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Treeline Interactive Blog - Articles and interviews about the Internet of Things, mobile apps, hardware and software development. Accueil. Sparking creativity in teams: An executive’s guide. Senior managers can apply practical insights from neuroscience to make themselves—and their teams—more creative.

Sparking creativity in teams: An executive’s guide

Although creativity is often considered a trait of the privileged few, any individual or team can become more creative—better able to generate the breakthroughs that stimulate growth and performance. In fact, our experience with hundreds of corporate teams, ranging from experienced C-level executives to entry-level customer service reps, suggests that companies can use relatively simple techniques to boost the creative output of employees at any level. The key is to focus on perception, which leading neuroscientists, such as Emory University’s Gregory Berns, find is intrinsically linked to creativity in the human brain.

To perceive things differently, Berns maintains, we must bombard our brains with things it has never encountered. Immerse yourself Would-be innovators need to break free of preexisting views. Sparking creativity in teams: An executive’s guide. Big data business intelligence. Fear is boring, and other tips for living a creative life. Creativity is a tricky word.

Fear is boring, and other tips for living a creative life

Consultants peddle it, brands promise it, we all strive for it, often without really knowing quite what “it” really is. Put simply, there’s a lot of snake oil around creativity. But now here’s author Elizabeth Gilbert (TED Talk, Your elusive creative genius) to cut through the guff with her distinctly refreshing take on the topic. For her, we’re all creative souls already, we just need to figure out how to harness inspiration and unleash the creative spirit within. Here, she shares her best pieces of advice for living a meaningfully creative life. 1. Quand une designer s’amuse à imaginer la pire expérience utilisateur possible… Comment développer une culture créative dans votre entreprise ? [mise à jour : nous avons créé un mini-livre en pdf reprenant l’ensemble des 3 articles.

Comment développer une culture créative dans votre entreprise ?

Téléchargez-le ici] Ce post est le dernier d’une trilogie sur le livre Creativity Inc. d’Ed Catmull (président et co-fondateur de Pixar) et Amy Wallace. Le premier article pose les grands principes de la culture d’entreprise chez Pixar. Le deuxième détaille les processus mis en place dans le studio pour stimuler et pérenniser la créativité. Le troisième et dernier article est la traduction intégrale des « pensées pour manager une culture créative » que l’auteur nous délivre à la fin de son ouvrage. Notes aux lecteurs : Certains concepts sont plus facile à appréhender si vous avez lu les articles précédents. Donnez une bonne idée à une équipe médiocre, et elle la gâchera.

Devenir créatif ça s’apprend ! Explore ideas worth spreading. BarCamp. Certaines informations figurant dans cet article ou cette section devraient être mieux reliées aux sources mentionnées dans les sections « Bibliographie », « Sources » ou « Liens externes »(juillet 2014).


Améliorez sa vérifiabilité en les associant par des références à l'aide d'appels de notes. Les participants au premier BarCamp commentent écoutent et suivent sur leurs écrans en simultané. Foldit « Search Results. Pensée latérale. Formations innovantes. LE LIVRE. Coachs et Vous. Comment Walt Disney innovait : le dossier complet Rédigé par Brigitte Roujol Qui peut se targuer d’être à la fois un excellent créatif et un excellent opérationnel ayant le sens des réalités ?

Coachs et Vous

Eh bien Walt Disney ! Nous vous proposons à travers ce dossier de découvrir les stratégies d'innovation de Walt Disney. En effet, chacun de nous peut avoir accès aux compétences des personnes d’exception et utiliser leurs méthodes. Living large: "Takahashi Method" uses king-sized text as a visual. In the Japanese language Nikkei newspaper yesterday I stumbled upon an interesting article featuring stories on people who have started small grassroots movements — however unintentional — by doing something in a unique way.

Living large: "Takahashi Method" uses king-sized text as a visual

One such person is Mr. Masayoshi Takahashi who has gotten a lot of people interested in his unique way of presenting, now labeled the "Takahashi Method. " Takahashi uses only text in his slides. But not just any text — really big text. Huge text. ISPIM Innovation Conference. Preparing Ourselves for Innovation Standards. There has been a continued debate around finding and adopting a set of standards for innovation.

Preparing Ourselves for Innovation Standards

I blow a little hot and cold on this - not dependent on the time of day but the very “force” that is pushing the agenda along. Far, far too many who push for standards often have very narrow agendas, where this fits their commercial purpose and you get the feeling that they are not as aligned to the broader innovation communities as they should be. Le Laboratoire Cambridge. Inspiration Archives - Innovaders. Team-Building Exercises: Creativity - Team Management Tools. Strengthening Creative Thinking in Your Team Balloon sculptures help people drop their defenses and connect. © iStockphoto/JohnathanAustinDaniels Jessica has a great team.

Team-Building Exercises: Creativity - Team Management Tools

Each person she manages is capable, experienced and hard working. But in team meetings, people seem reluctant to share insights and ideas. What's more, even though everyone respects one another's views, they seem afraid to say things that might be perceived as silly, off-the-wall or wrong. Jessica wants her team meetings to buzz with activity. What can Jessica do to invigorate team meetings and give people the confidence to join in and be more creative? This article looks at five team-building activities you can use to strengthen your team members' creative thinking and collaboration skills.

Supporting Creative Thinking Creativity is essential for driving innovation and a commercially competitive spirit. Creativity exercises also help people relax and de-stress. Qu’est-ce que l’Innovation ? Cet article sur l’innovation est un résumé très bref des premiers chapitres du très intéressant Manuel d’Oslo édité par l’OCDE.

Qu’est-ce que l’Innovation ?