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New LinkedIn Showcase Pages, What Marketers Need to Know. Does your business have products or services that target unique audiences?

New LinkedIn Showcase Pages, What Marketers Need to Know

Do your customers spend time on LinkedIn? Finding an effective social strategy to reach the right audience for each of your products and services can be challenging. LinkedIn helps you solve this problem with its LinkedIn Showcase Pages. In this article, I’ll show you how your business can benefit from LinkedIn Showcase Pages. What are LinkedIn Showcase Pages? Today, few businesses are islands. Many companies are complex, offering various and disparate products and services for which they must create multiple marketing campaigns to reach different audiences.

This can make social media marketing resemble a juggling act. Showcase pages allow companies with multiple brand messages to segment them easily and deliver them to the right audiences. How to Track Your Website's Content on Pinterest. Ann Smarty is a search marketer and full-time web entrepreneur.

How to Track Your Website's Content on Pinterest

Ann blogs on search and social media tools. Her newest project, My Blog Guest, is a free platform for guest bloggers and blog owners. Follow Ann on Twitter @seosmarty. Pinterest is now one of the most efficient traffic sources, in some cases even surpassing networks like Twitter. Naturally, a lot of social media marketers are embracing Pinterest to increase social media reach and to drive traffic to their sites. In order to track what is being pinned from your site, and to engage with those pins further, try funneling that Pinterest content into a handy RSS feed. For starters, see what is being pinned from your own site by using the following URL: As simple as it may seem, the trick is actually pure gold.

Always Like and sometimes comment on pins from your site to give them better ranking and increase their reach.Repin some of the most interesting and unique images. Feed Your Domain "Source" Page from Pinterest You're done! LinkedIn Statistics 2013. Networking exercises (list of suggestions) < < < Date > > > | < < < Thread > > > by Ross, Barbara 28 August 2001 18:54 UTC Thanks to everyone who contributed to this list...

Networking exercises (list of suggestions)

(also attached as a rich text file) --Barbara Networking Exercises: 1. Networking Nexus 45 - 60 Minutes (No Props) -- Rob Benson, First Steps Training & Development, Inc. 9 Icebreakers That'll Leave Your Group Buzzing. Icebreaker games are crucial to help a group 'warm up' and relax.

9 Icebreakers That'll Leave Your Group Buzzing

They encourage people get to know each other in a non-threatening environment. Here are nine icebreakers we recommend if you're looking for such activities: 1. Guess the Person You'll need 20+ minutes for this one but is well worth it if you have the time. 2. A simple game which allows people to express where they stand on an issue - by literally standing along an imaginary spectrum. 3. Good for larger groups, this one starts with everyone in the group standing up. 4. A very funny game - everyone sits in a circle with a toaster in the middle. How to network, how to build a business network - business networking tips for networking events, online networking groups, meetings, speed networking events, and using networking methods and techniques for selling, business growth and personal career dev.

Home » business/selling » business networking business networking tips and techniques for networking events and networking websites Business networking is an effective low-cost marketing method for developing sales opportunities and contacts, based on referrals and introductions - either face-to-face at meetings and gatherings, or by other contact methods such as phone, email, and increasingly social and business networking websites.

How to network, how to build a business network - business networking tips for networking events, online networking groups, meetings, speed networking events, and using networking methods and techniques for selling, business growth and personal career dev

The shortened term 'networking' can be confused with computer networking/networks, which is different terminology, relating to connection and accessibility of multiple computer systems. A business network of contacts is both a route to market for you, and a marketing method. Business networking offers a way to reach decision-makers which might otherwise be very difficult to engage with using conventional advertising methods. Business networking is a way for you to make the maxim, "It's not what you know, it's who you know.. " work for you. Be concise.


Personal Development. The Paris Hilton Principle: Why Connections Aren’t Networks and What You Can Do About It. How to Network: 8 Steps. Steps Method 1 of 3: Mastering the Basics 1Start off networking with your existing connections.

How to Network: 8 Steps

Getting in touch with old friends, distant relatives, and people you went to school with can be a good stepping stone because you're reaching out, but you're not approaching complete strangers.[1] Work on networking first on this group of people before moving on to people with whom you have a more tenuous connection. Ad 2Locate who you want to talk to. As a professional, or an aspiring professional, your time is important. 10Follow up. Method 2 of 3: Using the Internet to Network 1Pursue online interests and activities that mean a lot to you.

Method 3 of 3: Exploring Why We Network.