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How Mark Zuckerberg’s control of Facebook lets him print money. When Mark Zuckerberg pays astronomical prices for unprofitable start-ups like Oculus ($2 billion) and WhatsApp ($19 billion), the Facebook CEO and founder is paying with a special currency, all his own: Facebook stock.

How Mark Zuckerberg’s control of Facebook lets him print money

Many mergers and acquisitions are funded with company stock, of course, and in many cases the acquiree might prefer it: Stock gives them access to the potential upside of the merger in a way that cash can’t. But Zuckerberg’s deployment of company stock is special because of the corporate governance structure that Facebook and other tech companies have adopted. These “dual class” structures allow founders to maintain control of their companies even if they don’t technically own a majority of its stock. As of February, Zuckerberg owned about 20% of the company, but almost all of that is “class B” stock, which gets ten votes for every one vote given to regular old class A shares; so he still controls the company personally, despite a minority economic interest. Philip Evans: How data will transform business. Allan Savory’s TED talk is wrong, and the benefits of holistic grazing have been debunked. Photo by Vyacheslav Oseledko/AFP/Getty Images When Allan Savory finished his TED talk early last month, foodies worldwide collectively salivated.

Allan Savory’s TED talk is wrong, and the benefits of holistic grazing have been debunked.

In roughly 22 minutes, Savory, a biologist and former member of the Rhodesian Parliament, challenged the conventional wisdom blaming livestock for the degradation of global grasslands into hardpan deserts. It has long been a basic tenet of environmentalism that 10,000 years of overgrazing has caused this desertification. Environmentalists insist that to restore degraded landscapes, we must reduce the presence of cattle, eat less meat, and allow ecosystems to repair themselves. Savory, who admits that he’s suggesting “the unthinkable,” wants humans to do the exact opposite: Add cattle to the deserts, manage them with obsessive precision, and eat more meat.

Savory’s hypothesis hinges on what he calls “holistic management and planned grazing.” Savory’s speech quickly attracted praise. Allan Savory: Comment transformer nos déserts en prairies et inverser le changement climatique.


Philo. Ken Robinson nous dit en quoi l'école tue la créativité. Ces 20 femmes qui ont fait l’actualité en 2013, Diaporamas. Serge Tchuruk. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Serge Tchuruk

Serge Tchuruk, de son vrai nom Serge Tchurukdichian, né le à Marseille, est un homme d’affaires français. Origines[modifier | modifier le code] Ses parents sont des réfugiés arméniens, ayant fui la Turquie au début des années 1920. Commerçants, ils s'installent en France en 1922. Serge Tchuruk nait le 13 novembre 1937 à Marseille, dans le quartier du lycée Thiers, où il fait toutes ses études secondaires. Fidèle à ses origines, il apprend l'arménien (que l'on ne parlait pas chez lui), et de passage à Venise, il se rend au monastère mekhitariste de l'île Saint-Lazare, haut lieu religieux et culturel de cette congrégation catholique arménienne.

Carrière[modifier | modifier le code] Il débute sa carrière aux États-Unis dans le groupe ExxonMobil, où il occupe plusieurs postes de 1964 à 1979. En 1995, il est nommé PDG d'Alcatel-Alsthom en remplacement de Pierre Suard. Mandats sociaux[modifier | modifier le code] Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code]


Economics. Nelson Mandela est mort. Il disait qu'il n'était « ni un saint ni un prophète ».

Nelson Mandela est mort

Il déplorait qu'on le présente comme « une sorte de demi-dieu ». Il insistait sur ses « erreurs », ses « insuffisances », ses « impatiences ». Jusqu'au bout, tandis qu'on le fêtait à travers le monde, tandis que les Etats et les puissants lui tressaient des lauriers, lui dressaient des statues, lui décernaient des palmes et des récompenses, tandis qu'un peu partout on donnait son nom à des milliers d'écoles, d'universités, de rues, de places, de parcs et d'institutions diverses, jusqu'au bout il s'est voulu « un homme comme les autres, un pécheur qui essaie de s'améliorer ». Silicon Alley 100 2013. Business Insider / Mike Nudelman Yahoo's $1.1 billion acquisition of Tumblr really put New York tech on the map this year.

Silicon Alley 100 2013

But over the past few years, New York City has become a tech hotspot. Scroll through this year's Silicon Alley 100 >> In fact, tech is the city's second-largest job sector. New York has become home to some of the tech industry's most promising companies, including Etsy, Rap Genius, MakerBot, Kickstarter, Tumblr, and Infor. All in all, it's been a great year for New York Tech. But what does it mean to have done something cool? We prioritized entrepreneurs over investors, simply because it's a lot harder to start a company than to fund one. Next, we valued companies that really blew up over the last year (the Upworthys and the Vines), followed by entrepreneurs who launched cool, new companies.