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Indisputable Evidence That Cannabis May Be The Most Nutritional Vegetable In The World. Cannabis Culture. Cannabis Education. New Health Concerns. Cannabis Review. Cannabis & The Pineal Gland : Turn On The Third Eye – (Article) – Medicated Mixed Drinks: Canna Punch Cocktail and Keef Kola Kocktail. Edibles are nothing new in the pantheon of great ways to ingest cannabis, but just about anyone who has walked into a decent medical marijuana dispensary in the last year could tell you that edibles have gone way beyond simple pot brownies.

Medicated Mixed Drinks: Canna Punch Cocktail and Keef Kola Kocktail

With medicated cookies, brownies, pixie stixx, olive oil, and breath strips now available for medical marijuana patients, it’s not a big leap to imagine medicated mixed drinks. There are several good brands out there that can provide a consistent buzz with a good taste. Some of my favorites include Dixie Elixirs and Canna Punch, both which have different flavors and different strengths depending on your mood and necessary dose. I recently got to try one of Keef Cola’s Flo Energy drinks and was impressed by the good taste and strong, energetic feeling that was great for a long, active day outside. I’ve tried before that are great for a tasty and efficient adult beverage. WHEN WE GROW, This is what we can do (Full Documentary)

Marijuana With Terence Mckenna. Books, Diagrams, Charts & Guides : microgrowery. The Botany Of Cannabis. Pot smokers enter legal limbo in Washington, Colorado. NEW: Seattle police are ordered to only issue verbal warnings for violations of the lawGrowing, selling marijuana will still be prosecuted as a felony, King County prosecutor saysUntil state takes over, the black market will thrive as it meets consumer demands, he saysA federal challenge of state pot legalization could take years to resolve, he says (CNN) -- The crowd at the base of the Space Needle in Seattle began counting down as midnight approached.

Pot smokers enter legal limbo in Washington, Colorado

It wasn't New Year's Day they were anticipating, but the moment that marijuana would become legal in Washington state. As midnight hit, smokers hit their pipes and joints to celebrate. Technically, what they were doing -- smoking marijuana in public -- was still a crime, but police looked the other way. "It's amazing. But a legal haze still engulfed pot smokers Thursday, when possession of up to an ounce of marijuana by adults become legal, though growing and selling it remains a crime. Dr. THC (marijuana) Helps Cure Cancer Says Harvard Study. Best Marijuana Argument Ever. Legalization advocates criticize ex-DEA chiefs. A national group advocating less-stringent drugs laws is criticizing eight former Drug Enforcement Administration chiefs for their call to nullify new laws in Colorado and Washington legalizing recreational marijuana use.

Legalization advocates criticize ex-DEA chiefs

The New York-based Drug Policy Alliance said in a statement Tuesday that the former administrators have a vested interest in defending policies they promoted for decades but that many Americans are now rejecting. The group's executive director, Ethan Nadelmann, says the ex-officials face the same legacy as agents who enforced alcohol prohibition in the 1920s and early 1930s. It was eventually viewed as a failure and reversed. The ex-DEA chiefs say federal law banning marijuana use has supremacy over state laws. They've urged the Obama administration to try to nullify the Washington and Colorado laws. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. The statement came on the same day a United Nations-based drug agency urged the U. A Brief History of Weed. 6th - Humor after the Interview: History of Weed Part II. Go here next - 5th. A Marijuana History Lesson. The Flower.

Dr. Lester Grinspoon on Medical Marijuana. Reefer Man - Cab Calloway Orchestra 1933. Tree of Life by The Human Revolution - Song about the remarkable Hemp Plant Cannabis sativa. Hemp Can Save the World - Nutiva [ELEVATE Solution Series] Marijuana Song - Kevin O'Grady aka. The Tasmaniac. Wakey Bakey by Dennis McGregor. Peter Paul & Mary - Puff the Magic Dragon. The Tea Party's Response to Legalization - Seriously! Pot Wars: Battlefield California. Five Ways the Drug War Hurts Kids. YouTube. FBI director gets schooled on marijuana legalization. Connecticut Approves Pot Decriminalization Bill. In Connecticut, possession of 30 joints or less will be akin to receiving a speeding ticket. sea kay's flickr After much debate over the weekend, the Connecticut Senate narrowly approved legislation to decriminalize small amounts of pot.

Connecticut Approves Pot Decriminalization Bill

And today, after more heated debate, the House gave final legislative approval to the bill. And Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy hailed its passage and pledged to sign it when it reaches his desk: "Final approval of this legislation accepts the reality that the current law does more harm than good - both in the impact it has on people's lives and the burden it places on police, prosecutors and probation officers of the criminal justice system. " Répression et consommation. Manifestation pro-légalisation à Mexico (Reuters) La France est l’un des moutons noirs du pétard en Europe.

Répression et consommation

Non contente d’être l’un des pays les plus répressifs de l’Union, elle est également l’un de ceux où l’on fume le plus. Les chiffres sont sans appel : 22% des jeunes Français auraient consommé du cannabis au cours du dernier mois –record européen– contre 1% en Suède. Au total, « la France figure parmi les pays les plus consommateurs en Europe tant chez les jeunes adultes que les adolescents » , conclue le rapport « Cannabis, données essentielles » publié mardi par l’Office français des drogues et toxicomanies (OFDT) et qui dresse un bilan très complet du phénomène en France. Obama and Medical MJ. Top 11 Marijuana Documentaries. By Evilpig on May 3, 2010 | 56 Comments This list was written by Hail Mary These are by far some of the best marijuana documentaries to date. All of them are eye-opening and most of them make a serious case for the legalization of marijuana and/or medical marijuana.

Except for Reefer Madness, I threw that in for a different reason. Sit back, spark a fat one up, and get ready to have your mind blown. 1. 2. The Science of Cannabis - as an Ally. Weed. New 2 View.