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Yoga Benefits for Health & Fitness - Nightly. Temple of Kriya Yoga - Nightly. Temple of Kriya Yoga - Nightly. The Kriya Yoga Path of Meditation - Nightly. "By the definite science of meditation known for millenniums to the yogis and sages of India, and to Jesus, any seeker of God can enlarge the caliber of his consciousness to omniscience to receive within himself the Universal Intelligence of God.

The Kriya Yoga Path of Meditation - Nightly

" — Paramahansa Yogananda Wisdom, creativity, security, happiness, unconditional love — is it really possible to find that which will bring us real and lasting joy? Experiencing the divinity within our own souls, claiming divine joy as our own joy — this is what the Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda offer to each of us. The sacred science of Kriya Yoga consists of advanced techniques of meditation whose devoted practice leads to realization of God and liberation of the soul from all forms of bondage. It is the royal or supreme technique of yoga, divine union. Kriya Yoga's History The illumined sages of India discovered the spiritual science of Kriya Yoga in the long forgotten past.

Meditation Techniques of the Kriya Yoga Path 1. 2. 3. 4. Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love - Nightly. Kriya Yoga Home Page - Nightly. Kriya Yoga International - Home Page - Nightly. 5 Simple Tricks To Avoid Packing On The Pounds. There's no denying it any longer: the holiday season is officially here.

5 Simple Tricks To Avoid Packing On The Pounds

And you know what that means: holiday food, and lots of it. Sugary, buttery, carb-packed, delicious holiday food. But just because the holidays are here once again doesn't mean you have to let all your hard work this past year go to the wayside. Because if you follow these simple tips for keeping fit over the holiday season, you can avoid packing on the pounds and still enjoy some of your favorite holiday foods. Here are 5 tricks to help you keep in shape over the holidays: 1. One of the worst mistakes I see people make over the holidays is that they start working out less or even resort to skipping their workouts entirely.

Plus, working out throughout the holidays will ensure you retain the habit and don't have to start from scratch after the New Year. 2. Another way to get through the holidays without feeling too deprived is to make a healthier version of your favorite holiday foods. 3. 4. 5 Yoga Poses To Help You Live With Ease & Grace. 5 images Have you ever met those enigmatic human beings who seem to exude a calm, alert presence?

5 Yoga Poses To Help You Live With Ease & Grace

They seem to live with ease and grace in word and movement. These admirable souls aren't magic; they haven't been given a key to a secret door the rest of us are missing out on. They're aware. And they're practiced in it. Avid yoga practitioners exemplify awareness beautifully. With that in mind, I want to share five poses for awareness, remembering that any form of yoga is an excellent way to sharpen your alert presence. Good Morning Yoga Sequence. 11 Easy Ways To Meditate (Even If It Seems Impossible) When I recommend meditation to my stressed-out clients, they often open their eyes wide and scrunch up their nose.

11 Easy Ways To Meditate (Even If It Seems Impossible)

“You mean, sit for an hour and think about nothing? I don’t think I can.” I understand. When you think of meditation, the first image that comes to mind is probably a yogi, sitting with a straight spine in front of a peaceful lake, fingertips touching. But in reality, meditation can be a much broader practice. For beginners, and even for folks who are used to having a spiritual practice, I always recommend meditations of simple mindfulness rather than a classic seated meditation. When you begin to add more mindfulness into your life—when you stop and smell the roses, so to speak—you'll find that the stress of the future and the regrets of the past simply melt away. The trick is to do one thing a day with absolute mindfulness.

10-Minute Yoga Sequence For A Strong & Flexible Spine. 10-Minute Yoga Sequence For A Strong & Flexible Spine. Yes, Meditation Can Make You A Better Person. We humans can be nasty things.

Yes, Meditation Can Make You A Better Person

Dr Zimbardo’s now famous 1971 psychology experiments and any basic history lesson make that abundantly clear. I didn’t go to a private girls school but I’m often told that’s a whole other lesson in meanness itself. We get drawn into separating "us" from "them" to the point of inter-group conflict (on minor and mass scales) and our brains (yes, our brains) are hardwired to discriminate and categorize our human brothers and sisters according to surface similarities. On the other hand, we humans can also be an awesomely benevolent, compassionate and loving species. Hot off the research presses, we have a creative study exploring how a six-week practice of loving-kindness meditation can reduce stigmatizing and discriminatory attitudes towards homeless people.

To obtain these results, the researchers assigned participants to one of three conditions: a six-week loving-kindness discussion, a six-week loving-kindness meditation, or a wait list as the control. Chart and Techniques for Hand Reflexology and Massage of Meridian points. (TruthSeekerDaily) This Chart and Techniques for Hand Reflexology and Massage of Meridian points shows us where and how to use our own personal power and take charge of our health.

Chart and Techniques for Hand Reflexology and Massage of Meridian points

Meridians are a set of pathways in the body along which vital energy is said to flow.. and massage and pressure to these points can open the flow of energy throughout our bodies.. and allow for healing and maintaining a healthy physical.. mental and energetic body. Technique You may use all these techniques in one session, or just one technique, e.g. Pressing, or two techniques, e.g. 10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Yoga (And How To Make It Right For You) In traveling around the globe and at home at Strala in NYC, I learn so much about people and people's experiences practicing yoga.

10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Yoga (And How To Make It Right For You)

Mainly we all want to feel great, be connected, and live healthy, radiant lives. Yoga can be scary, intimidating, and just plain not fun. My goal has been to help myself and others have fun, move with ease, and follow feeling and intuition. The "easy" approach has worked for loads of people, including myself, allowing people the space and freedom to help their bodies work for them and their minds to calm, focus and be at ease. At the center of it all is happiness. When the practice of yoga is about connecting inward, staying easy, and having the goal to feel great, amazing results happen. 1. Yoga philosophy says the guru is within, but people practice memorizing the rules of some outside guru.

Energizing Morning Yoga Routine - YouTube - Nightly.