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Part I: Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer? Click here for Part II Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, an Iranian scientist and engineer, claims that an Iranian flying saucer technology he developed was used to capture the Sentinel drone about which the mainstream media has been reporting. Does Iran have a space program more advanced than NASA's? Click here for a version of this, with additional new footage on the KesheFoundation website. by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Of all the inventors making bold claims on the internet, Iranian nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli Keshe is perhaps the most enigmatic, and the most interesting. If his statements are true, these craft can do more than just manipulate gravity for propulsion. Keshe is now claiming in a post made to his forum on December 13, that this technology was used by Iran to capture the unmanned Sentinel spy drone that the US military had sent over. As he continues in his post, Keshe talks about how the Iranian saucer program is more advanced than NASA's space program. Follow-up Links

untitled Información:Gran disección de las finanzas de la monarquía por parte de un gran Jorid, con la directora de El Siglo de Europa, Inmaculada Sánchez, el monárquico Tom Burns, el republicanode Ezquerra Joan Tardá, acabando con una entrevista a Gregorio Peces-Barba, uno de los... Información:El escritor Eric Frattini ha adelantado en los micrófonos de Hoy por Hoy Teruel el contenido de su próximo libro, 'Los cuervos del Vaticano' Información:Programa número 15 de Frecuencia Digital en RFC Radio, y el segundo del año 2014. En el programa hemos tenido a dos personas que han vivido los sucesos de Gamonal en primera persona, un miembro de la asamblea y la presidenta de la Asociación de Prensa de Burgos, y... Información:Puesto que el pasado fin de semana tampoco hubo "Dimensión Límite" debido a las fiestas, os traemos otro extra especial, emitido en el programa de radio "La Sombra del Espejo" en el verano de 2008, que os va a sorprender.

The New Science: Magnetism and Plasmatronics Will Change Everything We Know About Health and Our Universe Michael Forrester, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times The developed world has dwelled on primitive technologies for far too long. Whether it be conventional aircrafts, primitive vehicles with combustible engines, or treatment systems that are worse for our health than the diseases they attempt to cure, there is no end to the stagnant lack of advanced technology available to humanity. All that is about change in less than a decade. Think about traveling at 40 times the speed of sound or being able to eradicate any disease even before it is ever created. The very first thing world powers do when their control systems are threatened (and they can’t elimate the idea) is they create a misinformation system to make people believe that powerful new emerging technologies are a hoax. Scientists have long yearned to understand the secret intelligence of creation and the mechanisms behind the maintenance of energy, gravity and motion that has been achieved in the universe. Ultimate Jamming

Part II: Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer? Click here for Part I Sterling Allan, the founder of PESN, had the opportunity to conduct an hour and a half long interview with Mehran Keshe, the individual who claims to have given Iran the advanced space technology that enabled them to capture a US spy drone. by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News Mehran Keshe of the Keshe Foundation claims that the advanced space technology he gave the Iranian military a few years ago, was used to capture the Sentinel spy drone. Now, Sterling Allan, the founder of PESN, has conducted an hour and a half long interview with Keshe. As the interview began, Keshe reiterated his claim that the Iranian military used advanced space technology (far beyond anything NASA may have) to capture the Sentinel spy drone. The guidance technology on that drone is the most sophisticated navigation technology on the planet, at least among the non-black-budget projects. Keshe sees his technology as benefiting space travel more than anything else.

untitled Apenas 24 horas después de que Feijóo anunciase el adelanto electoral en Galicia, Mario Conde ya se ha puesto a trabajar para tener todo preparado para esta cita. Para ello, su partido presentará su programa a los gallegos el 15 de septiembre a la espera de que el 6 de octubre el exbanquero se erija como su líder. Los deseos de Mario Conde de pelear por el poder en su tierra natal se ven truncados con los exigentes plazos que fija la Ley Electoral gallega para poder presentarse a las elecciones. Por ello, el exbanquero se ha visto forzado a fijar una nueva ‘hoja de ruta’ que pasa porque su partido, Sociedad Civil y Democracia, se de a conocer a los gallegos, aunque antes tienen que estar inscritos en la Junta Electoral. Según han explicado fuentes de esta formación a EL BOLETIN, la legislación electoral de Galicia obliga a que todos los partidos que quieran estar en los comicios del 21 de octubre se hayan inscrito antes del 10 de septiembre.

Star Gates Pyramids Consciousness Portals etc. "The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." Stargate: Universe has started playing around with cosmology. (Warning: major plot spoiler ahead.) In a recent episode, it was revealed that there seems to be a message from a pre-big-bang universe coded into the cosmic microwave background radiation. Ironic, then, that this week in the real world, physicist Roger Penrose has put forward a scientific paper claiming to have discovered a signal from a pre-big-bang universe coded into the cosmic microwave background. The new paper by Roger Penrose and V. You know of the Fermi Paradox? This is where it gets interesting. The pattern’s not random. I vote for #1, just because I want us to launch our own Destiny some day. According to his new book, Dr. Physics of the Impossible, warn us that nothing should be considered impossible or beyond our eventual understanding. and..if..this tidbit of information interests "You"'s another clip of interest..

Keshe foundation to release Magravs technology in September for world peace The text below is the copy of the official invitation to the leaders of your governments through their embassies in Belgium. These emails will start leaving the Foundation and will be forwarded to every ambassador in Belgium in the next two weeks. We will publish the name of the country and the email address used so that you can follow the progress of your government’s response. From now on it is up to you to see that the implications of this technology are understood in your country of origin. The world peace invitation and release of technology Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, now our invitation goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders to attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).

Empieza la cuenta regresiva del sistema financiero mundial Nubarrones de tormenta comienzan a amenazar a la banca y algunos analistas ya lo ven como signos del inminente colapso del sistema financiero global, indica que da 11 pruebas de ello. 1. Una serie de acontecimientos relacionados con el futuro financiero de Europa ocurrirá en septiembre. Así Alemania, Países Bajos y Grecia deberán tomar una serie de decisiones que determinarán el futuro de la zona euro, que a su vez tiene que encontrar la manera de ayudar a sus inestables fichas de dominó España e Italia. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Además, la situación mundial se agrava por el hecho de que la deuda de EE.UU. está creciendo mucho más rápido que su PIB. “Es mejor que se abrochen el cinturón porque este colapso no va a ser agradable en lo más mínimo”, advierte el blog de expertos.

Cosmic Blueprints - Christine Sterne Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, Hinduism and Buddhism, are well-trodden paths to the same destination. Mandalas, alchemical-diagrams and tarot are enlightenment ‘flash cards’. Paradoxically, quantum mechanics confirms the alchemists were correct; consciousness can create and change reality. [i] Numerical procedures, such as cutting a tarot deck, rolling dice, or dividing yarrow stalks, are used to determine the kairos, the "key moment," for the constellation of a unique synchronous phenomenon. Navajo Blanket ::. Throughout history symbols dramatically change meaning, notably the swastika, an esoteric Eastern symbol of the four elements perverted by the Nazis. If so an evaluation of human symbolic perception could be understood as an index of human esoteric understanding, a measure of our harmony with the unified field. [symbol] goes beyond the individual to the universal…It is the…lower, expression of the higher truth." Cymatic water pictures. Credits A big thank you to … Dr.

Nikola Tesla - Deathbed Confessions, Photos Support Claims That George H. Scherf(f), Jr Was The 41st U.S. President George Bush Panacea Nikola Tesla Recent evidence has surfacing detailing that Nikola Tesla was murdered the day after he was visited for an all-day interview with two secret service agents, Reinhardt Galen & Otto Skorzeny. After suffocating him, they stole all of Tesla’s blueprints & papers. Otto Skorzeny was Hitler’s bodyguard & also an assassin, one of the many Nazis who ex-filtrated to the USA after WWII, as part of Project Paperclip. Although he supposedly died in 1975, Skorzeny resurfaced in 1999. This man, he said, known as George Scherff Snr was none other than Prescott Bush – the father of the 41st President of the US, and grandfather of the current President. Interestingly, an article published in the Idaho Observer has since been removed - although several copies were made of it before it was taken offline. Part 1: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. By Don Nicoloff A thought problem Who were the designers of this master plan? James Loeb

untitled In just a few weeks, some kind of UFO-related secrets will be revealed at a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum. That's the implied promise in the title of a special lecture coming up at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas on Sept. 22. The secrets haven't yet been revealed, but the players involved certainly present the potential for something intriguing to emerge from this one-night event that's part of the museum's ongoing Area 51 lecture series. Watch this promo for the upcoming UFO lecture at the National Atomic Testing Museum. "We looked at bringing in some people to talk about extraterrestrials and UFOs," said museum CEO and executive director Allan Palmer, a highly decorated former Air Force and Navy combat jet fighter. "We wanted to concentrate on people who had personal stories and exposure to what they thought were real UFOs from the military side, because they might have just a little more credibility than your average Joe," Palmer told The Huffington Post. Ret.

Cosmic Blueprints - Christine Sterne [i] How do Yantras work? ?At the basis of yantra operation is something called "shape energy" or "form energy". The idea is that every shape emits a very specific frequency and energy pattern. Om sounded in a tonoscope [© Madhu Khanna] - top row 3D Sri Yantra (middle row) Sri yantra mandala (bottom row) It is stunning how similar cymatic sound pattern is to the yantra, the Star of David at the centre is surrounded by lotus petals, spookily similar to the geometry of the yantra. Chakra Centres Cymatic Light Picture Traditional Yantra With kind permission from Photo/copyright: Alexander Lauterwasser, homepage: In Sanskrit, 'YANTRA' means machine or absorber of cosmic energy, Yantra resonate with our solar system, a tuning fork connecting to universal consciousness. [1] Transubstantiate To change (one substance) into another; transmute.--- [i] The practice of worshipping symbolical diagrams (yantras, cakras) of the tantra has also been traced to the Vedas (e.g.

Death By Utopia John B. Calhoun relaxing in Universe 25 In the late 20th Century, John B. Calhoun decided to make Utopia; it started with rats. In 1947 he began to watch a colony of Norway rats, over 28 months he noticed something, in that time the population could have increased to 50,000 rats, but instead it never rose above 200. Then he noticed that the colony split into smaller groups of 12 at most. He bought the second floor of a barn, and there he made his office and lab. 2.7 metres square with 1.4m high walls. Society broke. The outside of Universe 25 The purpose of the experiment for Calhoun was to examine a pressing problem, overpopulation. After day 600, the male mice just stopped defending their territory, listless mice congregated in the centres of the Universe. The ‘beautiful ones’ withdrew themselves ever so quietly, removing themselves from the sick society. In the end the population sank, even when it was back down to a tolerable level none of the mice changed back. Further Reading

untitled ¿Es posible hacer la revolución sin tomar el poder? Esta cuestión se la plantean, ahora mismo, muchos movimientos sociales que luchan por crear espacios ajenos y alejados de la lógica del sistema capitalista. [També en català] La creación de espacios de ‘contrapoder’ consiste en la generación de núcleos sociales donde la forma de funcionar, producir o relacionarse suponen un rechazo al sistema actual, actuando de forma opuesta a la lógica capitalista: creación de huertos ecológicos, ocupación de casas vacías, centros sociales, comunas, etc. Todo ello establece un punto de encuentro de personas que quieren cambiar el mundo, siendo además lugares de creación de pensamiento crítico y social. El problema se encuentra en creer que con la creación de espacios de ‘contrapoder’, a medida que éstos se multipliquen y se unan por coalescencia, podemos hacer una red de espacios ‘liberados’ que terminen por minar y hacer desaparecer el sistema capitalista.
