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The Pathauto module automatically generates URL/path aliases for various kinds of content (nodes, taxonomy terms, users) without requiring the user to manually specify the path alias. This allows you to have URL aliases like /category/my-node-title instead of /node/123 . The aliases are based upon a "pattern" system that uses tokens which the administrator can change. Requirements Versions The 7.x-1.x and 6.x-2.x branches are currently accepting new feature requests and are kept in sync as much as possible. Known issues Multilingual URL alias support is still a little unstable and should be tested before used in production. Recommended modules Redirect (D7) / Path Redirect (D6) when installed Pathauto will provide a new "Update Action" in case your URLs change. Co-Maintainers Pathauto was originally written by mikeryan and maintained by Greg Knaddison (greggles) . Pledges #D8CX : I pledge that Pathauto will have a full Drupal 8 release on the day that Drupal 8 is released. Downloads

Token Tokens are small bits of text that can be placed into larger documents via simple placeholders, like %site-name or [user]. The Token module provides a central API for modules to use these tokens, and expose their own token values. Note that Token module doesn't provide any visible functions to the user on its own, it just provides token handling services for other modules. For Drupal 6, the Token module provides a "Token Actions" module which can be enabled separately. This provides several "actions" for the Drupal core Actions/Trigger modules to use that take advantage of the Token replacement functionality. Modules that use the Token module and provide tokens via the API include Organic Groups, Pathauto, Comment Notify, and Commerce. Pledges #D7CX: The basic token API is now a part of Drupal 7! #D7AX - I pledge to make this module as accessible as it can be.

ImageAPI This API is meant to be used in place of the API provided by You probably do not need to install this module unless another module are you using requires it. It provides no new features to your Drupal site. It only provides an API other modules can leverage. Currently GD2 and ImageMagick support are distributed with ImageAPI. This module is specifically for Drupal 6 and older. Differences from Drupal core's Images are objects.Images are not written on each image operation and must be explicitly closed when processing is complete. Related Modules Transliteration Provides one-way string transliteration (romanization) and cleans file names during upload by replacing unwanted characters. Generally spoken, it takes Unicode text and tries to represent it in US-ASCII characters (universally displayable, unaccented characters) by attempting to transliterate the pronunciation expressed by the text in some other writing system to Roman letters. According to Unidecode, from which most of the transliteration data has been derived, "Russian and Greek seem to work passably. Do I need to use transliteration for uploaded files? This question can't be generally answered, rather it depends on what you want to do with user submitted file uploads. you let users upload files to your site and offer these files as download without PHP processing, and you're on Drupal 6 or later, and not using a Windows-based web server. However, whenever you want to process uploaded files on the server, you most likely need transliteration. Credits Authors: Stefan M. Current maintainer:

Printer, e-mail and PDF versions This module allows you to generate the following printer-friendly versions of any node: Printer-friendly version (webpage format) (at version (at version (at by email (at where nid is the node id of content to render. Important: The current versions of the module require at least Drupal 6.11 or 7.0. They will not work in older versions. By editing the default print.css or specifying your own CSS file and/or the print.tpl.php files, it is possible to change the look of the output page to suit your taste. Drupal 6: print[_html|_mail|_pdf][.node-node-type].tpl.php located in either the current theme or the module directory. Drupal 7: print[--html|--mail|--pdf][--node--node-type].tpl.php located in the current theme directory. Where node-type is Drupal's node type (e.g. page, story, etc.). You must install one of the following third-party tools to generate PDFs:

Chaos tool suite (ctools) This suite is primarily a set of APIs and tools to improve the developer experience. It also contains a module called the Page Manager whose job is to manage pages. In particular it manages panel pages, but as it grows it will be able to manage far more than just Panels. For the moment, it includes the following tools: Plugins -- tools to make it easy for modules to let other modules implement plugins from .inc files.

Page Title The word "title" is a bit overloaded. Every piece of content in Drupal has a title, and so does every page. The page title is the one found in the HTML head inside the <title> tag. This module gives you granular control over the page title. Page Title 2 What features are in Page Title 2? Token Integration: This module integrates with the fantastic Token module. Handy modules which work with Page Title There are now a few modules which help you use Page Title to get the best out of your SEO. Content Optimizer - provides you with an inline keyword analysis of your content.SEO Friend - Generate reports of content SEO across the site (eg, which pages are missing Page Titles or Meta Tags) Testing The Drupal 6 and 7 branches now both come equipped with a SimpleTest. Page Title API Introduced in version 2.4, the module now has an API. The 3 hooks are: hook_page_title_pattern_alter(&$pattern, &$types)hook_page_title_alter(&$title)hook_page_title_settings() Drupal version specific notes Drupal 5 Drupal 6

Views You need Views if You like the default front page view, but you find you want to sort it differently. You like the default taxonomy/term view, but you find you want to sort it differently; for example, alphabetically. You use /tracker, but you want to restrict it to posts of a certain type. You like the idea of the 'article' module, but it doesn't display articles the way you like. Views can do a lot more than that, but those are some of the obvious uses of Views. Views for Drupal 8 Views is in Drupal 8 Core! Recommended versions of Views! For new installs of Drupal 6, we recommend the 6.x-3.x branch. The 6.x-2.x branch of Views is in critical/security maintenance mode only. Dependencies The Drupal 7 version of Views requires the Chaos Tool Suite also known as CTools. Views' bug squad The Views' bug squad is a group of people who have dedicated a few hours a week to help provide support and fix bugs in the issue queue. Views documentation Sponsorship This project is sponsored by IO1.

Taxonomy Manager This module provides a powerful interface for managing taxonomies. A vocabulary gets displayed in a dynamic tree view, where parent terms can be expanded to list their nested child terms or can be collapsed. The Taxonomy Manager has following operations and key features: dynamic treeviewmass deletingmass adding of new termsmoving of terms in hierarchiesmerging of terms (using the Term merge module in 7.x)fast weight changing with up and down arrows (and AJAX saving)AJAX powered term editing formsimple search interfaceCSV Export of termsi18n support for multilingual vocabularies (per language terms)Double Tree interface for moving terms in hierarchies, adding new translations and switching terms between different vocabularies For using the Taxonomy Manager you should have JavaScript and automatically load of images enabled in your browser. This is a Google Summer of Code 2007 project. Credits: The project has been sponsored by

Block Class Block Class allows users to add classes to any block through the block's configuration interface. By adding a very short snippet of PHP to a theme's block.tpl.php file, classes can be added to the parent <div class="block ..."> element of a block. Installing the Drupal 7.x version Enable the moduleTo add a class to a block, simply visit that block's configuration page at Administration > Structure > Blocks Installing the Drupal 6.x version (6.x-1.3) Enable the moduleAdd this snippet to your theme's block.tpl.php file (see detailed instructions below): <? How to add the PHP snippet (7.x-2.x, 7.x-1.x, 6.x-1.3 or lower) Here's the first line of the Garland theme's block.tpl.php prior to adding the code: <div id="block-<? And here's what the code should look like after adding the snippet:For 7.x-2.x: <div id="block-<? For 7.x-1.x, 6.x-1.3 or lower: <div id="block-<? IMPORTANT: Remember to separate the PHP snippet from the existing markup with a single space. Installing the Drupal 6.x dev version

Huge List of the Best Drupal 6 & 7 SEO & Social Media Modules | Posted November 19th, 2010 by Brian Gilley If you're managing one or many Drupal websites you probably use at least one or a few Drupal modules to achieve some website optimization. Search engine friendly URLs, Twitter integration, optimized page titles, and so on are just a few of the most common enhancements performed by Drupal users. There are many beneficial modules that will improve the indexation and page ranking of your Drupal website, not to mention bring in more visitors, increase social networking, and better align user actions such as purchasing a product or filling out a membership form. Last, many Drupal theme customers will ask us what modules are the best or how to add social media icons and links to their Drupal website. Page Title - The page title module improves the HTML header tag which shows up in the <title> location. Want more advanced SEO and tools to make sure yo're website is even more optimized? Drupal SEO Pack (our own module!) Updated: July 11, 2011

Title While working on the new content translation system for Drupal 7, we (the Drupal core i18n team) faced the need to convert node titles to the Field API in order to make nodes fully translatable. We were not able to make this happen in Drupal 7 core (#557292: TF #3: Convert node title to fields and #571654: Revert node titles as fields), so we decided to find a solution for this in contrib: the idea is replacing node titles with fields à la Automatic Nodetitles. This will be exploited by the related Entity Translation project. Dependencies Title requires core version at least 7.15. Usage After enabling the module as usual, visit the Manage fields page of the content type, taxonomy vocabulary or "comment type" which you wish to replace fields of and click the replace link. Bug fixing policy This project is maintained mainly through voluntary and sponsored work, this means our resources are limited. Ideally every bug report should meet the guidelines to create a good report. Credits

40+ Essential Drupal Modules If you are new to drupal, then this list is for you. These are some of the best of the best drupal modules. Everything from standard framework modules, to location and mapping is covered. Note that if you've been emersed in drupal for some time, than this will be "old news". The Big Three "The big three" are important enough that they deserve a category of their own. Content Construction Kit (CCK) - Part of drupal 7; still a contrib in drupal 6. I believe Panels + CCK & Views is a hint at what drupal will look like 3 years into the future. For Administration Sanity Admin Menu - Quick Dropdown menu to all admin areas. Content and SEO Pathauto - Automatically create human readable URLS from tokens. Navigation Menu Block - Lets you split menus into separate blocks based on depth. WYSIWYG Editors + Image Uploading WYSIWYG API - The standard integration module. Video and Image Handling Filefield - Base CCK file upload field. User Profile, Ratings & Notifications Stuff Marketers Will Love Ecommerce

Entity API This module extends the entity API of Drupal core in order to provide a unified way to deal with entities and their properties. Additionally, it provides an entity CRUD controller, which helps simplifying the creation of new entity types. Requirements Drupal 7.2 or later; suggested Drupal >= 7.15 Documentation You can find documentation in the handbooks. Overview For site-builders This is an API module, so it doesn't provide any end-user features. A Views display plugin and field to render or link to any entity (by view-mode)A CTools content plugin to render any entity (by view-mode)It ships with the Entity tokens module which makes sure there are tokens for most entity properties and fields, i.e. it provides token replacements for all entity properties (or fields) that have no tokens and are known to the entity module (read about the entity property info API below). For developers Changes Credits The project has been sponsored by Maintainer Wolfgang Ziegler (fago)
