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Preditors & Editors. 4writingstages_005-400w.jpg (400×564) Rite in the Rain. 10 Great Notebooks Productive People Love. Although I’m going on 10 years as a PDA/Smartphone user (Palm IIIe – Handspring Visor Neo – Treo 180g – Zire 72 – Treo 680 – Blackberry 8310), I love notebooks.

10 Great Notebooks Productive People Love

A good pen on nice paper makes me much happier than the feel of a stylus on a plastic screen or the clickety-clack of a thumb-board. My personal notebook inventory consists mainly of three kinds of notebooks: A pocket-sized Moleskine : I love the reporter’s notebook or standard lined notebook, though lately I’ve been using the tiny extra-small Volants, whose soft vinyl cover stands up to my back pocket better.Tops Docket Gold letter-sized pads : These are my favorite pads for writing; they are the only letter-sized top-bound legal pads I’ve been able to find with both narrow rules (most legal pads are wide-ruled) and an extra-stiff cardboard backing, perfect for lap-top writing.Hardbound Foray notebooks: Foray is an Office Depot house brand; they make several sizes and colors of hardbound notebooks.

Moleskine : The classic. Doing "Morning Pages" From "The Artist's Way" Led Me To Get Divorced, Lose 40 Pounds And Revitalize My Career. Here I am in 2005.

Doing "Morning Pages" From "The Artist's Way" Led Me To Get Divorced, Lose 40 Pounds And Revitalize My Career

Everything in my world just changed because of doing "morning pages. " I think the first time I heard of "The Artist's Way" it was listed as a resource in the back of another self-help book. The author said that it was a book that, as silly as it seems, had helped a lot of people she knew who were simply burned out. I promptly bought myself a copy. (By the way: Not at all necessary. I never read the whole book, but what I did read, I loved. The main takeaway I got from the book was doing the damned morning pages. What are morning pages? It's fascinating to look back at the stressy, uncertain writing that went into my early pages. When I'm giving my pitch telling someone why this is a great life tool to pull out from time to time -- as I did on Friday night to Emily -- my pitch goes a little like this. 1. 2. 3. Like: I don't want to be married. In the new job, I wanted to prove that I could do it. How to Write First Thing in the Morning.

Photo courtesy of Peter Gene As I write these words, it’s a little after 4:00 a.m. and my wife and kids are sleeping.

How to Write First Thing in the Morning

The house is dark and quiet, with no TV or music playing, no conversation to distract the voice in my head. It’s the perfect writing environment, for me at least. When we write, we are speaking with a voice in our heads, and that voice is communicated through our fingertips and onto paper or the digital whitespace. The more noise that’s around us, the more difficult it is to hear our voice. That’s why the morning has always been my favorite time to write, before anyone awakes, before traffic starts up or the chickens start making crowing noises. Why Write So Early? 13 free writing meters, progress trackers, and word counters. Nov 1 Posted in Deals, steals, and freebies, Tech tips for non-tech folks 13 free writing meters, progress trackers, and word counters Whether you’re trying to keep up with NaNoWriMo or a New Year’s resolution, competing with fellow writers, or just looking for a little extra boost to your public accountability factor, using a visual word count meter can be just the ticket to keep your fingers moving.

13 free writing meters, progress trackers, and word counters

Below are the 13 best places I found to get free word counters for your blog, social profile, or website. (If you see one you like, click the site name in large print to get it for yourself.) Some are simple. With any of these tools, unless noted otherwise, you can manually adjust the number to reflect your own individual writing goal. (Click the bigger, underlined link above each list item to visit any of these sites and get your own meter.). How Julia Cameron’s ‘The Artist’s Way’ changed my life « The Bulb. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to receive inspiration directly in your inbox or sign up to our RSS feed.

How Julia Cameron’s ‘The Artist’s Way’ changed my life « The Bulb

Thanks for visiting! I can’t believe The Bulb has been going two years and I’ve not yet written about the thing that has had the most inspirational effect on my life. In fact, it is no overstatement to say The Artist’s Way changed my life. Three years ago I was slogging away in the wrong job for me: working as an assistant producer for a TV service in a global news organisation in London. On paper the role was great. The effects were tangible: I put on weight. A friend who counselled me through some of my darker days recommended I pick up a copy of The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron. The Artist’s Way is not new. I have given the book to four friends who were creatively blocked, and three have given it a go. The book is essentially a 12-week program for the creatively blocked.