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Ethiopia Becomes China’s China in Global Search for Cheap Labour. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ethiopian workers strolling through the parking lot of Huajian Shoes’ factory outside Addis Ababa last month chose the wrong day to leave their shirts untucked.

Ethiopia Becomes China’s China in Global Search for Cheap Labour

Company President Zhang Huarong, just arrived on a visit from China, spotted them through the window, sprang up and ran outside. The former People’s Liberation Army soldier harangued them loudly in Chinese, tugging at one man’s aqua polo shirt and forcing another’s shirt into his pants. Nonplussed, the workers stood silently until the eruption subsided. Shaping up a handful of employees is one small part of Zhang’s quest to profit from Huajian’s factory wages of about $40 a month -– less than 10 percent the level in China. E-Tailers Must Tell Consumers Where Their Products Are Made. SYDNEY, Australia — In the wake of last year’s tragedy at Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, much has been written about the widening gap between producer and end consumer in the global garment industry.

E-Tailers Must Tell Consumers Where Their Products Are Made

As fast fashion companies, in particular, aim to speed up production, while simultaneously increasing profit margin, supply chains have become increasingly murky and customers are often left with little idea as to where, how and by whom their clothes are made. Unfortunately, the rise of e-commerce has done nothing to improve transparency, as consumers shopping most fashion e-tailers are exposed to very limited information on how and where their clothes are made, making it difficult to make responsible choices. Unlike shopping at traditional brick-and-mortar stores, shoppers can’t touch clothes to assess quality, read tags for manufacturing information, or ask a shop assistant about the origin of an item.

Madelin Newman is a freelance writer based in Sydney. Centre for Sustainable Fashion. Positive Luxury. S7 - Paris. PLAN 8 * PARIS. PLAN 8 PARIS specializes in international brand and business development in the fashion and luxury area building competitiveness through innovation from creative fields or via new technologies.


For almost 10 years in distribution and brand development, PLAN 8 PARIS has an extensive network of stores and partners to build a solid distribution wholesale, retail and online. Born in Venezuela, he obtained a master in Political Science with a special interest in public image and communication. His affinity to fashion grew parallel to his quest for an alternative approach to the industry. Having moved to Paris he did an MBA in Fashion Marketing at I.F.M. “Institut Français de La Mode” and started to work for his favorite brand, Comme des Garcons, where he occupied different roles in sales and marketing during 8 years, leading to the birth of the Guerilla Stores. Clients Diane Pernet Federico Marchetti Vydia Narine Jose Neves Plan 8 Showrooms Mens & Pre 12 rue des Arquebusier 75003 Paris Mens. Fashion Revolution Launches Crowdfunding! : Fashion Revolution.

By Carry Somers15/05/14 Fashion Revolution Launches Crowdfunding to Transform the Fashion Industry for Good Fashion Revolution is aiming to raise £75,000 to make Fashion Revolution Day 2015 bigger, better and wider reaching in its second year.

Fashion Revolution Launches Crowdfunding! : Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution’s mission is to create better connections and transparency across the entire fashion supply chain so tragic accidents like the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1133 people and injured over 2500, never happen again. Fashion Revolution is about building a better future for the millions of people employed in the fashion industry but social and environmental catastrophes won’t stop unless we act fast. The inaugural Fashion Revolution Day took place on 24th April 2014, on the first anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster, and ran in 58 countries, trending worldwide on Twitter with #insideout and achieving 6.6 million clicks on Google. Knowing who made our clothes is the first step in transforming the fashion industry. Fashion Revolution. Wear your clothes #InsideOut for Fashion Revolution Day!

Stop for a moment.

Wear your clothes #InsideOut for Fashion Revolution Day!

Take a look at what you’re wearing. Do you know where it was made? Have you ever stopped to think about who made it? Not a company or brand name, but the actual person whose hands assembled the pieces of the garment you are wearing right now. If you can’t answer those questions, you’re not alone. Tomorrow – Thursday, April 24 – is the first-ever Fashion Revolution Day. The idea for Fashion Revolution Day came from Carry Somers, a hat designer and fair trade pioneer from the U.K. There will be events held throughout the world on April 24 -- film screenings and knit-ins in the U.K., a mass catwalk downtown Barcelona, a fashion show in Bangladesh with workers wearing the clothes they make, a workshop in Nepal on how to clean water contaminated by textile dyes, an exhibit in Swaziland documenting the lives of artisans, and fashion boutiques throughout the world turning their display windows #InsideOut.

What can you do to join in? French Failure to Singaporean Success: Kevin Straszburger. Kevin Straszburger- Parisian entrepreneur turned Singaporean FrenchWeb correspondent and crowdsourcing evangelist- brings back news to the motherland.

French Failure to Singaporean Success: Kevin Straszburger

While he is most likely sunbathing in the infinity pool, he is officially Head of Marketing at Crowdonomic with founder, Leo Shimada, Head of Business Development, Nicola Castelnuovo, and CFO, Eric Tay. His journey began from announcing the swift ‘failure’ of an eco-friendly online fashion boutique to plunging head first into the start-up scene in Singapore. Green in the City, tendances et conscience. En trois ans, Green in the City s’est imposé comme l’un des passages obligés pour suivre les tendances éco-chics à Paris.

Green in the City, tendances et conscience