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Evolving thoughts on a laminated cracker crust. I know cracker crusts don't create a lot of excitement, and the thought of a laminated one creates even less excitement, but I wanted to pass on an experiment which made this pizza pretty easy to make.

Evolving thoughts on a laminated cracker crust

The recipe:flour 100% I used high gluten this time, but any will workvery hot tap water 45olive oil 4salt 2instant yeast .75 I made a 25 ounce piece of dough. Put water, salt, oil, and yeast in bowl....mixed well...added flour...mixed for 5 minutes or until all flour is picked up and a dough ball is formed. Tommy's Pizza (Columbus OH) - Any recipe ideas. Formula for the dough in my most recent pics: 100% All Trumps Flour44% Water0.6% Active Dry Yeast0.5% Salt5% Oil0.5% Sugar *The hydration figure is a bit of an estimate because I added scraps from a batch of dough with a slightly different hydration figure.

Tommy's Pizza (Columbus OH) - Any recipe ideas

I also added a few ounces of excess dough from a very soft NY style dough. 44% is probably a good estimate, though. Think cracker crust pizza dough recipe. In keeping with my many experiments with cracker style pizzas over the past year, I decided to try member John Fazzari’s cracker-style crust recipe as set forth in Reply 4 in this thread.

Think cracker crust pizza dough recipe

To do this, I used the expanded dough calculating tool at to come up with a dough formulation to make a single 14” pizza. The dough formulation I used was as follows:Note: Nominal thickness factor = 0.09947; pizza size entered into the tool = 15”; bowl residue compensation = 1% As noted from the above table, I used a nominal thickness factor of 0.09947 in the tool. This is the value that I calculated from information provided by John and noted in Reply 5. Little Black Egg. Mike....I posted some pics and info that might be helpful at the Forno Bravo site here (page 2): ( The 8" stone hangs from the lid by copper house wire that I shaped to the proper form and attached to the lid with screws. This stone is discolored because it fell off onto one of my pizzas awhile back so I have since then connected the copper supports with the stainless steel wire, problem solved. If you have access to a decent hardware store you should be able to find some sort of brackets that would be better.

Yes, the 2 lower stones simply sit on the cooking grid. I cut the hole in the bottom of the kettle with just a hacksaw blade wrapped in duct tape, see the above link for more on that. Copied from my post at Forno Bravo:I like to keep things simple so I took a 18" Weber kettle grill and cut an 11 1/2inch hole in the bottom. My new LBE and pies. Recently, i noticed my pies were not baking fast enough.

My new LBE and pies

As i went from my "new york setup" to my "neapolitan Setup", i didthe following: New York setupStone would slowly heat up, with both a bottom deflector and top deflector, and would usually not bake hot enough.It has the deflector near the heat source and another unintended deflector in my rotation modificaiton. Neapolitan SetupThis setup can easily go up to 600-700 as it is directly exposed to the flame.

As the heat damn mod create heat that is100 degrees hotter than the front temperature, at 1/4 power i can get my 800 degrees air temps. No "deflectors" at all! As you definitely lose some heat when you lift up the lid to check on the pie, the rotation mod allows me to rotate the pie every 5-10 seconds to get some even cooking. Hope that helps. DKM's Thin Crust w/Pictures. Last night I made two of my best-to-date thin crust pizzas using DKM's Pizza Inn recipe!

DKM's Thin Crust w/Pictures

The pizzas were identical except that one was made exactly according to Deven's recipe (5.8 ounces of water) and the other with 6.5 ounces of water to see what effect it would have. And, both pizzas were made using All Trumps high-gluten flour. Both doughs were made using the food processor method. All ingredients are added to the bowl of a food processor fitted with steel cutting blade and are processed for about 20-30 seconds until the mixture resembles coarse, moist, cornmeal. The contents are then dumped onto a clean countertop and pressed together to form a dough ball. Both doughs were given a 24 hour rise at room temperature. After the 24 hour rise, the "dry" dough (made with 5.8 ounces of water) had hardly risen. Bruno di Fabio??

John, I've been curious about trying eggs in my crust to see if it adds any additional crunch as Bruno says it does.

Bruno di Fabio??

Did you notice or do you remember if this crust was any crustier or crunchier than a typical dough without the egg? By looking at the recipe and video alone, I would have to agree with you on the salt and hydration levels. A36 Hot Rolled Steel Plate - Buy Online - Cut to Size - No Minimum Order.