100 Online Brainstorming Tools to Help You Think Outside the Box
A lateral thinking process, brainstorming demands that people come up with ideas and thoughts that can seem shocking or crazy. By using these ideas as a starting point, you can then change and improve them into something useful and original. Below are the top 100 tools, tips, guides, and resources to help you think outside the box and maximize your ideas. Tips, Sites, and Guides for Brainstorming
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mercredi, 10 août 2011 Par Fabrice le mercredi, 10 août 2011, 00:24 - Evénéments Agilité Jeu Traduction mardi, 5 juillet 2011
Brainstorming Games for Team CreativityGamestorming
Virtual Seminar You’ll learn to… Harness the collective power and energy of your team to get the results you want Create breakthrough change within today’s way of doing business Get non-designers in your organization to think creatively Play games with boundaries, players, goals, artifacts, and a winning condition Topics: