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Syria Video – a powerful web service that maps Syrian war video by town and province. Syria Video – a powerful web service that maps Syrian war video by town and province Posted by Joshua on Sunday, March 31st, 2013 Syria Video Syria Comment Announces a new web service: Syria Video, which can be found at Syria Video is a web application that maps and aggregates Syrian war videos by tracking a large number of YouTube channels.

Syria Video – a powerful web service that maps Syrian war video by town and province

The channels have been identified as reliable and tied to specific towns or regions of Syria. Syria Video is our first attempt to bring order to the online Syrian war-sphere and has the potential to provide valuable insight to the conflict. The Syrian government has tried to exploit the fog of war to gain advantage over its opponents by barring foreign journalists, restricting what Syrian journalists can report, and attacking its own citizen journalists. Opposition activists have struggled to counter this blackout by posting a growing stream of YouTube videos. The footprint of the Syrian conflict on the web has been tremendous. Libya rebels move onto Syrian battlefield. Libyan revolution veteran Al-Mahdi al-Harati (standing) training members of the Liwa al-Umma to fight in Syria.

Libya rebels move onto Syrian battlefield

More than 30 men who fought against Libya's regime are moving into SyriaOne fighter says: Libya was a walk in the park compared to SyriaUnlike Libya, in Syria fighters have no base and no cover from a no-fly zoneLibya's government and people have been vocal supporters of Syria's opposition Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Their war for freedom in Libya may be over, but almost a year after they won the battle for the Libyan capital, a group of fighters have a new battlefield: Syria.

Under the command of one of Libya's most well known rebel commanders, Al-Mahdi al-Harati, more than 30 Libyan fighters have made their way into Syria to support the Free Syrian Army rebels in their war against President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Recent YouTube videos show at least two different Syrian rebel factions announcing that they are part of the Liwa al-Umma.

Syria conflict: a year of deaths mapped. Exclusive: How Syria's rebel fighters were sold exploding rifles – by a mystery Briton named ‘Emile’ - Middle East - World. Three meetings took place in Istanbul between representatives of the rebels and the dealers, including the Briton, calling himself Emile, to organise shipments.

Exclusive: How Syria's rebel fighters were sold exploding rifles – by a mystery Briton named ‘Emile’ - Middle East - World

An initial payment of around $40,000 was made. The delivery was on time, as had been a previous shipment. But it soon became apparent that something was wrong. Rifles exploded during a firefight. There was a second such “accident”, and a third, leading to injuries. With Syria’s civil war getting increasingly vicious and dirty, the opposition has come across “abandoned” government arms that were proved to have been doctored. But the presence of the arms traffickers, including the Briton, has led to claims that the Syrian regime is using foreign agents to undermine the opposition.

Abdurrahman Abu-Nasr, a rebel representative who attended one of the meetings with the dealers in Istanbul three weeks ago, recalled “Emile” as a man in his late 40s who was of Arab – part-Syrian – origin. DIY Weapons of the Syrian Rebels - In Focus. Nearly two years after the start of Syria's popular uprising, the conflict has evolved into a slow-moving, brutal civil war with many players and no clear end in sight.

DIY Weapons of the Syrian Rebels - In Focus

Multiple rebel groups across the country continue to fight President Bashar al-Assad's forces, using any weapons they can get their hands on. While the rebels are using many modern tools, they've also come up with their own makeshift solutions. In these weapons workshops, anti-aircraft guns are welded to pickup trucks and armor shields are attached to machine guns and cars.

Mortar shell nose cones are turned on lathes and explosives are mixed by hand. Homemade grenades are launched by jury-rigged shotguns or giant slingshots in the urban battlefields of Aleppo and Damascus. Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Syrian rebels prepare to launch a bomb using a homemade slingshot in the northern city of Aleppo, on October 16, 2012. Free Syrian Army fighters use a homemade slingshot in old Aleppo on January 29, 2013. Video: Syria rebels unveil cutting-edge homemade tank. Aleppo-b. Syria combat conflict map.