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Live Happy Magazine. 50 Life Secrets and Tips. Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost.

Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments and sensations as possible. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances.

22 Killer Personal Development Resources You're Missing Out On. You’ve got the personal development itch once again. You know the feeling. Maybe you want to be more productive, finally tackle that goal of yours, or start waking up earlier. So you go to Google or your favorite personal development blogs. Maybe if you still haven’t found what you’re looking for you try searching for a Youtube video or ask your Facebook friends if they know of any good sites. And that’s it. You’ve exhausted your resources and don’t know where else to look.

Sometimes you find what you need, but you still have a sense that there’s got to be more. And that’s where you get stuck. Today I hope to change that by sharing with you 22 of the killer personal development resources you’re missing out on. 1. I know, you thought Reddit was just for gamers, atheists, and students – but that’s a misconception. 2. is a nifty personal development web application. 3. Lately, it seems there have been hundreds of eLearning websites popping up across the web. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Top 10 Infographics and Cheat Sheets That Make Life Easier. 50 Tricks to Get Things Done Faster, Better, and More Easily.

31 Quotes That Will Give You Chills. I think quotes have a powerful way of conveying an attitude to you which sometimes resonates so much that you feel ‘chills’ inside. Here’s a list of the quotes which have given me the most of these “chills”. Enjoy! Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75. —Benjamin FranklinMost people are other people. 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind. 6 Logical Fallacies That Cost You Money Every Day. Throws Good Money After Bad The competitive instinct is not just a phrase football commentators invented to give words to the tingly feeling they get watching Brett Favre play football. Our brain's natural tendency towards competition is arguably the reason your family survived the hunter gatherer knife fight of 2000 BC.

And as countless uninspired armies and poorly coached teams have demonstrated throughout the years, your ability to compete tends to be directly proportional to your ability to convince yourself that you're doing the right thing. This leaves us with a brain that loves to compete, and is awesome at convincing itself that it's right. In the financial realms, when these two instincts collide, your brain will play a retarded game of chicken with reality that economists have termed "irrational escalation of commitment". This applies to more than finances Throw in a little competitive instinct and pride, and it's not hard to see how this can go horribly, horribly wrong.

17 Things You’ve Been Mistaking For Love. I write this because, at some point in my life, I have mistaken all of these things for love and/or romance. And I think, because these are the kinds of relationships and scenarios we see glamorized (no one wants to watch a movie about a happy couple just being happy in the long-term and not having terrible obstacles to overcome), it’s important to remind ourselves that these are mere mind tricks when compared to the real thing. 1. Getting isolated moments of affection or attention from someone who is otherwise very distant and, because of that, makes you hang on every move they make to see if it’s going to be one that ruins or completely makes your day. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

When You Start to Enjoy Being Alone, These 10 Things Will Happen. Some people think of “being alone” as a bad thing. It either means you’re anti-social, or unwanted, neither of which are a good position to be in. But actually, being alone isn’t’ necessarily a bad thing, as there are a handful of benefits that emerge once you learn to embrace solitude. I’m not advocating you go all Tom Hanks in Cast Away, because no one can argue the benefits, and the joys, that come along with fulfilling relationships with other people. But I am saying that once you learn to enjoy being alone, you’re going to grow as a person.

Below are ten amazing things that will happen in your life when you start to enjoy being alone. 1. Often times when we’re surrounded by other people, we’re expending a lot of energy. It can be mentally draining if you’re constantly connected to other people. 2. Your life is always moving at a crazy fast pace. Being alone gives you the perfect opportunity for a little self reflection. Solitude provides the perfect environment for reflection. 3. 4. 5. 35 Ultimate Psychology Facts - PsychTronics. 35 Ultimate Psychology Facts Amazing Psychology facts which you don’t even find in google search. These are psychology facts which are taken from the most experienced and top level psychologists. 1.When it comes to placebo, studies have found that a capsule works better than a tablet, and a syringe works better than a capsule (in terms of how successful the placebo effect is). 2.

A placebo effect can work even when the individual is aware that the substance they are taking is a placebo. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. red makes anyone more sexually attractive, but i learned that wearing blue makes men especially more attractive to women. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Stay tune for new posts! 20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level of Insanity. 5 Intuitions about Love and Sex You Shouldn’t Ignore. By Judith Orloff MD When we’re looking for love (or under its intoxicating influence), we often miss seeing extraordinary signs and messages that pop up in our daily life to give us clues as to whether we’re on the right track.

However, if you can slow down enough to recognize and listen to your intuitive intelligence, it can reveal truth, warn you of danger, or help you understand people and relationship situations in new ways. From my book, Emotional Freedom, here are five types of intuitive experiences you may encounter, and what they can teach you about your love relationships. Body signals Your body has many ways of getting your attention. It could be Goosebumps when a date feels just right or says something about you that rings “true.” How to use it in romantic relationships Most commonly referred to as a “gut reaction,” your body’s response to the world around you is often instant–quicker, in fact, than your conscious thought.

Incoming search terms: 6 Signs You’re Not In Touch With Your Personal Wisdom (And How To Fix It) “Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.” – Buddha While this advice from “the enlightened one” may be easier said than done, it’s safe to say that we have all embarked on our own journeys toward personal wisdom in one way or another. It’s more a matter of how far we’ve come, where we hope to be, and the obstacles currently remaining in the way. Unfortunately, inner wisdom isn’t something that we can learn from a textbook, lecture or lesson. We simply (or not so simply) have to live it. In his 1922 pioneering piece on senescence, G. Stanley Hall associated the development of wisdom on a personal level with the emergence of a meditative attitude, philosophic calmness, impartiality, and the desire to draw moral lessons from life experiences. The throws of daily life often lead us astray from these characteristics that we need to focus on, leaving us out of touch with our true selves.

You’re quick to judge a book by its cover. 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself. These 8 Psychological Facts Will Help You Understand A Lot More About Life. #5 Is A Game Changer. | Sharing With You. Psychology is a powerful thing. It’s responsible for so much of what we do in life whether we’re conscious of it or not. Luckily, we’re here to help enlighten you about your own brain. Here are eight powerful psychological facts that will help you understand a lot more about life. 1). Colors. Ever wondered why certains brands pick the colors they do for their logos? Well it’s all about psychology. 2.)

When complementing a child it’s better to focus on the hard work they put in to achieve the result rather than praising their intelligence. 3.) Video gamers are better at lucid dreaming than non-gamers. 4.) A pair of watching eyes whether real or not will make us all more honest, according to research from the University of New Castle. On the days when printed eyes were at the top of the price list rather than a picture of flowers the staff paid more for their coffee. 5.)

When you’re in an argument be careful using the word “you”. 6.) Need a yes? 7.) Not so good: You are dead wrong! 8.) Six Funny Life Lessons. Six Funny Life Lessons This was posted back in April, 2007. Shortly after, people liked it so much it got to the Digg front page. Until this day, many many people come and read these lessons everyday. Enjoy! Lesson 1: Naked Wife A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower when the doorbell rings.

After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 dollars and leaves. “Who was that?” Moral of the story: If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure. Lesson 2 A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say. Lesson 3 A priest offered a lift to a Nun. Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity. Lesson 4 A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A fox jumped on the rabbit and ate it. Lesson 6. Things They Don’t Teach You in School. While writing, reading and arithmetic are the building blocks of a basic education, I have come to learn that some of the most important lessons will happen outside of the classroom. Some you might have to learn the hard way, and others will come easier, with a little luck.

Today I’m going to help guide you in the right direction with 10 of my best life lessons I’ve learned in the real world. Keep these lessons in your back pocket for years to come… 1. The important questions can’t be answered. If all of life’s most challenging moments had answers, everyone would be going through the motions without actually living. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I hope these lessons helped you all to learn something about yourself today. Have you learned any valuable lessons outside the classroom? List yours off below. XO Lauren Photo: Carrie Beth Taylor. There's no speed limit. (The lessons that changed my life.) Whether you're a student, teacher, or parent, I think you'll appreciate this story of how one teacher can completely and permanently change someone's life in only a few lessons. I met Kimo Williams when I was 17 - the summer after I graduated high school in Chicago, a few months before I was starting Berklee College of Music. I called an ad in the paper by a recording studio, with a random question about music typesetting. When the studio owner heard I was going to Berklee, he said, “I graduated from Berklee, and taught there for a few years, too. I'll bet I can teach you two years' of theory and arranging in only a few lessons. I suspect you can graduate in two years if you understand there's no speed limit.

Come by my studio at 9:00 tomorrow for your first lesson, if you're interested. Graduate college in two years? Excited as hell, I showed up to his studio at 8:40 the next morning, though I waited outside until 8:59 before ringing his bell. He opened the door. “Uh... the flat-2 chord?” Maybe ? Maybe. . .we were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

Maybe . . . when the door of happiness closes, another opens; but, often times, we look so long at the closed door that we don’t even see the new one which has been opened for us. Maybe . . . it is true that we don’t know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we don’t know what we have been missing until it arrives. Maybe . . . the happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Maybe . . . the brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; after all, you can’t go on successfully in life until you let go of your past mistakes, failures and heartaches. Maybe . . you should always try to put yourself in others’ shoes. If you feel that something could hurt you, it probably will hurt the other person, too. 40 Oscar Wilde Quotes that Will Make You Rethink Everything | Mindzette - Life Hacking. A master of wit; An optimistic cynic; A brilliant mind. Oscar Wilde remains one of the most sharp-tongued individuals throughout history, whose audacious statements can still be applied to 21st century day-to-day life.

This is a man who, when asked by customs if he had anything to declare after traveling replied, “Nothing but my genius!” Clearly, we have a lot to learn from a man this quick-witted. Be warned: the quotes below, some from his books, may turn your world upside down. He’ll have you questioning you’re entire philosophy on how you gauge right and wrong. “I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.” “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” “Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more.”

I've learned .... Life's Instructions. 10 Articles That Changed My Life | 10 Painfully Obvious Truths Everyone Forgets Too Soon. Nine Podcasts for a Fuller Life. 7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose. 81 Awesome Resources When You Can’t Afford a Therapist. 20 Things That Mentally Strong People Don't Do. 50 Ways To Be AWESOME. Las 9 cualidades que comparten las personas que caen siempre bien. 15 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do – Chocolate Socrates. 10 Ways to Instantly Build Self Confidence. 23 Psychological Life Hacks to get an Advantage.

28 Dignified Ways to Impress Everyone Around You. 10 Ways to Make Your Life More Interesting Today. 15 People On The Most Difficult Things You Will Learn In Your 20s. How to Have Fun Like Children: 15 Joyful Tips. How to Have a Fun Life: 5 steps. 35 Pieces Of Advice From A 100-Year-Old. 7 Ways to Be More Interesting Than You Ever Thought Possible. 25 Acts of Body Language to Avoid. 43 Ways to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Rock Your Life. Have You Had a Near-Life Experience? 5 Crucial Tips on How to Feel Fully Alive. 50 Amazing Life Lessons Everyone Needs. These Will Change Your Life. | Viral Blasts. Life Secrets and Tips | Life Secrets and Tips | 50 Life Secrets and Tips | Life Secrets | Secrets For A Natural Life.

40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain. 26 Rules To Live By That’ll Help Ease Your Overthinking Problem. Reboot your life: 20 mental barriers you should let go of. 30 Of The Hardest (But Most Necessary) Things That Must Be Done To Achieve Su... 50 (More) Life Secrets and Tips.

30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself. 8 Harsh Truths that Will Improve Your Life. 37 Regrets That You Should Always Avoid. 30 Habits that Will Change your Life.

42 reflections on the meaning of life, the universe and everything — Meaning & Meaningfulness. 30 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Die. 50 Life Secrets and Tips. 19 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Turned 20 So I Didn't Waste a Decade | Mensen. 50 Things You Need To Give Up Today. 60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again. 50 Ways To Be Happier. 50 Ways To Start Fresh. 100 Simple Ways to Change Your Life for the Better | Nerds Do It Better.

50 Important Advice and Things To Know That People Usually Aren't Told About. 60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days. 50 Ways To Be AWESOME. 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life (and Make Yourself Happier) 30 Ways To Practice Self-Love And Be Good To Yourself. 50 Life Secrets and Tips Pt. 2. 15 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do – Chocolate Socrates.

50 Things Everyone Should Know. Marc and Angel Hack Life - Practical Tips for Productive Living. 3 Ways Improv Can Improve Your Career. Life Hacks @imageBlog. Resiliencia: Los 12 hábitos de las personas resilientes. Life's Instructions. 18 Super Smart Life Hacks That Every Super Mom Should Know About.

30 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Die. 35 Life Hacks You Should Know. 40 Ways to Feel More Alive. 50 Life Secrets and Tips. 25 Psychological Life Hacks that Will Help You Gain the Advantage in Social Situations. 82 consejos de Gurdjieff a su hija: una poderosa lista de sobria sabiduría. 20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level of Insanity.