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Think like a coder

Teach Computer Science & Coding to Kids. Tutorials - Happy Coding. Useful websites for programmers. Lists of some useful websites for programmers.

Useful websites for programmers.

Index When you get stuck DEV : It is an online community for sharing and discovering great ideas, having debates, and making friendsCodementor : A mentorship community to learn from fellow developers via live 1:1 help and more.devRant : Community where you can rant and release your stressLearn Anything : Community curated knowledge graph of best paths for learning anythingQuora : A place to share knowledge and better understand the worldStack Overflow : subscribe to their weekly newsletter and any other topic which you find interesting News Magazines MIT Technology Review : MIT's tech review magazine.Nautilus : NewYorker for tech.LWN : Weekly news coverage of opensource technologies, programming, etc. ( Originally Linux Weekly News).

Coding practice for beginners.


Makey Makey. Code Warriors - Hakitzu Battles. Microsoft MakeCode - Home Page. BBC MicroBit. Programmera mera. Tapahtumat – Innokas. 5 Tips for STEM Learning with Sphero Robotics — Vivify. All my middle school students came back to school this year bragging about their newest Christmas gift - a Sphero robot!

5 Tips for STEM Learning with Sphero Robotics — Vivify

Since we have spent the last couple months programming SPRK+ robots in our afterschool Space Club program, I will take this as a positive sign of success! Students love how quickly they can learn to program, never get bored with the endless games and challenges, and have fun showing off their dancing, flashing, spinning robot. Read on for more tips and tricks on teaching with Sphero robots in your classroom, home, or program. As a STEM Director for an afterschool program, I spent countless hours researching the best investment for adding a robotics component to our program. Serving over 200 students, I needed something easy to teach, portable, unbreakable, and fun.

Connection: SPRK+ is easy to set-up and connect via Bluetooth. Kids are most engaged when they choose the activities and have ownership of the learning process.


Kodknäck – Datalogiskt tänkande och programmering på Årstaskolan. Lego Mindstorm. Pencil Code. Robotprogrammering. Bee-Bot. Linda Mannila. är en amerikansk ideell organisation som inledde sin verksamhet 2013.

Linda Mannila

Målsättningen är att avdramatisera programmering och göra det möjligt för så många som möjligt att själva pröva på att programmera. I december 2013 släppte sitt första kodtimmematerial. Rosan koodi. Kodknäck – Datalogiskt tänkande och programmering på Årstaskolan. Parrot Minidrones Rolling Spider, Fly and roll anywhere! Vidareutveckla en Beebot med en pennhållare och en 3D-printer - Väsby Lärlabb. Då förskolorna är igång med sitt utvecklingsarbete kring lärmiljöer har Väsby Lärlabb investerat i lite olika prylar som kan förstärka lärandet inom ett par områden t ex datalogiskt tänkande och en sådan produkt är BeeBot.

Vidareutveckla en Beebot med en pennhållare och en 3D-printer - Väsby Lärlabb

Ett litet bi på hjul som du enkelt kan programmera instruktioner till med knapparna på ryggen, och sedan åker den runt i enlighet med den sekvens som barnet knappat in. Precis när jag håller på att bekanta mig med BeeBot så dyker en tweet upp med en prototyp på en pennhållare till biet. Sagt och gjort. Microsoft Touch Develop - create apps everywhere, on all your devices! Computer Science Education. IFTTT - Connect The Apps You Love. 5 Robotic Gadgets you should buy. OPS2016 ja ohjelmointi - Google Slides. CodeMonkey. The Foos — Fun computer programming for kids. Ohjelmointi perusopetuksessa.

Iis lararhandledning scratch 151022. Looking Glass. Her Code Got Humans on the Moon—And Invented Software Itself. Margaret Hamilton wasn’t supposed to invent the modern concept of software and land men on the moon.

Her Code Got Humans on the Moon—And Invented Software Itself

It was 1960, not a time when women were encouraged to seek out high-powered technical work. Hamilton, a 24-year-old with an undergrad degree in mathematics, had gotten a job as a programmer at MIT, and the plan was for her to support her husband through his three-year stint at Harvard Law. After that, it would be her turn—she wanted a graduate degree in math. But the Apollo space program came along. And Hamilton stayed in the lab to lead an epic feat of engineering that would help change the future of what was humanly—and digitally—possible. As a working mother in the 1960s, Hamilton was unusual; but as a spaceship programmer, Hamilton was positively radical. “People used to say to me, ‘How can you leave your daughter? Then, as now, “the guys” dominated tech and engineering. ‘When I first got into it, nobody knew what it was that we were doing. CodeCombat - Learn how to code by playing a game.

Welcome. Racket Turtle (versio 0.5) Racket Turtle on kehittänyt itselleen kesän aikana uusia taitoja.

Racket Turtle (versio 0.5)

Nyt kynän paksuutta ja viivan tyyliä voi muutella, taustan värin voi vaihtaa ja Turtlelle voi aktivoida myös "leimasintoiminnon". Lisäksi piirtoalueen kokoa ja piirtonopeutta voi säätää. Turtlea voi ohjata myös kävelemään suoraan tiettyyn koordinaattipisteeseen, Turtlelle voi aktivoida peilaustoiminnon ja origon paikan voi säätää haluamakseen. Koodiaapinen - Opettajan opas koodaukseen koulussa. KodTipset. Disney Infinity Play Lab. Yhteiset pelisäännöt. Yhteiset pelisäännöt Koodikummi toimintaa ohjaava tavoite on edesauttaa koodauksessa tarvittavien taitojen opettamista ja oppimista riippumatta siitä kuka opetuksesta vastaa.

Yhteiset pelisäännöt

Lisäksi tavoite on edesauttaa koodauksen opettamiseen pedagogisesti fiksun, avoimen ja laadukkaan sekä monimuotoisen oppimateriaalin syntymistä ja kehittymistä. Tavoitteeseen ei päästä vain tuottamalla laadukasta materiaalia. The Three Best Free Coding Websites for Kids. The Three Best Free Coding Websites for Kids.

The Three Best Free Coding Websites for Kids

From 2012 to 2022, the field of computer science is projected to grow 22%, which is much faster than average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Computer software is a growing field and allows for a great job outlook as well as entrepreneurial potential. As such, coding skills are incredibly useful for today’s students to learn — but it’s not just due to job prospects. Since today’s most interesting tools and platforms can all be manipulated by coding, having coding skills is also a great jumping off point for greater independence creativity. Today there are many resources for people to learn code. . ● Ease of use ● Aesthetics ● Fun ● Effectiveness ● Free Without further ado, the following are the best coding websites we found that was designed especially with kids in mind.

Lärarhandledning i programmering på gång. TKP. Teaching Kids to Code. Every era demands--and rewards--different skills.

Teaching Kids to Code

In different times and different places, we have taught our children to grow vegetables, build a house, forge a sword or blow a delicate glass, bake bread, create a soufflé, write a story or shoot hoops. Now we are teaching them to code. We are teaching them to code, however, not so much as an end in itself but because our world has morphed: so many of the things we once did with elements such as fire and iron, or tools such as pencil and paper, are now wrought in code. We are teaching coding to help our kids craft their future. In this collection we share many different perspectives on coding, from a university professor's vantage point (MIT's Mitch Resnick describes why learning to code is like learning to learn) to an entrepreneur's reflections from his cross-country roadtrip to bring coding--and his stuffed dog--to classrooms across the U.S. Ensiapua ohjelmoinnin opettamiseen peruskoulussa.

6 Highly Recommended Apps For Teaching Programming And Coding Skills To Children. Coding for kids. YouTube. Programmering på lågstadiet. Jag hade inte kunnat föreställa mig att det skulle engarera så.

Programmering på lågstadiet

Men nu hände det. Programmering på Strömsnässkolan. Lektion1Programmering_på_papper_för_lärare.pdf. Mozilla Thimble. Innokas. Koodikirja - Koodikirja. CodeCombat - Learn how to code by playing a game. RoboZZle online puzzle game. Blockly Games. Stencyl. Build Worlds If you're used to graphics editors like Photoshop, you'll feel right at home in the Scene Designer. Familiar features, such as a selection tool, zooming, grid-snapping and flood fill, will help you quickly craft complex worlds out of Actors, Tiles and Terrain.

Create Actors Drop in graphics from your computer to create Actors on the fly. Then use Stencyl's Actor Editor to tweak your Actors' appearances, behaviors and physical properties, and to get them ready for showtime. Browse Game Assets When it comes to game development, most of us aren't Jacks of all trades. Programmering. Happy Nerds - Programming Links for Kids. Kojo Home. Kojo is an open source App that runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac. It is a Learning Environment – with many different features that enable play, exploration, discovery, creation, and learning in the areas of: Computer Programming and Computational thinking. Math and Science. Inductive, Deductive, Systematic, and Analytical thinking.

Art, Music, and Creative thinking. To play with Kojo, you can Download and Install it. Kojo has been developed to provide children an environment where they can do self-directed learning in an interactive fashion – through exploration and discovery. Kodning webb. Teaching Kids to Code. Kodu. Om att hacka läroplanen – Karin Nygårds. Karin Nygårds har haft ett intensivt år där hon kombinerat att vara lärare för åk 3-6 på Sjöstadskolan med föreläsningar och debattinlägg. Aktuell som föreläsare på SETT och vinnare av Trevor Dolan Foundation-priset Årets punkare i skolsverige. Digitalkunskap-1415.pdf. Mind Leap: Education Apps for Kids. Hopscotch - Coding for kids. Lightbot. Kodable: Programming Curriculum for Kids. If you want to change the world, inspire a kid: Carl Bärstad at TEDxVilnius.

Kidshackday. Karin Nygårds. Como App Maker - Create Android and iPhone Mobile Apps. Programmering. Programmering i skolan. Join the largest learning event in history, Dec 8-14, 2014. Koodaustunti. Code Academy. Coding. Programering.