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Drupal is not a CMS. "Drupal is supposed to be the best CMS ever!

Drupal is not a CMS

So why doesn't it come with a simple news or event system? " We hear that line in one form or another from clients all the time. We also hear it from fellow collaborators within the Drupal community. It's a fair criticism, too. Shouldn't a content management system include some definition of, well, what content to manage? Distribution project. Audience: Site administrators, Developers and coders, Documentation contributors, Themers For government and public policy organizations, open source only works if it’s built for the security, accessibility, and flexibility requirements of the public sector.

Distribution project

The open government and open data initiatives provide ample opportunities for innovation in web applications and data visualization. But without security and accessibility measures that we can trust, our “open” goals cannot be achieved. EMBridge. The EMBridge module, created and maintained by staff at DPCI, extends the image management functionalities of Drupal by connecting it to EnterMedia, an open-source digital asset management system distributed under the GNU General Public License, used to search, manage, reuse, and track all digital files.


The EMBridge Module integrates Drupal Web content management with Entermedia digital asset management, allowing you to: There are two components to the EMBridge Module: Entermedia main module – enables Drupal to connect with your Entermedia system for upload and search of digital assetsEntermedia asset – adds the Entermedia Asset field type to CCK so that this field can be added to any content type for associating digital assets with your content Prerequisites: Drupal 6.x and Drupal 7.xEntermedia 7.x and Entermedia 8.0. Social bookmarking. Providing buttons to vote for blog posts in social bookmarking services has become quite popular with many bloggers.

Social bookmarking

In theory, they are a good way to gain exposure and attract more visitors. In reality, these buttons often just turn out to be more or less advertising for the social service itself rather than for one's blog and may even be seen as attention whoring by visitors, when overdone. ZURB Foundation. Do you like grid systems?

ZURB Foundation

How about rapid prototyping? Do you believe in mobile first? Services. Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Rose Melikan. I wanted to import data into Drupal from elsewhere - in my case, from XML exported by another system.

Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Rose Melikan

Perhaps the easiest way to interface with Drupal at a simple level is to use the Services module. This lets you, for example, create applications in other languages which can create, list, or update Drupal content. There is a mix of documentation for it, some of which is a bit dated. FillPDF. What does this module do?


Most PDF modules generate PDFs from scratch; FillPDF is not one of those modules. Instead, it lets you fill in existing editable PDFs with data from your Drupal site. Editable PDFs are those forms that let you type into them. Read more. A demo is available. Announcements Ubercart 3 support (Drupal 7)! 7.x-2.x is the development release series Current roadmap: #1883256: 7.x-2.x roadmap (still open for comments) UUID Entity Autocomplete. Salsa Entity. Exposes Salsa objects as entities to Drupal.

Salsa Entity

Doing that allows close integration with various modules like Rules and Entity Reference. The goal is to replace the public user interface of Salsa CRM completely, integrate it neatly into a Drupal website and allowing customizations through standard Drupal API's and concepts (e.g. hook_form_alter()). Features (Work in progress, not everything is completely working yet) Mailmon - email volume monitoring. Admin Alert. This module was created specifically to fill some needs for the Local Baha'i Community Website Incubator distribution, but I felt that it might have a wider application so I'm contributing it.

Admin Alert

It currently has two functions: 1. Optionally alters administrative emails so that they are sent to all users who have administrative roles, instead of to the site email address. Many of our sites have a no-reply address as their site email; with this module, the proper site administrators will be notified of things like new accounts created. 2. This module is still in the early phases of development, and although released versions will be used on a number of production websites, there are several ideas for further development, and now is a good time for feature requests and consultation on implementation. Tor (anonymity network) About the project This module is 3rd party integration with Tor (anonymity network).You have to be Drupal developer to use this module.

Tor (anonymity network)

Tor (short for The onion router) is a system intended to enable online anonymity. Tor client software routes Internet traffic through a worldwide volunteer network of servers to conceal a user's location or usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace Internet activity, including "visits to Web sites, online posts, instant messages and other communication forms", back to the user and is intended to protect users' personal freedom, privacy, and ability to conduct confidential business by keeping their internet activities from being monitored. Context UUID. Themes. Pixture Reloaded is a re-colorable theme powered by Adaptivetheme and inherits all its features such as mobile support, highly configurable layout, responsive menus and many theme settings.

PR in D8 has received a bit of brush up in styles, no longer has a fixed height header and is more streamlined in terms of color options. The goal has been to make a theme that is cleaner looking, easier to modify and overall less effort to maintain. The Drupal 8 version also allows you to clone the theme should you want to make major changes - use the Theme Generator that ships with Adaptivetheme D8. PR uses the color module (like Bartik). #1 Creating a Drupal 7 custom theme from an HTML template. Drupal Modules, Simplified.

The Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal.