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How to Hack Wi-Fi: Creating an Evil Twin Wireless Access Point to Eavesdrop on Data. How to Hack Wi-Fi: Creating an Evil Twin Wireless Access Point to Eavesdrop on Data Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers!

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Creating an Evil Twin Wireless Access Point to Eavesdrop on Data

Now that we're familiar with the technologies, terminology, and the aircrack-ng suite, we can finally start hacking Wi-Fi. Our first task will be to creating an evil twin access point. How to Use Driftnet to See What Kind of Images Your Neighbor Looks at Online. Hack Like a Pro: How to Use Driftnet to See What Kind of Images Your Neighbor Looks at Online Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers!

How to Use Driftnet to See What Kind of Images Your Neighbor Looks at Online

We have looked at a number of ways that we sniff traffic on the network with such tools as Wireshark, tcpdump, dnsiff, and others, but each of these tools is only capable of pulling packets off the wire. Those packets can be examined for various attributes such as the source and destination IP address, what port is going to and coming from, the ASCII characters in the packet, and if we're lucky, maybe a password or two. Usually our sniffing is visualized like the Wireshark output below. What none of these tools do is detect and display graphic files that are passing over the wire. Identify packets containing the binaries for a portion of a graphic file, Then combine of the binaries of the packets, And then display them. How to Install ADB & Fastboot in Mac OS X to Send Commands to Your HTC One « HTC One softModder. If you're looking into rooting your device yourself, you're going to need ADB and Fastboot on your computer.

How to Install ADB & Fastboot in Mac OS X to Send Commands to Your HTC One « HTC One softModder

The Android Debug Bridge (ADB), is a command-line-based tool that allows for interaction between your computer and your Linux-based Android device. Fastboot is an engineering protocol that allows modification to file system images from a computer over a USB connection. Both ADB and Fastboot are packaged as a part of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), and allow you to perform simple tasks like pushing and pulling files from your device, but they can also manipulate your bootloader and install custom recoveries. How to Use Driftnet to See What Kind of Images Your Neighbor Looks at Online.

Tools - security-onion - A list of tools included in Security Onion and links to their homepages and documentation. - Security Onion is a Linux distro for IDS, NSM, and log management. Security Onion would like to thank the following open-source projects for their contribution to our community!

Tools - security-onion - A list of tools included in Security Onion and links to their homepages and documentation. - Security Onion is a Linux distro for IDS, NSM, and log management.

Please note that this is a combined list of tools for Security Onion 10.04 and Security Onion 12.04. Security Onion 12.04 has some new tools that weren't included in Security Onion 10.04 (like ELSA) and some tools have been removed (like Zenmap). abcip "A simple packet crafting tool that turns text commands into pcaps. Driftnet. [ Home page | Software ] Inspired by EtherPEG (though, not owning an Apple Macintosh, I've never actually seen it in operation), Driftnet is a program which listens to network traffic and picks out images from TCP streams it observes.


Fun to run on a host which sees lots of web traffic. In an experimental enhancement, driftnet now picks out MPEG audio streams from network traffic and tries to play them. You can also now use driftnet with Jamie Zawinski's webcollage, so that it can run as a screen saver. (Obviously, driftnet is an invasion of privacy of a fairly blatant sort. How to break WPA2 key with Reaver WPS Attack. When routers are enabled with WPS (aka Wi-Fi Protected) they are anything but “protected”, the way WPS works is by a eight digit key exchange between device and router.

How to break WPA2 key with Reaver WPS Attack

The key exchange is not encrypted and can be “brute forced” exposing the WPA or WPA2 wireless encryption key. Wordlists & Password Profiling with CRUNCH, WyD, & CUPP. Today I am going to show you how to use three (3) different tools in Linux (Backtrack 5) for creating targeted wordlists to help speed up and increase the chance of success for your dictionary attacks.

Wordlists & Password Profiling with CRUNCH, WyD, & CUPP

I will be covering the use of CRUNCH for pure wordlist generation, and then I will cover the use of WyD and CUPP which use password profiling techniques to create targeted wordlists to narrow your attacks. I will provide the written walk through here with a video at the end. Let's begin with CRUNCH... CRUNCH is a wordlist generator based on the user specified character set. IT Security Portal. The Little White Box That Can Hack Your Network. When Jayson E.

The Little White Box That Can Hack Your Network

Street broke into the branch office of a national bank in May of last year, the branch manager could not have been more helpful. Dressed like a technician, Street walked in and said he was there to measure “power fluctuations on the power circuit.” To do this, he’d need to plug a small white device that looked like a power adapter onto the wall. The power fluctuation story was total bullshit, of course. Street had been hired by the bank to test out security at 10 of its West Coast branch offices. In this test, bank employees were only too willing to help out. “At one branch, the bank manager got out of the way so I could put it behind her desk,” Street says.

Hack Wireless Router Admin Password With Backtrack or Kali Linux. ~~ index of By z0ro ~~ Kali Linux Unattended PXE Install. Our last blog post on the Kali Linux site discussed implementing some cool scenarios with Kali Linux such as remote unattended installations, creating custom Kali Linux ISOs, and getting Kali working on funky ARM hardware.

Kali Linux Unattended PXE Install

We received several emails from people asking for more information on how to implement these scenarios, so we thought we’d make a few blog posts with more detailed examples. Today, we will look into preforming customized, unattended PXE network installations of Kali Linux and creating remote “Penetration Testing Kali Agents”. One of the little-known features of Kali Linux is that it supports unattended installations over a network.

This feature allows for easy deployment of custom Kali Linux instances that do not require any manual intervention during the installation process. Tutorial - pyrit - First steps and tutorial - WPA/WPA2-PSK and a world of affordable many-core platforms. This document will guide you through your first steps with Pyrit.

Tutorial - pyrit - First steps and tutorial - WPA/WPA2-PSK and a world of affordable many-core platforms

Before continuing, you should have Pyrit installed and working. See the Installation-Wiki for details. You will also need to have Scapy installed, which should come with your distribution or may be installed from source. Building the ultimate bad arse CUDA cracking server... « If you followed my blog post about a year ago , me and another one of my friends Josh Kelley (twitter: @winfang98) built a CUDA cracking server that consisted of an ASROCK overclocker motherboard and 4 GTX 295′s which was a nice accomplishment building it from scratch. This time around Josh and I wanted to outdo ourselves and built something a little more crazy. Wifi Hack WPA/WPA2 && Church-3.4 install && pyrit and cpyrit-cuda install. Step 1 : airmon-ng The result will be something like : Andrew's Blog - Password Cracking on Amazon EC2.

Introduction In one of my courses at McMaster University - Computer Networks and Security - the professor gave a challenge in class. The first person to crack a crypt() hash would get a 3% bonus on their final grade, and the first person to crack a md5crypt()-based hash would get a 7% bonus on their final grade. I cracked the crypt() password while the class was still going, by using John the Ripper and a decent wordlist that I had lying around on this server. How to use hashcat. Hey guys Today I will be teaching you guys how to use hashcat. To those who don't know what hashcat is, hashcat is the worlds fastest password recovery tool.

If you want to know more about hashcat, search it up in Google and you will find out more about it. This tutorial is mainly for people who know what hashcat is but don't know how to set it up or use it properly. I have seen a lot of people struggle using hashcat. I could not find a decent tutorial on the web so I decided to make a simple tutorial for you guys. Your folder is now set up. Now you are ready to crack passwords. Code: Cracking WPA/WPA2 for Non-Dictionary Passphrase. WPA/WPA2 password can be cracked simply by capturing WPA handshake and then apply dictionary. And if passphrase is in dictionary then password will be cracked. But what if password is not in dictionary? Are there other ways to crack the non-dictionary passphrases? The Renderlab: Church of Wifi WPA-PSK Lookup Tables. Hack WiFi with Crunch or Hash Cat - No Dictionaries Needed. As you’ve probably discovered so far, there are tons of ways we can hack WiFi passwords, be they WEP or WPA/WPA2.

The Renderlab: Church of Wifi WPA-PSK Lookup Tables. How I Hacked Your Router. Reaver-WPS alternative: Bully - retrieve WPA/WPA2 passphrase from a WPS enabled acess point : netsec. WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) Exploiting / Cracking (Crack any WPA/WPA2/WEP) - Knowledge Database. From Knowledge Database Overview WPS is short for Wi-Fi Protected System. It is becoming more common as of year 2013. Originally it was named Wi-Fi Simple Config and introduced in 2006. Nowdays over 50% of router's have WPS enabled by default. How to Check if Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is Enabled. How to Bruteforce a WPA Handshake with Back. How to install Kali Linux in Virtualbox : Step By Step guide. - Kanishkas howto? Hi friends, the latest version of Kali Linux 1.0.6 has been released and is available for download here. VirtualBox Install. This article was contributed by Boris Sverdlik. Downloads.

Step By Step Installing Kali Linux 1.0.6 in Virtualbox. Rebirth of BackTrack, the Penetration Testing Distribution. Hacking Tutorials - 6 - Wireless WPA/WPA2 cracking. Mapping Wifi Access Points : sysadmin.