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Localization update. Découvrez 5 générateurs pour ajouter des fonctions puissantes à vos Wordpress en toutes simplicités - developpement. Menu_get_object. Drupal - Comment remonter l'icône de flux RSS en haut d'une page de vue Drupal ? Création d'un flux rss personnalisé avec Views. Bonjour, Maintenant que vous savez comment fonctionne Views, nous pouvons avancer un peu plus dans ses possibilités.

Création d'un flux rss personnalisé avec Views

Voyons donc comment créer un flux RSS à l'aide de ce module. Dans cet exemple, le flux rss contiendra les différents articles existants sur mon site de test. Tout d'abord vous vous en doutez, il est nécessaire de créer une vue qui va afficher les contenus de type article. Une fois que vous serez arrivé sur la page de configuration de la vue, vous remarquerez en haut dans le bandeau "Displays", un bouton "Add" vous permettant d'ajouter des éléments à votre vue comme des blocs, ou encore des flux (feed). Tout comme pour la construction d'une vue "page" on retrouve les 3 colonnes décrites dans l'article d'introduction au views. Dans la seconde colonne, le principe est le même que pour une page "views", il faut lui définir une url. Vous pouvez essayer d'accèder à l'URL que vous venez de définir et vous constaterez que votre flux rss et bien présent.

FAQ using Views. Last updated February 29, 2012.

FAQ using Views

Created by xenophyle on July 11, 2011.Edited by wmostrey, cgroche. Log in to edit this page. Here is a recipe for creating a FAQ using nodes and Views. I did this in Drupal 7 but it should work in D6 also, although some steps will be different due to the new D7 user interface. I am using the Administration Menu module with the Administration menu Toolbar style submodule enabled, and my directions to navigate to pages reflect that. Step 1: Create the FAQ content type Step 2: Create some FAQ nodes Go to Content -> Add content -> FAQ.Fill in the question and answer fields and save. Step 3: Create Views Now we will create two views (actually two displays in one view): one for the table of contents and one for the full-body list of the FAQs. Evaluate Drupal projects online. Step by step guide to create an event listing with calendar block in Drupal 6. The contents of this guide is a Drupal 6 adaptation of the guide Step by step guide to create an event listing with calendar block in Drupal 7 Below are the list of steps to create an events listing with a calendar block which filters them.

Step by step guide to create an event listing with calendar block in Drupal 6

Download and enable the required modules latest development build of calendar, date, ctools and views modules (tested with Views 2, but it should easily work with version 3 as well)context and context_ui.features (needed by the feature module mentioned above). Module Filter. Easy Social. Easily add share buttons to your nodes!

Easy Social

Centered in a single place, you don't need to worry in including external javascript libraries, and enabling several social modules. Despite a bunch of other social modules, this module fits exactly if you want simple share buttons without worrying about messy configurations. Easy Social is available both as blocks, attached to nodes, comments and also as a Views field.

FCKeditor. This is a copy of the FCKeditor README.txt.


Please feel free to edit and expand. Overview -------- This module allows Drupal to replace textarea fields with the FCKeditor. This HTML text editor brings many of the powerful functions of known desktop editors like Word to the web. It's relatively lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer. Required components ------------------- To use FCKeditor in Drupal, you will need to download the More information and licence ---------------------------- FCKeditor - The text editor for internet Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:

CKEditor - WYSIWYG HTML editor. This module will allow Drupal to replace textarea fields with the CKEditor - a visual HTML editor, sometimes called WYSIWYG editor.

CKEditor - WYSIWYG HTML editor

This HTML text editor brings many of the powerful WYSIWYG editing functions of known desktop editors like Word to the web. It's very fast and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer. What is CKEditor? CKEditor is the far superior successor of FCKeditor. The editor has been rebranded and completely rewritten.

Some features of the CKEditor module: ready to use plugins and buttons for <! Note for CKEditor 4.1+ users. Coffee. #D8CX: I pledge that Coffee will have a full Drupal 8 release on the day that Drupal 8 is released.


Ever wanted to navigate in the admin with your keyboard? Coffee is the solution. Just type alt+d to start Coffee and type ahead for the page you want to visit. Creating a sub-theme. Sub-themes are just like any other theme, with one difference: They inherit the parent theme's resources.

Creating a sub-theme

There are no limits on the chaining capabilities connecting sub-themes to their parents. A sub-theme can be a child of another sub-theme, and it can be branched and organized however you see fit. This is what gives sub-themes great potential. Imagine starting with a base theme designed as wireframes, then applying and refining all the details from a sub-theme. Then, from the same wireframe, testing out alternate designs by branching out another sub-theme. Dev site settings.php tweaks. Boilerplate 1.0 for Drupal 7: Responsive HTML5 & SASS. Our new theme has just been released!

Boilerplate 1.0 for Drupal 7: Responsive HTML5 & SASS

This theme was developed with a few goals. Great HTML5 support based on the excellent Boilerplate HMTL5 template, full SASS support, and a base fixed/flexible responsive layout similar to Zen but with built in mobile support, all while keeping the code base small. Like Basic, the stripped down version of Zen, this is designed to run alone, not to run as a master theme with sub themes. Features: HTML based on Boilerplate HTML5 and the Boron HTML5 theme provides semantic markup HTML5 elements make your data abstraction make sense and allows for greater reusability in the future.

Caveats: With something this awesome comes the usual disclaimers. SASS requires compiling. SASS / SCSS. This module provides developers with tools to deal with SASS/SCSS stylesheets.


It uses phamlp as a base, but would be better if you used this updated version , PHP port of Haml and Sass, to compile SASS / SCSS files into CSS. The process is entirely automated and does not require special access to the system, (i.e., can be used on minimal featured hosts). The source files can be converted to CSS on every request (for active development) or can be generated once and included in the built in CSS aggregation (production mode).

Active Development: This project is currently under active development and will support first a Drupal 6 version and then a Drupal 7 version. Alternative modules: There are other modules which attempt to provide the same functionality, however they seem to rely on having some sort of system command installed, which is not very friendly to limited access hosting environments, and have other limitations that are noted below. Getting started with Drupal7, Zen, Sass and Compass. With Zen 7.x.5 you can take advantage of new techniques for more efficiently writing CSS. Install Sass Sass is a language that is just normal CSS plus some extra features, like variables, nested rules, math, mixins, etc. If your stylesheets are written in Sass, helper applications can convert them to standard CSS so that you can include the CSS in the normal ways with your theme.

Drupal & Compass.