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Legit.Cannabis. Cannabis Culture. Cannabis Education. Cannabis Legalities. New Health Concerns. Cannabis Review. Cannabis as Medicine. Cannabis Socializes. 6 Awesome Pro-Marijuana Ads. Experts Tell the Truth about Pot. IN THE CLASSIC 1936 cult film Reefer Madness, well-adjusted high school students who try marijuana suddenly sink into a life of addiction, promiscuity, aggression, academic failure, homicide and mental illness.

Experts Tell the Truth about Pot

The movie concludes with the ominous warning that “The dread marijuana may be reaching forth next for your son or daughter ... or yours ... or YOURS!” Newspaper headlines of the day often reflected a similar sentiment. On February 10, 1938, a headline in the Beloit (Wisc.) Daily News read, “Authorities Warn against Spread of Marijuana Habit—Insanity, Degeneracy and Violence Follow Use of Weed.” Such a position on pot seems extreme. The 10 Reasons Cannabis Is Far Safer Than Alcohol For The Consumer and Community. The health impact of any drug depends on how it’s used, who’s using it, how much is used, and under what circumstances.

The 10 Reasons Cannabis Is Far Safer Than Alcohol For The Consumer and Community

Cannabis and alcohol are no exception, so comparing them directly is difficult — each possesses the potential for unique risks or benefits. Both alcohol and cannabis can be considered a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.

But there are major differences in how each reacts with the human body. Alcohol, regardless of its type (i.e. beer, wine, liquor, etc) is a class A1 carcinogen which are confirmed human carcinogens. FORO SOCIAL INTERNACIONAL DE CANNABIS 2013 - Foro Social Internacional de Cannabis. We are the Marijuana Majority. Cannabis Discussion. Does researching casual marijuana use cause brain abnormalities?

In reading the news yesterday I came across multiple reports claiming that even casually smoking marijuana can change your brain.

Does researching casual marijuana use cause brain abnormalities?

I usually don’t pay much attention to such articles; I’ve never smoked a joint in my life. In fact, I’ve never even smoked a cigarette. So even though as a scientist I’ve been interested in cannabis from the molecular biology point of view, and as a citizen from a legal point of view, the issues have not been personal. However reading a USA Today article about the paper, I noticed that the principal investigator Hans Breiter was claiming to be a psychiatrist and mathematician.

That is an unusual combination so I decided to take a closer look. J.M. US debates legalization of marijuana. US debates use of marijuana and its effect on urban areas By Tony Favro, USA Editor* 10 May 2012: President Obama’s trip to Colombia in April 2012 threw a spotlight on America’s drug policy.

US debates legalization of marijuana

The presidents of Colombia, Mexico, and Guatemala - countries that have seen limited returns for their inordinate sacrifices of human lives and financial resources to control the supply of illegal drugs - publicly chastised the United States for failing to curb its demand for drugs. The international focus on American drug policy has resurrected a debate within the US about the legalization of drugs, especially marijuana and how it may affect urban areas. It’s time for a conversation. Infograph: The Decriminalization Of Marijuana. Marijuana Policy Project - Home. The Raw Story.

Science Can evolution explain why so many domesticated mammals have floppy ears?

The Raw Story

By Don Newgreen, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and Jeffrey Craig, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Take… Oil-guzzling transportation: A cause and soon-to-be a casualty of climate change, report warns Originally published at Climate Central The transportation sector is a major contributor to climate-changing carbon… King Richard III’s makeshift grave opens to public in central England The grave of King Richard III, immortalised by Shakespeare as one of history’s great villains,…

Here's What They Say: Marijuana Legalization Opposed in California. Correspondent A ballot issue that would legalize possession of small amounts of marijuana and also permit growing pot at private residences picked up some powerful opposition Saturday.

Here's What They Say: Marijuana Legalization Opposed in California

The Los Angeles Times editorialized against Proposition 19, writing that it was poorly thought out, badly crafted and replete with loopholes and contradictions. Medical Marijuana & Cannabis Cultivation Community's Future. March 2010. Why a comprehensive rationale is needed to end Cannabis prohibition in Spring 2010 Decades of grassroots activism, public education and scientific research have failed to end Cannabis prohibition in the United States and at the United Nations. There is obviously something broken in a system of governance that fails to acknowledge the true value of an uniquely essential, "strategic food resource.

" Prolonged essential resource scarcity is threatening the world with sudden, unpredictable, unresolveable, synergistic collapse of environment, economics and social structures upon which we all depend for survival. Because 'time' is the limiting factor in the equation of survival, a comprehensive and conclusive analysis of Cannabis is urgently needed to end the prohibition of hemp in Spring 2010. Build the movement: Join the Courage Campaign and pledge to support cannabis legalization. MEDIA ALERT FOR: Wednesday, 01 October 2014 CONTACT: CJ Frogozo : 310 570 2622 : Courage Campaign to Honor Legendary Guitarist Tom Morello and Rev.

Build the movement: Join the Courage Campaign and pledge to support cannabis legalization

Frank Schaefer at Spirit of Courage Awards. The Skinny on Prop 19. Avis de Duflot, Hammadi, Coppel. « Moi, j’ai bien envie de me fumer un joint... » Rien de particulier a priori en ce 18 juin au parc de La Villette, à Paris.

Avis de Duflot, Hammadi, Coppel

Sauf que cette quadra plutôt sympathique s’adrese à un représentant des forces de l’ordre. Membre de la brigade des stupéfiants de surcroît. Et que ce dernier ne réagit pas le moins du monde. Dépénalisation du cannabis. Ouvrir le dialogue. Evolution des saisies. La lutte contre le trafic de stupéfiants constitue une priorité récemment réaffirmée par le Président de la République.

Evolution des saisies

La mobilisation quotidienne des forces de police et de gendarmerie s'appuie notamment sur les groupes d'intervention régionaux (GIR), dont l'action a été recentré sur cette délinquance, ainsi que sur l'Office central pour la répression du trafic illicite des stupéfiants (OCRTIS) de la direction centrale de la police judiciaire, composé de policiers et de gendarmes et qui contribue au démantèlement de réseaux de criminalité organisée spécialisés dans le trafic de drogues.

En Europe. Cannabis : une définition. D'un coté, Daniel Vaillant se prononce sans ambiguïté sur la légalisation du cannabis.

Cannabis : une définition.

Cannabis : l'échec de la répression. L'action contre le trafic. Cannabis et législation. 3 résultat de la recherche. Electorat et santé publique. Chiffres de la consommation. 3 résultat de la recherche Cannabis Estimation du nombre de consommateurs de cannabis en France métropolitaine parmi les 11-75 ans en 2011. Chiffres de la consommation. Facebook founder donates to California marijuana vote. 9 October 2010Last updated at 03:45 Mr Parker joined Facebook in 2004 and worked as the company's first president Facebook co-founder Sean Parker has donated $100,000 (£62,000) to support the US state of California's ballot measure to legalise marijuana. Financial filings for the Proposition 19 campaign revealed the donation.

Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz also made donations totalling $70,000 to the measure last month. The pair are no longer with Facebook. Californians vote next month on whether to legalise the possession and sale of marijuana. GOP Mogul Behind Drug Rehab 'Torture' Centers Is Bankrolling Opposition to Pot Legalization in Colorado. Share Marijuana legalization would harm kids, says Smart Colorado, a group advertising stock images of children along with messages asking for voters to reject Amendment 64, a ballot initiative this year to legalize and tax pot.

Smart Colorado, led former Republican senate candidate Ken Buck and a team of Republican lobbyists and campaign operatives, hopes to drive down the popularity of Amendment 64 before Election Day. Yes on Amendment 64: The Colorado Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol. Why grow Industrial Hemp in Arizona? If Tobacco Regulation Works, Why Not Regulate Marijuana? December 23, 2007 | 62% of California voters agree: Legalize marijuana in a framework we know and trust. It is time we treated the problem like adults. Mapping The Legal Marijuana Industry - Prohibition & Humanism. “Pot’s Legal!” Declared the Seattle Times in large print on November 7, 2012, while that same day the Denver Post ran the headline: “FIRED UP.” As two states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana, an ancient debate is slowly rekindling. The term prohibition seems to be a remnant of an age long past, when mobsters wearing slick suits and fedoras sipped moonshine in speakeasies.

However, as marijuana legalization enters onto the national stage, the word is quickly becoming associated with a new intoxicant. NiteTiger comments on Question: When cannabis becomes legalized, will prices increase, decrease, or stay the same? Legalizing Marijuana Topic at Politics Daily: Politics News, Elections Coverage, Political Analysis and Opinion.

Download the Politics Daily ToolbarOur new toolbar integrates the latest news and analysis into your Web browser and installs in seconds. United Nations agency demands U.S. government sue states over marijuana decriminalization laws. (NaturalNews) Americans have differing opinions about the wisdom of marijuana legalization but most of us would agree that no matter what we think about it personally, it is an issue for Americans to decide. So, an admonishment by a United Nations agency urging the U.S. government to sue the states of Colorado and Washington, whose citizens recently voted to support pot legalization in their states, should be dismissed out of hand as the carnival sideshow that it is, right? If only it were that easy. You see, while such decisions should be left for Americans and states to decide on their own, decades of allowing our leaders to strike bargains (otherwise known as "treaties") with the UN has created an impediment to liberty, thus allowing an unelected global body a say in our country's political processes.

Some call that "civilized" and "reasonable;" George Washington called such arrangements an "entangling alliance" we should strive to avoid. In late February, U.S. Cannabis : le débat.