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Magical Celery Bisque (vegan) Magical Celery Bisque (vegan) I find it amazing how a bisque can transform the most meager of ingredients into a bowl of decadence.

Magical Celery Bisque (vegan)

Take celery, for instance. Not everyone’s favorite star ingredient, nor is it exactly hailed for it’s deep and rich flavor, but let the bisque work it’s magic and you might change your mind about things. Unfortunately, a bisque usually implies butter and cream – which is partly what makes them so delicious, but also the reason they’re not that great for you and tend to be pretty heavy. Vegan bisques are better I guess, but a lot of those use a ton of vegetable oil or fake non-dairy cream stuff as a substitute, which isn’t not particularly nutritious either. We all love our extra firm tofu, but when it comes to pureeing or adding texture and protein, silken tofu is where it’s at. Vegan Pasta e Fagioli Soup. A few weeks ago, my friends at the Food52 shop (formerly known as Provisions) asked if I’d be interested in creating a recipe with one of their featured items this season–the Staub Round Dark Red Cocotte–and sharing it with my readers.

Vegan Pasta e Fagioli Soup

I’m always happy to help get the word out about special items on the Food52 site, but I was especially excited about this opportunity, as I’ve never worked with a Dutch oven before. I had a fantastic time creating the hearty, wintery soup you see pictured above, and picking up some handy facts about Dutch oven cooking along the way. Dutch ovens are thick walled pots, usually made of cast iron but sometimes made of ceramic or clay as well. They’re beloved because of their tremendous versatility: a Dutch oven can be used for sauteeing, frying, roasting, baking, simmering, or boiling. Some Dutch ovens are even used over open flame. Dutch ovens feature tightly fitting lids, which means that they’re well suited to longer cooking or simmering times. Cook time: xo. Vel✿uté "jap✿nisant" {champign✿ns - kasha}

Bouillons, soupes, potages...Ces derniers temps sur la toile, ces petits plats simples ou sophistiqués - et dans tous les cas réchauffants & réconfortants - pointent bien sûr le bout de leurs nez...

Vel✿uté "jap✿nisant" {champign✿ns - kasha}

Il faut dire qu'en plus d'être assez rapides à réaliser, ils peuvent aussi être très gourmands et originaux. C'est le cas de ce petit velouté "japonisant" ...! Je ne sais pas si vous êtes adeptes des soupes du genre patates/poireaux/carottes..., mais ici on aime beaucoup troquer la traditionnelle pomme de terre contre d'autres "liants" qui sortent un peu de l'ordinaire, comme les champignons et le kasha par exemple... Mais d'ailleurs, connaissez-vous le kasha ...? Buckwheat beet soup with spicy horseradish - Amy Chaplin. Since my book came out I’ve had the opportunity to connect with so many talented authors, cooks and bloggers — some I’ve followed for a long time and others are new discoveries.

Buckwheat beet soup with spicy horseradish - Amy Chaplin

And, making these connections has been one of the most rewarding aspects of becoming an author. Recently I received a copy of Simply Ancient Grains: Fresh and Flavorful Whole Grain Recipes for Living Well by Maria Speck (10 Speed Press). I’m always thrilled to discover someone who is as passionate about whole grains as me. Just as the modern world is discovering the beauty, flavor and health benefits of ancient grains there is also a growing number of people who are cutting them out of their diets. Soupe de champignons au sarrasin Recette. Beetroot Soup with Horseradish Yogurt. And January has started with full blast.

Beetroot Soup with Horseradish Yogurt

Curried Beet Soup with Tandoori Chickpeas Recipe. I have a thing for Indian food (see Spicy Red Lentil Curry, Curried Butternut Squash Soup, Green Chickpea Curry with Couscous, 30-minute Coconut Curry, and Samosa Potato Cakes.)

Curried Beet Soup with Tandoori Chickpeas Recipe

Ginger Miso Sweet Potato Bisque. Creamy Thai Carrot Sweet Potato Soup. Miso Charred Carrot Soup Recipe on Food52. Swede and carrot soup with smoked paprika. Swede and carrot soup with smoked paprika Many of the processes that are vital for life to flourish on this planet are dependent on interactions between living things, such as plants and micro organisms, and inorganic entities, such as the air, the oceans and the soil.

swede and carrot soup with smoked paprika

Collectively, these interactions regulate the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere as well as its temperature, the fertility of its soil and even the salt levels in its oceans. The Gaia Hypothesis, first formulated by the scientist James Lovelock over fifty years ago, contends that these interactions between living and non-living entities on the Earth comprise a complex system of interdependent links which together form a coordinated, self-balancing and regulating mechanism – Gaia. The Gaia hypothesis posits that this interactivity of the organic and non-organic is unconsciously but purposefully orchestrated. The overarching objective of that orchestration is to maintain optimal conditions for life on the planet.

Method 1. Velouté de potimarron, orange et cacao cru. En ce moment, je suis très velouté.

Velouté de potimarron, orange et cacao cru

Au celeri-rave et à la purée d'amande, au chou-fleur et à la cacahuète, avec plein d'ail et du fenouil... Mais les soupes que je préfère, ce sont celles à la courge. Soupe panais carottes patates douces cacahuètes. African Peanut Stew. Un joyau vert en velouté... Les pommes aux formes bizarres, biscornues.

Un joyau vert en velouté...

3-2-1 Weeknight Broccoli Bisque! Cashew Cream of Mushroom Soup. Did you think vegan creamy soups couldn’t get any better than Pistachio Cream of Broccoli Soup?

Cashew Cream of Mushroom Soup

Me too! Oh, we were both so very, very wrong. Dreamy winter vegetable chowder w/ mustard, lemon + crispy cabbage. Happy new year to you! Hugs and positive thoughts going out as we all get another beautiful chance to start again. I hope everyone got a solid stretch of personal downtime over the holidays–to read, create, travel, have a long bath, cook, bake, play, be in nature or just do absolutely nothing. » Soupe de shiitakés et de poireaux au gingembre. Soupe à l'oignon gratinée. Les temps sont durs... Velouté de tomates rôties. Retour à la maison après un micro périple de deux jours. Et un joli lot de tomates qui commence à faire la tête… Le premier réflexe, c’est la sempiternelle tarte à la tomate.

Sauf que pas le temps, et pas trop l’envie non plus… Recette bio : La soupe aux poireaux et aux coings. Une jolie robe claire pour ce classique revisité en version sucré-salé. L’originalité du coing vous surprendra ! Temps de préparation : 20 minutes Temps de cuisson : 25 minutes Difficulté : facile. 8-Ingredient Roasted Beet & Parsnip Soup - Carolyn's Pantry. Are you in the mood to make something beautiful and delicious in under 30 minutes and with just 9 ingredients tonight? Autumn Beet Soup with Cashew Cream. If you’ve been reading this blog for a few years than you already know how much I adore beets. They are in fact my “spirit vegetable.” They can be a pain to harvest ( especially if you’re hauling hundreds of pounds to the farm stand–which we often did working on Hutchins Farm back east) but aside from the back breaking work I still adore this rustic root.

I love all varieties of beets–the bright orange or candy stripped red…but I’ve always been drawn to the dark purple varieties because I think they create the most stunning dishes. This creamy soup is a wonderful way to highlight this seasonal vegetable. Heirloom-Beetroot-Sweet-Potato-Soup. Roasted Cauliflower and Mushroom Chowder. We’re very ready for spring and all of its tender, green produce, but unfortunately it’s still very much soup weather around here. I think that soups are such lifesavers for busy people. They’re simple to make, hard to mess up, and can be customized millions of ways. Vegan Cauliflower Soup. This Vegan Cauliflower Soup is thick and creamy and highlights the nutty and grassy notes of the cauliflower. It’s accented with a tangy paprika drizzle and toasted pine nuts.

How this Vegan Cauliflower Soup Happened. Velouté de Haricots Blancs Fumé – Mango and Salt. Vous le savez sans doute depuis le temps, en hiver je suis une immense amatrice des veloutés bien crémeux aux textures « doudou ». Si inclure de la patate douce dans mes préparations reste l’une de mes options préférées, je me suis récemment convertie aux haricots blancs pour la même utilisation. Sage, Onion & White Bean Soup. Sumac Acorn Squash Soup with Parsley Sauce. Creamy White Bean & Tomato Soup Recipe. It’s been a soupy week around here. I’ve said it probably one hundred times before, but I just love the process of making soup. It makes me feel grounded and fancy all at the same time. Simmering flavorful things in a pot (with a glass of wine on the side) is my idea of a perfect night. It could be Tuesday night, it could be Friday night – it doesn’t matter to me.

White bean + fennel seed + lemon soup with crispy brussels sprout leaves. I obsessively read about food, in any form I can get my hands on. Cookbooks, magazines, old clippings that have been saved, the internet, reading menus of restaurants as I walk around nyc. Creamy Chickpea and Kale Soup. Spicy velouté panais lentilles #vegan. Bright & Grounding Chickpea, Parsnip and Kale Soup. Vegetarian Split Pea Soup. Bell Pepper Bisque with Giant Croutons. Recette soupe de butternut, poire et azuki. Chickpeas and Dumplings Recipe. Crème de lentilles vertes du Puy au chou-rave. Egyptian Red Lentil Soup. Tomato, Harissa & Butter Bean Stew. Creamy French lentils with mushrooms and kale.

Creamy Chickpea Miso Vegetable Stew. Pumpkin Miso Broth with Soba - My New Roots. My New Roots. Thai Coconut and Lemongrass Soup - Connoisseurus Veg. Phö Vietnamien. Simmered Squash Soba Bowl - Golubka Kitchen. Minimalist Baker Recipe. Ramen Revisited + How to make Dashi. Pho-Inspired Noodle Bowl.