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Movies, Culture, and Women

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Eating Bugs and Testicles: A Woman's Journey Into Macho Food Culture - Laura Shapiro. Fuck the High Road: The Upside of Sinking to Their Level. Share AP Photo.

Fuck the High Road: The Upside of Sinking to Their Level

Don’t feed the trolls: it’s probably the most common refrain in online discussions, especially when dealing with misogynists in feminists conversations. The idea is that the best way to deal with sexists is to starve of them of the attention they’re so clearly desperate for. Woody Allen. Mr.

Woody Allen

Allen, do you truly believe that happiness in life is impossible? This is my perspective and has always been my perspective on life. I have a very grim, pessimistic view of it. I always have since I was a little boy; it hasn’t gotten worse with age or anything. Why Gender Equality Stalled. In 1963, most Americans did not yet believe that gender equality was possible or even desirable.

Why Gender Equality Stalled

Conventional wisdom held that a woman could not pursue a career and still be a fulfilled wife or successful mother. Normal women, psychiatrists proclaimed, renounced all aspirations outside the home to meet their feminine need for dependence. In 1962, more than two-thirds of the women surveyed by University of Michigan researchers agreed that most important family decisions “should be made by the man of the house.”

It was in this context that Friedan set out to transform the attitudes of women. Arguing that “the personal is political,” feminists urged women to challenge the assumption, at work and at home, that women should always be the ones who make the coffee, watch over the children, pick up after men and serve the meals. Lauren Greenfield Photography - Girl Culture intro. The Loves of Lena Dunham by Elaine Blair. Girls a television series on HBO created by Lena Dunham.

The Loves of Lena Dunham by Elaine Blair

The Age of Hipster Sexism. Last week the Obama campaign released an ad by Lena Dunham.

The Age of Hipster Sexism

It was aimed at young female voters — in the clip, Dunham coquettishly compared voting for the first time to a woman losing her virginity. Why Women Aren't Funny. From the John Springer Collection/Corbis.

Why Women Aren't Funny

Who Says Women Aren't Funny? It has become a supply-and-demand issue: the supply of good-looking female comedians is growing, and the industry demands that they keep growing prettier.

Who Says Women Aren't Funny?

Mindy Kaling: “Flick Chicks” A few years ago, I sat down for a meeting with some executives at a movie studio that I will call Thinkscope Visioncloud.

Mindy Kaling: “Flick Chicks”

Thinkscope Visioncloud had put out several of my favorite movies, and they wanted to see if I had any feature ideas. I was very excited. I have a great job writing for “The Office,” but, really, all television writers do is dream of one day writing movies. Why "Choice Feminism" is an Illusion (With Bonus "Lost" Analogy) So I was looking at “Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street,” which is so blatantly sexist I got bored trying to write about it.

Why "Choice Feminism" is an Illusion (With Bonus "Lost" Analogy)

What Really Makes Katniss Stand Out? Peeta, Her Movie Girlfriend : Monkey See. Hide captionJennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson in Catching Fire.

What Really Makes Katniss Stand Out? Peeta, Her Movie Girlfriend : Monkey See

Lionsgate Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson in Catching Fire. [General Hunger Games/Catching Fire information below; no huge surprises revealed.] This weekend, Catching Fire, the second chapter of the Hunger Games film adaptations, raked in enormous piles of dough — with over $160 million in one weekend, it's the biggest November opening ever. Love hurts. Who's to blame? by bookslut editor. Health - Alice Dreger - The Olympic Struggle Over Sex. Even as it hopes to clarify the difference between male and female athletes, a new rule from the International Olympic Committee inadvertently stirs the waters. A set of Olympic rings hangs from London's Tower Bridge. (viks2/Flickr) What is sport ultimately for?

That fundamental philosophical question lies behind the debate over what to do with women athletes who were raised as girls but whose bodies seem to be unusually masculine. Contemporary Feminism - Feminism Is An Incomplete Revolution. Lindsey Mead Russell: 10 Things I Want My Daughter To Know Before She Turns 10. The Lazy Stereotyping of Executive Women: A Case Study. Magazine - Why Women Still Can’t Have It All. It’s time to stop fooling ourselves, says a woman who left a position of power: the women who have managed to be both mothers and top professionals are superhuman, rich, or self-employed. If we truly believe in equal opportunity for all women, here’s what has to change. Phillip Toledano Eighteen months into my job as the first woman director of policy planning at the State Department, a foreign-policy dream job that traces its origins back to George Kennan, I found myself in New York, at the United Nations’ annual assemblage of every foreign minister and head of state in the world.

On a Wednesday evening, President and Mrs. Obama hosted a glamorous reception at the American Museum of Natural History. As the evening wore on, I ran into a colleague who held a senior position in the White House. On the Intersection of Race & Feminism: A Conversation With Neesha Meminger and Ibi Zoboi. 'The Finkbeiner Test' There’s still a gender gap in the sciences, with far fewer women than men in research jobs, and those women earning substantially less, but it doesn’t help when journalists treat every female scientist they profile as an archetype of perseverance.

Why Men Fail. The Myth of Male Decline. If Men Could Menstuate. A Message To Women From A Man: You Are Not “Crazy” 'Django' an unsettling experience for many blacks. Ridley Scott’s Trojan Horse Career - Hollywood Prospectus Blog. White Girl Apathy Is Killing Culture. All the Condescending Terms Being Used to Describe Undecided Women Voters - Politics.

Good Evening, It's An Honor To Be Used As A Political Prop By My Husband's Campaign. Good evening, everyone. ENGB1 Gender. The Redemption of Sinead O'Connor - Michael Agresta. Twenty years ago today, Sinead O'Connor tore up a picture of the pope on Saturday Night Live—and the media largely misunderstood why. Is America finally ready to hear her out? Vocal fry: “creeping in” or “still here”? Vocal fry or creaky voice in young American women, on Lexicon Valley. Why Women Aren’t Crazy.