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Community2.0. 5 Things You Never Knew About the Sharing Economy. In TIME’s new cover story, Joel Stein takes readers on a wild ride through the sharing economy—renting out his car, chauffeuring people around late into the night, making dinner for strangers and even toying with the idea of doing other people’s laundry.

5 Things You Never Knew About the Sharing Economy

To read the full post, please subscribe to TIME. Here are five big takeaways about why we trust strangers with our stuff, our lives and our homes. These companies are more successful than investors ever thought possibleAirbnb was rejected by almost every venture capitalist it pitched itself to. These days it’s still pretty common to talk about social business, mobility, analytics (especially when it’s called big data), cloud, and the Internet of Things — SMACT is the current acronym for all this — as on the agenda of key digital improvements underway in the typical enterprise.

While many organizations have executed solid starts against these fronts, and are usually just at the end of the beginning overall in incorporating these technologies into their business, the majority still have a good way to go for reasons I’ve explored recently on ZDNet and elsewhere. In recent months, I’ve started to be asked what’s coming next in digital and the enterprise. 40 Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read. Every entrepreneur needs a source of inspiration, and what's a better source than the words of already successful business owners and experts?

40 Business Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

Whether you're just starting your business or you're looking to grow an established brand, great business books can make all the difference in how you run your company. The right books can teach you how to grow your profits, motivate your employees and achieve work-life balance. They can even shape how you choose to define success. Roots of visual mapping. The first is the Tree of Porphyry - a form of presentation of a taxonomy that embodies a hierarchy, much as a mind map does.

Roots of visual mapping

Porphyry of Tyre was a Greek philosopher who lived from c.233 to c.309, C.E. . §. One of my recent articles outlined a three horizon framework.

Let me extend this a little further. I’m sure we all agree Innovation needs to be worked at, it needs to be understood and often many people do get confused by not taking a more measured approach to the need to break innovation down into its manageable parts. Innovation does not just have a time axis that the three horizons framework refers too but it has a complexity and scope axis in learning as well. By taking a more systematic approach to any innovation you achieve a greater understanding over time of what is involved.

Firstly you have to ask what you are trying to achieve, is it incremental innovation, distinctive, disruptive or even radical white space innovation? Answer these 8 Questions Before Crafting Next Year’s Strategy. For most companies, strategic planning season is in full swing.

Answer these 8 Questions Before Crafting Next Year’s Strategy


BABOK20overview.pdf. Course in Fundamentals of Accounting. WikiEducator. Academy of International Business (AIB) The Resources section of the AIB website provides international business-focused resources that cater to the needs of teachers, researchers, students, and professionals interested in academic research.

Academy of International Business (AIB)

The Resources section is Powered by globalEDGE. The resources available in globalEDGE Academy are dynamically fed, in real time, to the AIB website. For additional IB resources and links, please visit the globalEDGE Home Page. Designed and developed by MSU-CIBER at Michigan State University as the ultimate research tool, globalEDGE™ contains information on over 200 countries, 20 industries, and major trade blocs with over 5,000 online resources. It is a knowledge web-portal that connects international business professionals worldwide to a wealth of information, insights, and learning resources on global business activities. The Resources section of the AIB website is divided into three main categories: Human Science. Europe's tech entrepreneurs: Blooming. Architecture - Dragon1. This page deals with the question: What is architecture?

Architecture - Dragon1

Definition of Architecture according to Dragon1 Architecture is the art and science of planned, function oriented and integral design and realization of a structure often needed to be sustainable and future proof. Architecture. Brunelleschi, in the building of the dome of Florence Cathedral in the early 15th-century, not only transformed the building and the city, but also the role and status of the architect.[1][2]


Connectedintelligence - Human Dimensions. Using Canvas to Create a Culture for Learning. Canvas Learning Management System. Innovation without Value is Useless - Innovbook. Value Creation is the key to optimizing sustainable innovation programs within your organization.

Innovation without Value is Useless - Innovbook

Successful innovation is the process of using intellectual capital to create a financial return by creating a new product or service. While the value of the idea is important, adding the perceived value of your customers will drive ROI (Return on Investment). Develop an innovation with high perceived value to your customer and strong sales will follow. The Risk of Reward Innovation is critical for value creation but you must anticipate or even embrace the possibility of failure.

With an investment in time and money for innovation, do not let your intellectual property stagnate. It is imperative to build and protect IP through the use of patents. The Reward of Risk American Chemical giant, DuPont shared their strategy for a “Robust Pipeline of New Innovations and Investment in High-Return Businesses Drive Company’s Future Growth” at their 2013 Investor Day as reported by Wall Street Journal.