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Allemagne : A Berlin, le bitcoin remplace volontiers l’euro. Dans la capitale allemande, de plus en plus de magasins acceptent les paiements avec cette monnaie virtuelle alternative, jusqu’à maintenant principalement utilisée pour les achats en ligne.

Allemagne : A Berlin, le bitcoin remplace volontiers l’euro

Elle doit son succès au vaste mouvement de grogne contre les institutions financières qui a suivi la crise, mais aussi à de réels avantages économiques. List of Major Bitcoin Heists, Thefts, Hacks, Scams, and Losses. Stone Man LossType: LossTime: August 09, 2010, 11:35:00 PM ± 600 sVictim: Stone Man @BitcoinTalkStatus: Coins lost, effectively destroyedAmount: Exactly 8999.00000000 BTCEquivalent in June 2013 BTC: 5.73 BTCTransaction of interest: eb5b761c7380ed4c6adf688f9e5ab94953dcabeda47d9eeabd77261902fccccfDue to not keeping proper wallet backups, 8999 BTC sent as change were effectively destroyed when the private key controlling them was lost.

List of Major Bitcoin Heists, Thefts, Hacks, Scams, and Losses

Because this theft is from 2010, it is not included in severity lists. Ubitex ScamTime: April 2011 to July 2011Victim: Investors on GLBSE of UbitexStatus: Ubitex founder known, but nothing returnedAmount: About 1138.98 BTC (amount “invested” into Ubitex)Equivalent USD: 11668.70 $ (wt. avg)Equivalent in June 2013 BTC: 155 BTCUbitex was the first company to be listed on the now-defunct GLBSE “stock exchange”, which has been criticised for its illegal operations.[1] The company was run by a minor, but this fact was not initially known. Top 10 Bitcoin myths debunked. Bitcoins exist solely for illegal activities.

Top 10 Bitcoin myths debunked

You can't use them to buy actual goods from a store. They have no value because anyone can create more. Bitcoin’s Last Mile Problem. Joey DeVilla was (and still is) one of my favorite bloggers.

Bitcoin’s Last Mile Problem

Calling himself the Accordion Guy, Joey has been writing cool stuff for most of this decade, and he recently hopped on the bitcoin train by posting a long how-to in the vein of my own guide to mining. His is quite thorough in his process, but it sets an old HP all-in-one to the task, which resulting in very slow mining speeds and, as a result, a tangible waste of resources, including time, energy and computer wear.

For all his hard work, Joey saw between 3.4 and 4.4 cents. He also notes that his post, on his acceptably trafficked site with about 6,000 pageviews a day, netted him about $40 in advertising money. He made more money writing the post – which arguably took more work – than bitcoin mining. Bitcoin is the perfect expression of Internet riches. So where does that leave the currency? The question then is whether the “real world” should care about getting their change in BTC? How To Mine Bitcoins. Mining bitcoins – a process that helps manage bitcoin transactions as well as create new “wealth” – is the new Beanie Babies.

How To Mine Bitcoins

Luckily for us, however, bitcoins seem to be going up in value and should maintain their value over time, unlike your mint condition Tiny the stuffed Chihuahua. But how do you get bitcoins? You can begin by buying them outright, but the market is currently wild. Bitcoin Is The Perfect Bubble. The Future of Bitcoin. On March 16th, the Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, who’d been in office for about a month, announced a strategy to solve the country’s banking crisis.

The Future of Bitcoin

This plan, which would be funded in part by confiscating money directly from every single bank account in Cyprus—even the very smallest—met with instantaneous and violent opposition from the country’s citizens. Offstage, the European Union, led by a group of adamant Germans, Finns, and Danes, as well as the I.M.F. and the European Central Bank, pointed a cannon at Anastasiades’s head: if he didn’t move forward with this plan, the Cyprus banks would go bust and their hapless customers would lose pretty much all their money, instead of a measly 6.75 per cent. However, under great pressure from their constituents, Cypriot M.P.s rejected the proposal and sent Anastasiades back to the drawing board. At first, anyone armed with an ordinary computer could download and run the Bitcoin software and gather (or “mine”) bitcoins. “So would I!”

Le "bitcoin", une monnaie virtuelle qui s'arrache. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Marie de Vergès L'histoire de ses origines est aussi obscure et mystérieuse que l'explication de son récent succès.

Le "bitcoin", une monnaie virtuelle qui s'arrache

What Are Bitcoins and Why Should You Care? You've probably noticed people talking and tweeting endlessly about "Bitcoin" lately.

What Are Bitcoins and Why Should You Care?

The Economist finds it intriguing while GigaOM's Matthew Ingram points out several problems with it. It's even gotten the attention of economic heavyweight Paul Krugman, who has said it's like a reimplementation of the gold standard. So what the heck is it? Quatre questions pour comprendre la bulle du Bitcoin. Depuis le début du mois, vous lisez peut-être des articles évoquant une "bulle" autour d'une monnaie virtuelle baptisée "Bitcoin", qui s'est valorisée de manière explosive ces deux derniers mois.

Quatre questions pour comprendre la bulle du Bitcoin

Aujourd'hui le cours du bitcoin est à 238 dollars. Cette monnaie électronique faisait jusqu'à présent profil bas, connue et utilisée essentiellement par des geeks et des personnes qui en faisaient un usage pas forcément très légal. Mais plusieurs phénomènes l'ont poussée sous les feux des projecteurs. Quatre questions pour comprendre le phénomène et ses enjeux. Qu'est-ce que Bitcoin ? Le bitcoin est une monnaie électronique créée en 2009 par un(e) spécialiste en cryptographie se faisant appeler Satoshi Nakamoto. Mt.Gox - Bitcoin Exchange. Bitcoin - Value from 06/04/2013 to 12/04/2013. Bitcoin - Value from 15/03/2013 to 12/04/2013.