quello che accade dopo il “trattamento Callesen” lo potete vedere con i vostri occhi. Uccelli in procinto di spiccare il volo, scheletri che prendono vita… “The negative and absent 2 dimensional space left by the cut, points out the contrast to the 3 dimensional reality it creates, even though the figures still stick to their origin without the possibility of escaping“. Chapeau. [Via] Comments comments. Incredibly Awesome Sculpture Art by Ellen June. The real name of “creaturesfromel” is Ellen June.

Incredibly Awesome Sculpture Art by Ellen June

She was born in Markham Ontario, Canada and currently she is working in Guelph, Ontario. At her young age, she took to shaping three dimensional forms naturally. To Ellen sculpting has always been about biological narratives, life and cultural statements. Hungarian artist creates impossible-looking sculptures from pencils. An artist’s eye always sees things, as humble as a pencil, in a much different way than the others.

Hungarian artist creates impossible-looking sculptures from pencils

While pencil is a mere writing and drawing instrument for most of us, artists such as Dalton Ghetti use them to create wonderful pieces of complex art for the rest of us to admire. Another artist, specializing in miniature artworks, is a Budapest-based artist and sculptor known by the name of Cerkahegyzo. Anamorphic Sculptures. London-based artist Jonty Hurwitz creates ‘Anamorphic Sculptures’ which only reveal themselves once facing a reflective cylinder.

Anamorphic Sculptures

Hurwitz took an engineering degree in Johannesburg where he discovered the fine line between art and science. He has lived in England for many years, working in the online industry though he quietly levitated into the world of art inspired by a need to make ‘something real’. Hurwitz discovered that he could use science as an artistic paintbrush.