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Educational Leadership:Giving Students Meaningful Work:Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning. Kritisch denken - een introductie. Kritisch Denken. InFact: Organic Food Myths. Here Be Dragons. 365 things to make you go "Hmmm..." What is 365 Things?

365 things to make you go "Hmmm..."

'365 Things' is a thinking skills resource. Simply put, it's one big question for every day in the year. Its official aim as a thinking skills resource is to help your pupils deepen their understanding and introduce them to different ways of thinking, but if it gets your class talking hard about the answer, that's good enough for us. We've had both secondary and primary schools using the resource, but our main support comes from KS2 classes. The daily questions vary, from open-ended Maths challenges to more philosophical issues. . - creative thinking,- mathematical thinking and problem-solving,- decision making,- critical thinking- logical thinking We try to be topical when there's a subject we think will provoke discussion (e.g. we covered the Chilean miners' release and the Royal Wedding) and if your class has a question they'd like to see featured, fill in the form below and we'll send you an e-mail if/when we plan to use it.

Using this resource Your privacy. Brain based education: Fad or breakthrough. Telling Isn't Teaching: The Fine Art of Coaching. Coaches understand that telling a player (or singer, actor, etc.) what to do is not enough. No drama director or soccer coach asks students to sit in the room and explain what to do. They go to the playing environment, demonstrate correct technique and then put the students through multiple repetitions; practice, practice, practice. Repetition ensures that correct technique will become close to automatic when the game is on the line, emotions run high and calm under pressure is required.

Coaches are fully aware that knowing what to do is not the same as knowing how to do it. The same model needs to be used when changing student behavior if we want to successfully improve the choices students make. Practice Makes Perfect? Most interventions are based on letting the student know why his or her choice was inappropriate, and usually what to do instead. Sometimes we ask a student, "Issac, what are you supposed to do when someone calls you a name? " Critical Thinking. Don't Miss This Critical Thinking Poster for your Class. One of the answers you would definitely get when you ask any teacher about the skills their students should have is critical thinking.

Don't Miss This Critical Thinking Poster for your Class

Of course there is more to it than just critical thinking, there is also the ability to Find informationvalidate this informationSynthesize itLeverage informationCommunicate informationCollaborate with itProblem solve itReflect about it Evaluate itPublish it All of these skills are very important for our students particularly in this digitally focused age but if you have a close look at this list you will notice that critical thinking is at the center and all the other skills revolve around it. Hence the importance of developing critical thinkers and learners. Critical thinking in its broadest meaning, refers to a diverse range of intellectual skills and activities concerned with evaluating information as well as evaluating our thought in a disciplined way. To learn more about critical learning I would recommend that you check these posts :

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 6 Great Videos on Teaching Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is a skill that we can teach to our students through exercise and practice.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 6 Great Videos on Teaching Critical Thinking

It is particularly a skill that contains a plethora of other skills inside it. Critical thinking in its basic definition refers" to a diverse range of intellectual skills and activities concerned with evaluating information as well as evaluating our thought in a disciplined way ". All of our students think in a way or another but the question is , do they really think critically ? Are they able to evaluate the information they come across ? Are they capable of going beyond the surface thinking layer ? Critical thinking is part and parcel of what is called critical theory and hence critical literacy. 1- A Quick Guide to 21st Century Critical Thinking Skills for Teachers2- What Does Critical Thinking Mean in Education3- Great Critical Thinking Poster for your Class4- 7 Great iPad Apps to Improve Kids Critical Thinking5- A Clever Tip to Easily Develop Students Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking.