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Nunzio Paci’s Graphite and Oil Paintings Merge Nature and Anatomy. Italian artist Nunzio Paci works with pencil and oil paints to create strange amalgamations of plants and animals in what he describes as an intent to “explore the infinite possibilities of life, in search of a balance between reality and imagination.”

Nunzio Paci’s Graphite and Oil Paintings Merge Nature and Anatomy

Paci currently has a solo show including several of the pieces you see here at the Palazzo del Podestà in Bologna through October 12. (via Artchipel) Trompe-l’œil Window and Keyhole Illusions on the Streets of Istanbul by Pejac. Photo by Julian Santiago Spanish street artist Pejac (previously) just stopped by Istanbul where he painted three new trompe-l’œil pieces in the district of Uskudar titled Lock, Poster and Shutters.

Trompe-l’œil Window and Keyhole Illusions on the Streets of Istanbul by Pejac

Painted with brushes, acrylic paint, pencils and sandpaper the works are located very close together are intended to represent the “perception and illusion of freedom.” He mentions the literal translation of Trompe l’oeil from French as “eye trap,” and says “in the case of these three windows, the trap works in both directions: from outside to inside and from inside to outside.” You can follow Pejac’s most recent work on Instagram. (via Complex, StreetArtNews) Artist Jeremy Miranda Examines Memory with Oil Landscapes that Bleed into Interiors. Artist Jeremy Miranda is fascinated with how the mind creates memories and the juxtaposition of experiences both real and perceived.

Artist Jeremy Miranda Examines Memory with Oil Landscapes that Bleed into Interiors

His oil paintings overlap interior and exterior environments to create unexpected relationships between disparate subjects, usually natural versus man-made. The interior of an artist’s studio dissolves into a bucolic river landscape, a bookshelf leads into the ocean, or a glowing furnace is concealed below quiet pond. Miranda most recently had an exhibit at Nahcotta Gallery in New Hampshire where several of his original works are currently available. Some of his most popular images are also available as prints. (via My Darkened Eyes) It’s not what it seems, Artist Paints Foods to Disguise them as Other Foods. Japanese artist Hikaru Cho turns common foods into other kinds of food using only acrylic paint.

It’s not what it seems, Artist Paints Foods to Disguise them as Other Foods

The series is titled “It’s Not What It Seems”… Hikaru Cho. Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings of Chicago and New York by Nathan Walsh. Impressive realistic urban landscape paintings of chicago and New York by artist Nathan Walsh… Nathan Walsh Impressionnantes peintures réalistes de paysages urbains de Chicago et New York par l’artiste Nathan Walsh…

Realistic Urban Landscape Paintings of Chicago and New York by Nathan Walsh

We declare the world as our canvas106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos - Year 2012. Click on a photo and you make it bigger and can post a comment on it.

We declare the world as our canvas106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos - Year 2012

And thats some of the most beloved Street Art Photos posted in 2012 on Street Art Utopia! A member of Street Art Utopia on Facebook wrote two year ago this nice piece about the future: – My son, do you want to hear something strange? – Yes! What? – You know the new tree painting we did on the garage last week. . . – What? These Incredible, Photorealistic Drawings Will Make You Wonder How a Human Hand Could Create Images So Lifelike. Urban Cityscapes Emerge from Haphazard Brushstrokes. When first discovering these paintings by Korean artist Jieun Park, either on a distant gallery wall or on a small website thumbnail, you might first mistake them for nothing more than thick abstract brushstrokes on on a large canvas.

Urban Cityscapes Emerge from Haphazard Brushstrokes

A closer look reveals entire nighttime cityscapes embedded in the blots of paint, glimpses of Paris, Hong Kong, Prague, and other cities from Park’s travels. The artist has numerous prints and originals available over on Saatchi Online. Atelier Olschinsky’s Cities and Plants. For the past few months Atelier Olschinsky (previously) has been cranking out these stunning illustrations which he titles, simply, Cities and Plants.

Atelier Olschinsky’s Cities and Plants

The complex hybrid of digital illustration and architecture is stunning, and several are available as fine art prints. Head over to Behance to take a deep dive, there are literally dozens of them. Unbelivable Zaria Forman Artworks. The inspiration for Zaria’s drawings began in early childhood when she traveled with her family throughout several of the world’s most remote landscapes, which were the subject of her mother’s fine art photography.

Unbelivable Zaria Forman Artworks

Her work exhibits extensively in galleries and venues throughout the United States and overseas. In addition to exhibitions, recent projects include a series of drawings that served as the set design for the classic ballet Giselle, which premiered in October 2012 at the Grand Theatre of Geneva, Switzerland. Ten of her drawings were also used in the set design for House of Cards, a Netflix TV series directed by David Fincher and starring Kevin Spacey. In August 2012 she led Chasing the Light, an expedition sailing up the NW coast of Greenland, retracing the 1869 journey of American painter William Bradford and documenting the rapidly changing arctic landscape.