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I Ching Online. Systematic theology : a compendium designed for the use of theological students (Book, 1907) Spirits Align. Spiritual Succor. संस्कृतम् Sacred Paths. The Mystery of the Devil’s Bible. There is something about ancient books and texts that holds a certain sense of mystery and allure.

The Mystery of the Devil’s Bible

Nag Hammadi library. The contents of the codices were written in the Coptic language, though the works were probably all translations from Greek.[4] The best-known of these works is probably the Gospel of Thomas, of which the Nag Hammadi codices contain the only complete text.

Nag Hammadi library

After the discovery, scholars recognized that fragments of these sayings attributed to Jesus appeared in manuscripts discovered at Oxyrhynchus in 1898 (P. Oxy. 1), and matching quotations were recognized in other early Christian sources. The Prophet's Ascension: Cross-cultural Encounters with the Islamic Mi'rāj Tales. Rhapsodos. The Zohar: Pritzker Edition. The Zohar. The Zohar (Hebrew Zohar "Splendor, radiance") is widely considered the most important work of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism.

The Zohar

It is a mystical commentary on the Torah (five books of Moses), written in medieval Aramaic and medieval Hebrew. Equalsouls. Virtual Religion Index. This site is designed to advance research in matters of religion.

Virtual Religion Index

As a global forum that may be accessed instantaneously anywhere, the internet promises to surpass the impact of the printing press on the study of religion. Gutenberg made possible the family Bible. The WWW puts a global library of free information on the desk of anyone with a computer & internet access.Efficient use of these resources, however, requires cataloging. Many religion-related web pages offer lists of links to sites of related interest.

Some are extensive & a few annotated. Keith Cleversley's "The Gnosis of Myth" Introduction The Western world has done a fantastic job of masking our disconnection to our natural spiritual connection to the Divine, to each other and to this suffering planet of ours.

Keith Cleversley's "The Gnosis of Myth"

As modern scholars state, “book” religions have become an incredibly effective inoculation against discovering our true nature, as science and materialism has made it even more difficult for any one of us to escape the mind-numbing indoctrination of the Western world. But our mutual quiet desperation that most of us deny, the deep soul-encroaching emptiness that those of us courageous enough to allow ourselves to feel; it truly exists through no fault of our own. Chapter Index, Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi), Concordance. Cloud Hands Blog Research, Compilation and Indexing by Michael P.

Chapter Index, Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi), Concordance

Garofalo © Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, California Chapter and Thematic Index Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Chapters 1-20Dao de Jing by Laozi Compiled and Indexed by Michael P. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. History & Overview of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls at the Gnostic Society Library: Online Texts from the Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls.

Les manuscrits de la mer Morte. L'aventure de la découverte des célèbres manuscrits antiques commence en 1947 dans les collines de Judée, lorsque le jeune berger Mohammed edh-Dhib Hassan, surnommé "le loup", cherchait un de ses animaux égaré dans les falaises calcaires qui surplombent la rive nord-ouest de la mer Morte.

Les manuscrits de la mer Morte

S'étant assis à l'ombre des rochers, il jeta en guise de jeu une pierre dans un trou de rocher visible en face de lui. Il fut surpris d'entendre un bruit d'objet cassé provenant du creux où il avait jeté la pierre. Intrigué, il revint le lendemain en compagnie de son cousin, et les deux jeunes gens équipés de lampes et de cordes pénétrèrent dans la grotte, quasiment inaccessible au flanc de la falaise.

Ils y trouvèrent huit gandes jarres fermées par des couvercles. Elles étaient intactes à l'exception de l'une d'elles qui était brisée, et d'où ils tirèrent de vieux rouleaux de parchemin. Mais la saga ne faisait que commencer. Fragment de manuscrit de Qumrân ( Bassins (rituels ?) 25 Fascinating Facts About the Dead Sea Scrolls @ Century One Bookstore. 1.The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in eleven caves along the northwest shore of the Dead Sea between the years 1947 and 1956.

25 Fascinating Facts About the Dead Sea Scrolls @ Century One Bookstore

The area is 13 miles east of Jerusalem and is 1300 feet below sea level. The mostly fragmented texts, are numbered according to the cave that they came out of. They have been called the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times. See a Dead Sea Scroll Jar. 2. Gnostic Society Library: Sources on Gnosticism and Gnosis. Almost all of the several dozen internet sites with collections of texts similar to our own obtained their material by directly or indirectly copying some files present at the Gnosis Archive.

Gnostic Society Library: Sources on Gnosticism and Gnosis

Ours was perhaps the first major collection of such texts to appear on "the web" in 1994, and thus has served as a source for others creating "their own" collections. Unfortunately transcription errors, typos, and primitive HTML formatting were present in the massive amount of material added to the Gnosis Archive in our first years; in a repeated process of "copying" they have been very widely propagated around the internet.

Over nearly two decades we have made many corrections to these texts. What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls? - Professor Lawrence Schiffman discusses the Qumran Scrolls - Jewish History. It was probably the worst time to have to deal with ancient manuscripts.

What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls? - Professor Lawrence Schiffman discusses the Qumran Scrolls - Jewish History

In 1947, a Bedouin shepherd tossed a stone into a cave close to the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, in Qumran. Rather than the sound of rock or earth, he heard the sound of breaking pottery. Educational Site: Dead Sea Scrolls. Om Mani Padme Hum by The Dalai Lama. On the meaning of: OM MANI PADME HUM The jewel is in the lotus or praise to the jewel in the lotus by His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso The Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet It is very good to recite the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM, but while you are doing it, you should be thinking on its meaning, for the meaning of the six syllables is great and vast.

The first, OM, is composed of three pure letters, A, U, and M. These symbolize the practitioner's impure body, speech, and mind; they also symbolize the pure exalted body, speech and mind of a Buddha. Can impure body, speech and mind be transformed into pure body, speech and mind, or are they entirely separate? All Buddhas are cases of being who were like ourselves and then in dependence on the path became enlightened; Buddhism does not assert that there is anyone who from the beginning is free from faults and possesses all good qualities. Nature of Reality. Top ======= Understanding Hinduism ======= The Nature of Reality Click on underlined words to open paragraph The nature of Reality was investigated from two levels of experience.

Chapter Fourteen: Cit-Shakti (The Consciousness Aspect of the Universe) Sacred-texts Tantra Index Previous Next Chapter FourteenCit-Shakti (The Consciousness Aspect of the Universe) Cit - Consciousness. Bina Gupta. VEDA - Vedas and Vedic Knowledge Online - Vedic Encyclopedia, Bhakti-yoga in vedas, Library. Bhaktivedanta VedaBase Network.

Bhaktivedanta Vedabase Online. Upanishads, Hindouisme et Spiritualité. Hinduism. Sacred-texts home Journal Articles: Hinduism OCRT: Hinduism Buy CD-ROM Buy books about Hinduism Vedas Upanishads Puranas Other Primary Texts Epics Mahabharata Ramayana Bhagavad Gita Vedanta Later texts Modern books. Raja%20Yoga%20by%20Swami%20Vivekananda. Skillful means mahyana buddhism. An Introduction to Skillful Means -Taigen Dan Leighton Skillful Means, upaya in Sanskrit; fang-pien in Chinese; hoben in Japanese, is an essential concept in Mahayana Buddhism. Skillful means, sometimes translated as tactfulness, expedients, or ingenuity, is the practice of applying awakening teaching to the diverse variety of students or practitioners.

Train Your Mind: Lojong commentary by Judy Lief. Internet Sacred Text Archive Home. The Poem of Antar. Sacred-Texts IslamIndex Previous Next Have the poets left in the garment a place for a patch to be patched by me; and did you know the abode of your beloved after reflection? 2 The vestige of the house, which did not speak, confounded thee, until it spoke by means of signs, like one deaf and dumb. Verily, I kept my she-camel there long grumbling, with a yearning at the blackened stones, keeping and standing firm in their own places. Invoking Lakshmi: The Goddess of Wealth in Song and Ceremony - Constantina Rhodes. Constantina Rhodes presents over five hundred elegantly translated Sanskrit verses, including devotional songs, mantras, visualizations, and ceremonial instructions that devotees use to invoke the goddess Lakshmi. Rhodes draws upon these texts to develop a richly detailed portrait of Lakshmi, revealing unexpected dimensions of this enigmatic deity.

Sanskrit lexicon IITS Koeln. Sanskrit Glossary. Discerning dharma from kharma or bhakti from shakti is an important lesson for all yoga students—whether you are a beginner or a long-time yogi. By Georg Feuerstein Excerpted with permission from the author: Copyright 1999 by Georg Feuerstein abcdghijklmnoprstuv. GLOSSARY-OF-YOGA-TERMS. VERSE IN SANSKRIT Yada yada hi dharmasya Glanir bhavati bharata Abhyutthanam adharmasya Tadatmanam srjamy aham ~ Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7) TRANSLATION Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predom.

Septuagint. The Septuagint /ˈsɛptjuːəˌdʒɪnt/, /ˈsɛptuːəˌdʒɪnt/, /ˌsɛpˈtuːədʒɪnt/, /ˈsɛptʃuːəˌdʒɪnt/, from the Latin word septuaginta (meaning seventy), is a translation of the Hebrew Bible and some related texts into Koine Greek. The title and its Roman numeral acronym LXX refer to the legendary seventy Jewish scholars who completed the translation as early as the late 2nd century BCE. 1 Corinthians 13. 13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing. 4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails.

Book Of Proverbs Trivia Quiz. Harrowing of Hell. Armies » Tao Te Ching « Ancient Words of Wisdom. I Ching - The Book Of Changes. Sufi Stories. Rumi. Previous. Rumi. Skeptic's Annotated Bible / Quran / Book of Mormon. Maryam [19:1] - Wahiduddin Khan. Maghrib & Isha'a / Off the Setting Sun & After Sunset. Read Quran Online, Listen Quran Online and Search in the Glorious Quran & Hadith and understand Islam & Muslims. Ahmed Hulusi Official Website - Home Page. BEST Quran Code Software - Home. Zen Stories. Ancient Words of Wisdom « Deep Spirits. A Collection of Ancient Stories. Tibetan book of the dead « Comparative Mythology.

The Gods of Ancient Egypt. Setna is a recurring character in ancient Egyptian literature. The Online Literature Library. The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, by Richard Francis Burton, Bhagavanlal Indrajit, and Shivaram Parashuram Bhide. God's debris, the religion war scott adams. Archives. Torah/Bible. Holy Words. Quotatio.